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Old 06-21-2007, 07:34 AM   #34
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Model: 8800
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 76

Seeing the presentation made by the CEO of apple looked all good, slick graphics, accurate reponse. But in my experience revolutionary products like this have huge amount of gremlins. Every device I have trialled thats xxx8220;newxxx8221; turned out to be cr*p (excessive I know) but in honesty itxxx8217;s the reliable tried and tested firmware/software that generally wins through. N95 symbian wohoo.. Rubbish! Return rate 11% and rising should be higher but people donxxx8217;t use all aspects of the phone.HTC Tytn HSDPA? Jog on it kills it! Another revolutionary device that failed R&D/quality control need to do more work before releasing these devises. My first BB device was an 8700 god dam bomb proof loved it. Got a 8800 and a pearl pearl is dreadfully flawed have had to return tons of them. I see this was BB attempt at a media based phone in essence there prototype which they wanted to gauge how the market would respond to a BB with Media functions on it,, hence the recent release of the 88 and 83.

Iphone I can see having huge issues and to be honest itxxx8217;s a different market audience.
Too much software functionality cramend into a tiny device ka-booooom!! Crash error!
Non removeable battery?? What thexxx8230;..?