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Old 12-28-2007, 03:45 PM   #13
Alex Alexzander
No longer Registered.
Join Date: May 2007
Model: 8310
PIN: 2434CB8D
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 171

I don't trust those bars at all. They merely mean the a signal is present. From my technical point of view, it's like saying the internet should work flawlessly because I can ping the router and get a low latency return on the TTL count. If you're technical as I am, you'll understand what I mean by that. Great signal is only a small part of the whole process. It's the first step, but not at all the whole package.

I got back to what I said, if a lot of folks were missing 3 out of 4 SMS messages, you'd hear about it quickly. I personally send well over 1,500 SMS messages in a month. Some times as many as 200 in a single day. If I were missing just 10 out of the 200, I'd know it. But if I were missing 150 out of 200, it would be unmistakable. I hope that makes sense. Because somewhere in the process, your phone is saying it's been delivered, or has not been delivered. That needs to be traced to fully understand where the problem truly are. I can't say it is the phone, and doubt it is to be honest. I think it is more likely the network.

You should be able to take the 8320 back to where you bought and get another one. They come with a 30 day policy so you can make sure it is to your satisfaction. Did anyone else tell you that, and if yes, did you try that?

What I am trying to say is, I don't think it is all 8320s. A lot of people would be screaming murder if that were the case. Something odd is indeed going on. But consider the facts. You tried another type of phone and it worked with your network. So that sort of says the network appears to work well. And others have the same 8320, manufactured off the same assembly line, and they use t-mobile, and their not experiencing the same problem. So if it's not the phone in general, and not the network, what is left? The answer is, it could be that specific phone. Perhaps dropped, perhaps something is lose, perhaps it's an honest lemon. That certainly happens. rare, but it does happen. Perhaps it's some combination of that phone in your specific area, and thus others in other areas are not seeing it. Perhaps it roaming and that may have something to do with it.

Without it happening to me it's hard to say as I don't see the symptoms as you do. I only know what you tell me. Did you notice this happens in specific geographies for example. Like my office, as I was saying, has a problem with Sprint. Leave me office and it works. But in my office, sprint seems to fall apart. Who knows why, it just does. AT&T is office friendly for me, so I went with that.

Anyway, I am not trying to anger you. I am more curious than anything else. Just because my experience with a close cousin phone has been so spectacular.


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