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Old 09-10-2005, 07:53 AM   #42
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Middle of Nowhere, USA
Model: 7290
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by ajg
Given that the 7250 is apparently EVDO ready and this new 8700 series will most likely be EVDO too, does anyone think Verizon will release a EVDO update for the 7250? Or will they keep it 1xRTT so people upgrade to the 8700 series? I just bought my 7250 and am totally in love with it... as much as I like to get the latest and greatest technology I do not yet want to part with my 7250. I know that's how technology goes, buy it today, outdated tomorrow, but I'd just like to hold onto my 7250 for sedimental reasons. After all it popped my Blackcherry. (HAHA... is anyone going to get that lame joke? I still have my original Palm Vx... I can't get rid of it despite having owned four other PDA's since then; it was my first)
7250 will definetly have EVDO. I got a preview of the EVDO feature last week on the 7250 and it was sweet. Wish they could have left it with me, but they wouldn't. They were talking another 6-8 weeks before commercial release and saying that it hasn't finished their cetrification process yet.
