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Old 04-15-2008, 10:19 AM   #1
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Question Local text files xfer on BB 7730 and BB 7290

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Transferring files locally via USB to use the BB as a very simple PDA:
I'd like to connect the BB 7730 model (or the BB 7290) to my PC in the morning, download a (ASCII, text) file of notes, add/edit on this file during the day, return it updated to my PC in the evening. In other words, use the BB as a PDA during the day, in a very simple form. The key here is, being able to shuffle that file back & forth using a USB cable. (Not interested in Outlook, etc.; only text files).
Does the BB desktop manager allow that and is it included in the OS on both the BB 7290 and the BB 7730? Does it xfer text files transparently, or is there a conversion needed to use it in the Memo application on the Blackberry? Any other text-editing application on the BB?
I only want to use the phone on the BB using cheap T-Mobilep-to-go service, like a regular cellphone, without web access, so I'm only interested in local, USB cable connectivity with the PC.
Old 04-15-2008, 10:20 AM   #2
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Sorry, the BlackBerry doesn't work like that.
You can't do what you want to do.
BES 5.0.3 MR4 :-: Exchange 2007 SP3 RU3
Old 04-15-2008, 10:27 AM   #3
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Please detail? 2 issues here:
1)- phone use: T-Mobile told me that as long as the phone is unlocked, I can use it with any GSM SIM card for cellphone use only, no web acccess.
2)- PDA use: local data transfer: please detail what can, and cannot, be done with the BB desktop manager, and is it different on the 7290 and the 7730? Text files are very small, so data size is not an issue. Also, I've seen ads for a BB-compatible spreadsheet for the 7290, so it seems one would want to backup that data to the PC? Thanks
Old 04-15-2008, 10:33 AM   #4
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The BlackBerry isn't a PDA.
You can't transfer text files to either of those devices via USB cable and Desktop Manager.

Newer BlackBerry devices have some media storage capabilities but require at least version 4.2 handheld OS which is not available for any 7xxx series BlackBerry.

You're asking about very OLD and OUTDATED technology.
BES 5.0.3 MR4 :-: Exchange 2007 SP3 RU3
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