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Old 05-02-2007, 04:19 PM   #85
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Where the streets have no name
Model: 8100
Carrier: TMobile
Posts: 16

Well, one more strike goes against Verizon: It appears that their EVDO service is no longer considered "unlimited", the word is that it's capped at 5GB/month. Now, while I don't think most of us would fill that limit but there are times when I need to download an .ISO of some software and considering Exchange Server 2007 Beta ISO is around 3GB, that would deplete my limit rather quickly. Besides, I *HATE* the silver look of VZ 8830 BB. So, looks like I'm gonna wait until July to go to Sprint.

...I never liked Verizion anyway. No, I'm lying. I've always STRONGLY DISLIKED them. No... here I go lying again. I FRIGGIN HATE HATE HATE Verizon.

Ok. I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent. ;)