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Old 03-17-2008, 03:46 PM   #2
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Nov 2007
Model: 8300
Carrier: at&t
Posts: 122

Hi scott, I'm trying to find my post by here is the update so far:

wow what a day. so the lawyer first briefed me and told me I had to take the stand. She told me the kid's mom was not supposed to be near the kid because she is a substance abuser, and there was an order of protection against her.

So she said his lawyer will ask me questions of course to make it seem like I didn't have a good look at the kid.

So we get in their and my lawyer ask me questions, and I explain everything and the damages to the bb.

His lawyer then says so U say he was behind you, how come you did not hear him? Where you on the phone, or pre-occupied somehow? I said I had my ipod headphones in. She says ok, so he was behind you so u did not get a good look at him? I said he was behind me at first, and he came in front of me when he actually got the phone.
She then asked if I was in heels chasing him. I said no I was in Ugg boots!
Then she asked since my phone is damaged am I going to get it serviced? I said well att does not provide insurance and for damages from your client I myself will have to buy a new one. She asked a few more questions, but basically they know of course he did it. However now he will take the stand. so the saga continues next wednesday same time.
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