Thread: unlock the 8830
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Old 07-07-2007, 10:11 AM   #17
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jun 2007
Model: 8830
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 23
Default Update - I SUCCESSFULLY Unlocked my 8830

Its true, with the help of verizon I did unlock the damn thing this morning. It took some fighting though because I wrote an e-mail to verizon explaining how pissed I was about them saying that the unlock codes were unavailable when sprint's 8830 is unlocked. Last night they e-mailed me back and were very nice. they gave the form to fill out and had me fax it in and from that point it was a waiting game. Today about 10:45am they called me back (and global support is not usually open on weekends) and gave me the code and walked me through the process of unlocking the phone. Just an FYI, the MEPD code does not work, you have to enter MEP2 to bring up the dialog to enter the code. So now my 8830 is unlocked. If anyone doubts it I will post pics if you like. I hope this helps some of you but if you are told the codes are unavailable... its BULL S*IT!

Edit: They only give the code if you paid outright for the phone (full retail). If you did the upgrade and got the discount I dont think they will give you the code without charging a fee or something.

Last edited by BlondeBoyL; 07-07-2007 at 10:13 AM..
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