View Poll Results: What will you or have already purchased? (you may select multiple choices)
I am waiting for the Playbook, that is the device I want
121 |
70.35% |
I will purchase a Windows 7 tablet
4 |
2.33% |
I will purchase a Android tablet
9 |
5.23% |
I will purchase a iPad tablet
8 |
4.65% |
I have purchased an iPad/Android or Windows 7 and do not care to replace it with a Playbook
10 |
5.81% |
I purchased an iPad and will repalce it with a Playbook
14 |
8.14% |
I purchased an Android tablet and will replace it with a Playbook
4 |
2.33% |
I purchased a Win 7 tablet and will replace it with a Playbook
2 |
1.16% |
I do not need a tablet, and do not plan on purchasing one in the future,
17 |
9.88% |
12-13-2011, 08:13 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
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Originally Posted by katander
16GB for under 200.00 Cdn at Walmart.
Other stores will soon be following, such as Best Buy and Sears. Who knows, it may get even cheaper as Xmas gets closer.
Did. 32gb for 300.00 
01-03-2012, 07:03 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I ordered a 32gb for $249 on 12/28/11 and it shipped the next day. 7 to 14 days to get here, shopblackerry.
01-07-2012, 06:23 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
got my PB 32GB from Walmart on Dec 26 (Boxing Day) $248 also got a good deal on the convertible case from Staples $20 and a screen protector and micro HDMI for another $20, so far very happy!
01-09-2012, 09:39 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
lol many of us did the same thing, we all got the 32gb that was at 250$ during boxing (day & week).
But then RIM lowered the price again and now we get a 64GB for 299...what did you think i did -> switch!
Bacchus| My PC|Playbook 64Gb OS2.1 and BB9900 OS7.1
05-02-2012, 10:27 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Just got mine delivered last week, and I love it so far!
Z30, AT&T
09-08-2012, 05:19 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by rambo47
I'm going to wait until I see one in person, try it out, and read the reviews by early adopters (not paid reviewers). If it's anything like the hype, I will replace my iPad with one.
HI, I really want playbook but the biggest problem is that they dont support video phone such as purple 3, tnouch, z4, etc for deaf communication. Ipad2, any pc laptop or computer can use video phone. Now I wonder why not playbook provide one for deaf communication? It is kinda unfair for me. I love blackberry so much and had different model for years. Now I am convinced to free ipad 2 and i can use video phone and it s neat! I m waiting for playbook to add video phone then i would go for it and ignore i pad2! What is matter with blackberry technicians?!
09-08-2012, 08:27 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Perhaps you should check with RIM and see what they say.
04-21-2013, 04:19 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
i currently own a 64Gb playbook, but after finding very limited apps, poor customer service, and frequent connectivity issues with my PC, i'm wondering if i wasted my money.
it seems the apps i am most interested in are mac related. since i hate anything mac or anything with an "i"whatever, i' will be looking for other options.
when i "upgrade" it will be to a PC based platform.
04-21-2013, 06:02 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Limited apps, yes, however the many Android-ported apps found on Goodreader.com help a lot.
However, poor customer service is just completely untrue. I have seen many people get their Playbooks replaced (at no charge) when people run the batteries completely dead. I've seen them replace them even when the warranty has expired out of goodwill. To say their customer service is poor is just plain slander.
I've had two Playbooks for just under a year and have never had a problem connecting them to my PC's.
05-01-2013, 03:17 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Playbook is the WORST HEAP OF RUBBISH I have ever bought. 9 months old and it has now got the screen of death. It has had issues from day one.
Looks like i will be throwing it in the bin literally.
I will never buy any BB product agan. 
05-01-2013, 06:42 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by klaudva
Playbook is the WORST HEAP OF RUBBISH I have ever bought. 9 months old and it has now got the screen of death. It has had issues from day one.
Looks like i will be throwing it in the bin literally.
I will never buy any BB product agan. 
Your other thread is enough.
I h8 txtspk.
11-19-2013, 11:29 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I am interested in purchasing a Playbook but in the Niagara Area of Ontario they seem to have disappeared from the shelves of stores. Hmm
11-19-2013, 11:45 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by klaudva
Playbook is the WORST HEAP OF RUBBISH I have ever bought. 9 months old and it has now got the screen of death. It has had issues from day one.
Looks like i will be throwing it in the bin literally.
I will never buy any BB product agan. 
16GB PB, 2+yrs strong on the hands of a toddler and his mom, traveled three continents, dropped many times, it is still rock solid. 9700 lasted 4 yrs before it started giving me white screen that was corrected by pushing on the edge, dropped numerous times on concrete/tile. 9900 amazing device, never dropped but still looks like brand new, all buttons look great, never had a problem either..8300, it is still in use by grand parents, still strong amazingly solid.
Sorry this is late, but I wanted to chime in.
Z30, AT&T
Last edited by hyedipin; 11-19-2013 at 11:46 AM..
11-19-2013, 02:27 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I have 3 playbooks at home, auntie, mother inlaw, sons friend and several co workers still use them too
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
11-29-2013, 01:08 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I have had mine for over 2 years without a problem.
Still wish the Bridge with my Q10 was as fully functional as with my 9900. However with the recent update a week or so ago to the Bridge, it shows that someone at BlackBerry is still paying attention to the Playbook so maybe I will get full integration of e-mails between the my Q10 and Playbook, someday. BBM and text integration is OK, but most of my communication is by e-mail.
11-20-2014, 03:14 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
We should start musing about the new tablet BlackBerry confirmed they're working on. A new poll perhaps?
03-11-2015, 12:48 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I never thought to buy one tabblet because I don't have much need for me but after hearing about ARGH, thinking to get one. Lets see if the rumors are true. I really want playbook but the biggest problem is that they don't support video phone. However, poor customer service is just completely untrue. I have seen many people get their Playbooks replaced (at no charge) when people run the batteries completely dead. But it has some sceen problem and wi-fi and connectivity problem.
11-05-2020, 12:42 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Hello. I haven’t bought anything yet, so I can’t even tell you something. I have a question for you that is off-topic of the forum. Programming is very difficult for me, but it is a compulsory subject and I am obliged to complete all the tasks that the teacher gives us. Guys, help me find a service that provides java programming assignment help. Are there such services? I'm desperate. Therefore, I appeal to you. I saw how people on different forums suggest and help each other. I hope you can advise me at least something.
11-06-2020, 08:28 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Z10 on BES
Z10 on BIS