Thread: 8800 or iPhone?
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Old 01-11-2007, 11:36 PM   #105
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It's a consumer model no keyboard no pim calender runs tha same ol appl propitary garbage.$600 for that you could buy a decent treo wich by the way is a big wardriver target. Nokias can get hacked to because they run symbian. If this becomes common place to expect the Iphone to be a wardriver target as well. $600 for that device will put it out of average consumer price range. Also the memory is not upgradable? Pass at least rim is making the ram upgradable now $600 efectivly pices it out of the consumer market cinular will prbaly have to dop so frankins if they expect there CSR's to sell it for that price.

The avrage consumer is not going to pay more than 300 for a phone like that they would sooner buy a treo.Bill gates has more marketing sense then that. I hope dvd john cracks this device too ( he alredy cracked the dvd encyption the itunes code aand the ipod software) I'm sticking with the crack berry. For thos who jump ship an get stucuk with buggy devices we are entitled to mock you. Lol