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Old 07-18-2007, 06:10 PM   #10
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jul 2007
Model: none
Carrier: VZW
Posts: 23

Well, good to know it works!

I think I may wait 14 days until iMobimac comes out and see if that is a reliable modem program. If so, I guess I'll try and sucker VZW into getting me a cheap/free 8830, and test it out for a little bit.

One more question, what aobut syncing to 2 computers? I have my MBP and my Mac Pro, and I'd like to keep both up to date. Is there a way to get only the most recent stuff to overwrite? (EX: If I update something on my MacBook Pro, sync it to my BB, and then sync it to my Mac Pro, that most recent event/contact shows up on all three. If I update something on the Mac Pro, it does the same thing, or if I update the BB, it will copy to both)

Last edited by BiikeMike; 07-18-2007 at 06:13 PM..