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Old 01-22-2008, 12:54 PM   #4
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Keep in mind as well that RIM prides itself on email and wireless sync. Everything else is secondary, especially it's media player abilities. Comapred to Apple, RIM is not a media driven company and is not near their level. But it's not RIM's business either. The BlackBerry out performs any device in it's class on what it's basically designed for, email. The iPhone has great browsing and media but it can't compete in the wireless sync or email world to a BlackBerry. That is not Apple's bread and butter.

It's fair to say that the iPhone matches it's companies business needs as n much as RIM's business needs.

Besides, the more features they add the more memory and battery life they use. And the iPhone is nowhere as small as most BlackBerries.

It really depends on what you need a device for.

Just my .002
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