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Old 04-25-2008, 08:22 PM   #25
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: May 2007
Model: 8830
Carrier: verizon
Posts: 274

I think you have to approach the issue from a business perspective. What does Sprint have that would add to the bottom line of a company. I think someone earlier made the point, a valid point, two different frequency systems, etc. and the cost of switching everyone over.

I would think another company has to be thinking what spectrum does Sprint have, what infrastructure, etc. (what assets....i.e. real estate, equipment, intellectual property, etc.) Another company has to see Sprints customer base as an asset but I can't see that alone as the reason to spend billions of dollars.

When it comes right down to it what helps the bottom line rules the day and if Spprint has crappy customer service (be it real or perceived) and that hurts Sprints public bottom line then maybe leaving Sprint to its own demise serves the others self interest.

Lastly and I admit some ignorance of this, I thought I saw somewhere here that Sprint is a #3 carrier. That is no small change. That's billions of dollars on the closing of that purchase and sale.

It's kind of like politics...they want you to think you matter but really.....AND I AM NOT STARTING A POLITICAL DISCUSSION! Just making a point.
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