Thread: goodbye bb
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Old 05-02-2006, 04:43 AM   #4
brace! brace!
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Model: 8700g
Posts: 43

Sad to hear the BlackBerry hasn't worked out for you. I'm onto my third now (an 8700g which I got about 3 weeks ago) and I couldn't be happier, even though I am a Mac user of many years now.

I've had Palm's in the past but the PDA on the BB kills anything that I've used in the past. I've tried my friends' Treos, Windows Mobiles etc but I find they still don't cut it against the BB. I agree with you the phone features have been a bit lacking over the years but RIM is almost there now. Things like Voice Dialling are something which I've never used in a phone so for me I don't notice these features missing.

In defence of the BlackBerry:

- PDF, Word and Excel viewing is available free of charge through eFile. No "crazy subscription service" is needed.

- Yes Bluetooth is limited to secure services but as a Mac user you should appreciate the difference between having a device which is secure by default (like Mac OS X) versus devices which are open to exploitation (eg Windows).

- eOffice does not require Windows. Remember it's a wireless device.

- There's heaps of 3rd party software to choose from. The only software which I want which isn't available is a Chinese <-> English dictionary. I've been using a free web based one but I've decided to port this myself so I can access it when I am flying so eventually I'll get around this too.

The BB isn't just a smartphone replacement - it's the ORIGINAL SMARTPHONE; and still the best. Feature for feature it still beats the competition in ease of use, stability, email (of course!!), The phone features are not limited by a long shot. Apart from Voice Dialling, I can't really think of any missing useful features (not that I would use it anyway). PDA support is stronger than ever. If you think this is limited, I'll send you my old Palm Pilot and then you'll know what a limited PIM is!!

So, yes, you should consider carefully before choosing your next device. It's important to remember how important battery life is and just how important the interface is with ease of use for beginners and the use of key shortcuts so advanced users can get things done quicker than ever (without one of those stupid touch screens).

Just my 20c worth. Good luck with your new device. Hope it suits you better.

brace! brace!