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Old 09-30-2005, 11:46 AM   #21
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I am a “newbie” and have been a BB user for only 1 year. I have been lurking for months, reading, learning and trying to absorb. I understand only 6.625% to 7% of the technical stuff but I am still able to use a BB. I love this forum because it is easy to navigate and I find –most- of my answers (without posting a dumb or repete question).

The trouble with forums like this one is there are Technical Idiots like me and a few Technical BB Professionals like the ones annoyed by dumb questions from Technical Idiots.

I made a post this week trying to solve a question I had, I held off for weeks until I had read everything possible. I was sure I would get a reply “use the search button”. Before my Post, I searched, searched some more, searched other Forums and came to a dead end. Turned out it was my dumb 7750 so a bought a 7250 and the problem was solved.

The only way I learn anything is by reading the questions asked by the technical dummies ....... the discussions by the experts are way over my head.

I am an active member on 2 other forums that I am an "expert" on the subject and the same thing goes on there too. Lots of repeat questions and the crowd piling on these new folks. I was not born an expert but I learned from reading the posts that tended to irritate the folks who had been around.

I would not be offended if the owners of the Forum put me on probation for 10 posts, I have at least 10 questions to ask. Heck, keep me on probation until someone determines I am ready to be unsupervised.

Seriously, the bottom line is that this forum is the leading source of information on BB’s. I appreciate having access to it very much.

Thank you everyone.

Old 09-30-2005, 12:17 PM   #22
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Well I am not going to comment on Corey because I found him more right than not a little gruf but right.. but I will say this if you dont enter the right thing in the search you come up with more threads that have nothing to do with the question at hand.

I find my self more and more pming people questions so I dont get flamed because the search was way to damned vague, I mean you type in verichat and it pulls up every thread where verichat is ever mentioned and have to go through the web messenger threads the ramble threads and so on and so forth.

I admin two other forums that regulate the first 10 posts as well and we have never had any complaints. If the guy or girl seems to know what they are talking about in the first post we remove the moderation on them right away. But we also tell them when they sign up they will be moderated.
Old 09-30-2005, 02:18 PM   #23
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I know a little, far from as much as the experts around here, but a little.

If I have the time to respond to a new person's question, I do it. After I answer the question, I point 'em at some related threads, and recommend a search for more details. I try to do this once or twice a month, just to repay this forum for helping me not so long ago.

If I don't have the time, I leave them alone. Responses like "SEARCH YOU MORON!" only make people mad and drive potential contributors away. The people who won't/can't use the search effectively won't become better because we dump on them.

Now if only I could get the search button to tell me if I should upgrade the OS on my 7100g ....
Old 09-30-2005, 03:14 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry
Corey has been given a 7 day time out.
Would that prevent him from responding to a PM? I sent him one this morning but never got a response.
Old 09-30-2005, 03:16 PM   #25
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Yup. Offline since a little after 11AM EDT.

P.S. I hate <HATE> doing that...
Old 09-30-2005, 03:34 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry
Yup. Offline since a little after 11AM EDT.

P.S. I hate <HATE> doing that...

That was right after I sent him a PM. Here were a few things I mentioned to him that I thought might be a help. Quoting myself, "Like you, I hate having to ask for help. I would rather figure something out for myself. But everyone is different. There are many people who like to use technology but don't necessarily care to understand it. I would say that quite a few BB users are sales people who tend to look more at the big picture rather than the details. My boss, for example, bought a BB but didn't have a clue how to use it. He had me buy one for myself so I could figure out how to make it work and then set his up. He didn't have the time or patience to figure it all out. Does this mean he shouldn't have a BB? Not at all. He probably uses his more than I use mine. It is a tool to him and a very useful one. However he is the type that does not want to spend more than 5 minutes getting something to work before asking for help or just not bothering with it anymore. But he's not gonna visit some forum to get help, he's gonna call me or one of my co-workers."

I think if people would ask questions in the right spirit and not in a "give me an answer now or go screw yourself attitude " there would someone who is glad to help even if the question has been asked many times before.

Bottom line though is that we can all be civil to one another and ought to be.

Old 09-30-2005, 03:37 PM   #27
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NJBB Corey asks if you will email him please
Old 10-01-2005, 03:37 PM   #28
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...and the drama continues...
Old 10-01-2005, 04:13 PM   #29
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I still think this is a good idea... and to boot... I know secrets now.

Old 10-01-2005, 04:42 PM   #30
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welcome back corey
Old 10-02-2005, 09:01 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Jim2991
The trouble with forums like this one is there are Technical Idiots like me and a few Technical BB Professionals like the ones annoyed by dumb questions from Technical Idiots.

The only way I learn anything is by reading the questions asked by the technical dummies ....... the discussions by the experts are way over my head.

Seriously, the bottom line is that this forum is the leading source of information on BB’s. I appreciate having access to it very much.

Thank you everyone.

My $0.02. There is a segment of the bbforums population that are not experts (I like the way Jim put it, Technical Idiots ). I fit that category. I don't work in any computer related business. I travel a lot and have a bb and love it (the usual addiction that everyone talks about). It's the most amazing little gadget I've ever owned. I was the first one in the field in my company to own one.

On bbforums, I've mostly lurked and learned. When I joined, there was NO WAY I would have hit new topic. Especially after seeing some of the flameouts. Because of my limited expertise, I will rarely be able to help someone. Even if I could answer a question, I am reluctant to do so since there are thousands of people (way to go Guess, moderators, et. al. ) on here that are more knowledgable.

So I lurk and learn (and use the search button a ton).

And then there's the off topic lounge. I do post frequently in that forum. Hell, I joked about leaving newbie status just by talking about SEC football (that's exactly what happened). Search my posts and you will see that I don't contribute to the forum what I get out of it.

I hope there's a place on bbforums for folks like me. I do feel welcomed here. I'm almost unhappy that I did find this place. Since now I'm addicted to not only a bb but a website too.

P.S. Monitoring the first 10 posts would not have bothered me at all. I would have welcomed it. But the moderators would have been bored with my posts, big time.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. CD

Last edited by mriff; 10-02-2005 at 11:00 AM..
Old 10-02-2005, 10:09 AM   #32
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If everyone was like you and took the time to lurk and learn, for whatever reason, there would be no reason for me to get frustrated.

Was it hard for you to search and find the answers you were looking for? I think you should be an example of the 'way to do things'. Obviously, you as a self confessed non-tech person have learned and helped yourself, Dawg has done the exact same thing as you, and he works in construction. There is no reason why other people can't do the same.

Whether or not the mods would be bored or not, it would be their job, that comes with the priveledge of being a mod. In the end, I think if the time was spent to keep redundant posts off the forum, I think this place would be much better than it is... there wouldn't be arguments, there wouldn't be the same question, answered over and over, especially when people do search.

Maybe a new forum called 'Time tested answers to most problems' in addition to the FAQ section would be a good idea. Format it so that the topic is the question or problem at hand, and then have the answer, maybe with screenshots or something in there.

Either way... I think it's incredible how many people are actually agreeing with me about the thought of moderating the first 10 posts, heck, it would probably make this place seem more friendly...

How about this... allow new memebers to post in off topic, site related, etc. But not in the general forum or any of the technical forums. Have those posts moderated.

Old 10-03-2005, 05:33 AM   #33
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My $0.02. There is a segment of the bbforums population that are not experts (I like the way Jim put it, Technical Idiots ). I fit that category. I don't work in any computer related business. I travel a lot and have a bb and love it (the usual addiction that everyone talks about). It's the most amazing little gadget I've ever owned. I was the first one in the field in my company to own one.

Your post is an example of the point I was trying to make earlier. BB Forums is a great service to techies and non-techies. I think there is certainly a place for guys like you on this forum whether you contribute answers to questions or not. I like to be able to help others, although I would rather defer to those who are more knowledgable than me than give bad advice.

Oh, and welcome back corey.
Old 10-03-2005, 06:56 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by rta53
Oh, and welcome back corey.
Thanks man... 7 days away from this place... seemed like forever... I was like laying in bed shaking uncontrollably, cold sweats, clammy skin... it was aweful. But I did get the rest of my garage insulated and drywalled. Now I just have to do all the mudding, sanding and painting.

Crazy! it's all crazy!

Old 10-05-2005, 03:26 PM   #35
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Here's this newbie's $0.02:

I'm not an IT guy, but my BB is vital to my work and I've learned a ton on this site. In return for that knowledge, I expect to get slapped around a bit if I post something off-topic or otherwise just plain stupid.

In fact, I got taunted after my first post, but it was well-deserved (totally off topic). The two guys who teased me did it in a funny way. It made me laugh, but also made me realize how easy it is to waste people's time here.

So, I don't know if probation is necessary, but it doesn't seem all that bad if handled correctly. (Heck, we're called "Newbie" now, right? Couldn't we be called "Probie" just as easily, and maybe even receive an auto PM with basic instructions about the initial probation period when we create a new profile?)

Regardless, this is an awesome site and well worth the risk of a little public humiliation from asking questions.

Thanks to all for the continuing education!

Old 10-05-2005, 06:14 PM   #36
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corey was going through some hard times. he lost his car in a fire caused by some kids camping out. his pet turtle of 11 years was run over by a railway train. and he had a flat tire on his rental tricycle. as you can see, he's had a hard few days, and this thread was the result of pent up frustration caused by his real-life problems. he's the forum angel these days, so if you have any questions at all, you can feel free to direct them towards him.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Old 10-05-2005, 06:28 PM   #37
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Actually the turtle was the result of a super glue experiment... who would have ever guessed it stuck to steel so well.

So now being that I was the forum angel these days, I took it upon myself to talk to forum god and he told me that questions should be directed at the mods because they have decided that they cannot flame people and call people names... whereas I still can (not without scrutiny though). And if you have a problem that you think might be too dumb to post, or you haven't bother searching you can most likely post without flammage over at about... errr well... who knows... maybe he went back to sister porn... Ahhhh just PM one of the mods... they are all very helpful and diligent.


Last edited by corey@12mile; 10-05-2005 at 06:29 PM.. Reason: ed... damn.
Old 10-05-2005, 07:56 PM   #38
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Old 10-05-2005, 08:12 PM   #39
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haha. that's horrible.

hey Dawg, get online in about 40 mins and i'll send you that. i left work early today but i have to go in tonight to upgrade the OS on the BES, of all things.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Old 10-05-2005, 08:14 PM   #40
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lol ill try I will probally be watching over there by then
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