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Old 09-17-2004, 04:39 AM   #18
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 232

Originally Posted by iRoninTMO
My postulation is simply that it's easy to ship a Bluetooth device that connects with more than just a headset,
Postulation, that sounds so much more impressive than unfounded guess now doesn't it.

now as far as security concerns go, I think they'd be better off shipping the device WITH that fucntionality, however leave it off by default. Give the user the OPTION of being able to wirelessly sync with their computer would be nice. Corporate users could keep it locked off, prosumers and the like could use it fully while RIM sorts out fully securing the BT
So basically, you'd like them to spend a significant time ensuring that a feature worked when their core customers could not trust it enough to use it and rim would still be liable for any fallout from security flaws in that feature. You are also overlooking the fact that they were clearly working to a very strict deadline in order to get this product released and approved in order for it to be available before christmas.

Also, for a product to use the bluetooth logo it has to be certified by an independent body, so any issues found in these extra bluetooth options would also delay certification for the core bt functionality and could have delayed shipping.