04-06-2019, 06:17 PM
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Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
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I can create and edit .doc and .xls files in Documents To Go without problems but I can't figure out how to create a simple text file (myfile.txt) or edit existing text files in "Files" app. Am I'm missing something trivial or do you really need a third party text editor to achieve this in OS 7.1?
If this is the case then I will try File Manager Pro or File Scout. The former is not supported any more but I have had it on my old phone (8830WE) for the last ten years so I will see if the activation code gets transferred during the device switching. File Scout is a free app now and is easily available from the developer's website.
For the record, I don't need a smartphone to take pictures or make movies, but Excel files, MS Word files, text files and fast emails are absolute must. If Bell Canada didn't decide to shut down their CDMA coast-to-coast on April 30th I would probably stay with my 8830 for another few years.
Last edited by LexBB; 04-06-2019 at 06:26 PM..
04-07-2019, 06:09 AM
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Re: Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
You can try this. I think it should work. Create a text file on your laptop or desktop and get it onto the BlackBerry somehow (copy it over or email it to yourself). When you want to create a new text document on the BlackBerry, open in Documents to go and save as another file name, preserving the template to use again. I haven't tested, but I have a memory of this method and good chance it will work.
On BB10 I'm using TextEditHD and it is still in the BB10 app store. It is simple but works well. Do you see that is the legacy BlackBerry app store?
- Ira
04-07-2019, 09:25 AM
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Re: Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
It doesn't look like you can actually open a text file in Documents To Go. The only file extensions supported are .doc, .xls, .xlsx, etc. and I don't see any options menu where you could add more extensions.
TextEditHD is still available in BB World, as a free app. Thanks for the tip.
04-07-2019, 09:41 AM
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Re: Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
If you can use TextEditHD then that is the best solution. You don't need the workaround.
For what it's worth, I just tested on BB10 using a text file I had created and saved with TextEditHD. I opened it in Docs to Go, edited it, and saved it under a different name as a txt file (manually adding .txt as the extension). I then opened the modified file using TextEditHD to test and see if it worked. It does work. I believe the issue is Docs to go will only save as a text file if the original file opened in Docs to Go is a text file. Yes, Docs to Go doesn't support text files in the sense that you can't *create* a text file in Docs to Go, but you can open, edit, and save a text file--just cannot create it from scratch in Docs to Go.
- Ira
04-07-2019, 11:36 AM
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Re: Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
It seems that on your BB10 you can see files with extension .txt from Docs To Go, but on my 9320 I don't see them, the only files listed are those with "office" related extensions: .doc, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx. Files with other extensions are just not available when you hit "Browse" button.
Anyway, I wil install a third party file manager and a text editor, just didn't realize that the native app (File Explorer v7.1.0) is so limited.
04-07-2019, 12:16 PM
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Re: Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
That's interesting. I don't remember that. Can you press and hold on a file in the file manger and select "open in" and select Docs to Go? Just curious. (I also don't remember if there is a setting in the file manager app to turn on and turn off file extension display. I don't see such a setting in the BB10 file manager.)
By the way, I just rediscovered that Ghost Commander has a text editor.
- Ira
04-08-2019, 05:32 AM
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Re: Creating and Editing Text Files in FILES App
Press and Hold would open a window with the following buttons:
Cut, Copy, Rename, Properties, Open, Delete, Send, Full Menu.
I have installed FileScout file manager. As mentioned before, the Full version is now available free of charge. It has its own text editor and all kinds of advanced options. Anyone used to File Manager Pro (which is not available any more) should be ok with FileScout. It will just take a few days to get used to some different hotkeys and menus. As a new member I'm not allowed to post URL links but more information can be found when you google FileScout emacberry.
I have managed to extract direct OTA download links from their website, pasted them in OTADownloader from blackberryfreaks_dot_com and saved JAD and COD files on the hard drive on the computer. BBOS apps are slowly disappearing from the internet so it's better to save everything locally.