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Old 12-28-2004, 04:00 PM   #1
Mark Rejhon
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Default BlackBerryOS 4.x Download FAQ - UPGRADE DOWNLOADS

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BlackBerryOS 4.x Download FAQ

Where Can I download BlackBerryOS 4.x?

Upgrades are available for all models of BlackBerry except for model 5XXX series and 8-megabyte models.Where Can I download BlackBerry Desktop 4.x

It is now available on RIM's website:
  • Go to BlackBerry
  • Click "Service Packs"
  • Select "BlackBerry Desktop Software V4.1 Pulldown
What Are The Advantages Of BlackBerryOS 4.x?

There's a big list in this thread. A short summary is as follows:
  • Full TCP/IP stack without need for BES/MDS for consumers. (for GSM/GPRS and iDEN only)
  • Categories for everything (Calendar, Addressbook, Tasks, Notes)
  • Multiple addresses now possible for Addressbook
  • Better HTML web browser (on some carriers)
  • Font size is configurable for web browser separately from rest of handheld
  • Backlight timeout is adjustable.
  • Improved data performance during full duplex transmissions (chatting)
  • Picture application (photo album)
  • Can put a picture in standby screen.
  • Themeable.
  • Password Keeper (a password wallet)
  • Over-The-Air activation, for BES 4.x
  • Wireless over-the-air PIM synchronization with BES 4.x for everything
  • Improved API's, including MIDP/2.0
  • (4.1) Personalized ringtones
Where's my web browser? I installed the 4.x OS!

Try the following steps:
Select 'Options' on the main menu screen
Select 'Host Routing Table'.
Select 'Register Now' (the download might take a few moments to complete)
This should work on Bell Mobility. This may cause the Internet icon to appear on some carriers. However, unfortunately, some carriers disable the web browser in BlackBerryOS. These carriers include Nextel, Telus, and Verizon. Cingular is now enabling the BlackBerry browser if you call and ask for it to be enabled (To save time on the same phone call to Cingular, you should also request the Wireless Internet Express added, as well as Wireless Internet Express Data Connect to add both the "wap.cingular" and "isp.cingular" Access Point Names to your account). You may want to wait a few months to see if Nextel, Telus and Verizon they will enable the web browser. You may want to try calling them and asking for it. Or you can download and install an alternate web browser such as Reqwireless if your carrier supports Internet connectivity on BlackBerry.

I Installed 4.x OS from another carrier. It doesn't work!

This is because you will need to delete or rename the VENDOR.XML file located at:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader\VENDOR.XML
First, install BlackBerry OS 4.x but do not run BlackBerry Desktop. Next, delete or rename the VENDOR.XML. Finally, run desktop manager to install.

Help! My Older BlackBerry Is Running Too Slow With 4.x!

If you upgrade an older BlackBerry to OS 4.x, then BlackBerryOS 4.x can be slightly slower than older releases. A fraction of a second lag, for example, is normal. However, it should not be so abnormally slow as to take 15 seconds to launch "Calculator", or that an hourglass shows up for 10 seconds when you try to view an email message. BlackBerryOS should NEVER feel 10 times as slow, and if that happens, there's another problem.

However, if this happens, you need to free up memory on your BlackBerry. This can be done by removing unnecessary applications. You can even uninstall BrickBreaker now if you need to do that! You should delete all your old emails using "Delete Prior".

Model 7750's are very prone to the "frequent hourglass" problem. If you have a 7750, it is strongly recommended to upgrade to a newer model such as 7130 or 7250. One important thing to keep in mind about those slow 7750's, is you must make sure you're not already too low in memory before installing BlackBerryOS. Make sure you remove unneeded applications and delete old emails ("Delete Prior"). Since the hourglass can suddenly show up excessively on a 7750 when it runs out of memory (which happens much more often on 7750's than other models of BlackBerries). Once you free up the memory of your BlackBerry, reboot your BlackBerry by removing and reinserting the battery.

What If I Want To Downgrade?

Forum member 'bfrye' made a good guide: Here is a quick install guide to your blackberry. This should easily cover reinstallation of OS and reverting back to previous OS version as well.
  1. Download the version of OS you want to install from your carrier's website.
  2. Extract or install the files from the previous step. They will automatically install into the correct location. This location will be C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research in Motion\Shared\Loader Files. Under this directory you will see directories with the model number of your device (if you installed the correct files) followed by a version number. Under these directories will be a host of .alx and .cod files. Do not modify or delete these files. They are needed to install the new OS.
  3. Assume the BlackBerry Handheld Manager is installed, when you plug your device in, a popup will appear and ask if you want to upgrade your device. Choose upgrade and follow the steps given by the Application Loader. If you have any 3rd party applications you would like to keep, locate and select them at this time to avoid having to reload them after the new OS is installed.
  4. This will also be the time the apploader will ask if you want to erase all data and reload or backup and restore the data on your device. Choose your preference and continue.
  5. Typically a complete OS reload with backup and restore can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes depending on the amount of data on your device to restore.
  6. The apploader will inform you when the process is complete. After this, the device will automatically reset itself (sometime this will take longer than a normal reboot) and once completed and on, your device will be upgraded and ready to go.
Now if you wish to downgrade your device to a previous version, many of the above steps will apply.

First, you will have to remove the newer OS from your PC. Do this by going to add/remove programs in the control panel and removing the software for the new BB OS. Make sure desktop manager is not running when you do this. After complete, restart the Desktop Manager.

When you plug in your device, if everything went well, the Desktop Manager should tell you that your PC has an older version of desktop tools than is installed on the device. It will give you an option to keep the version on your BlackBerry or downgrade to the version on your PC. You will want to select downgrade and let apploader do the work.

Should this method fail, you will have to download the file javaloader.exe from the internet. Place it in a common directory (I usually put mine in the Loader Files directory for easy access. From the directory you have javaloader.exe installed in type "javaloader -usb wipe". This will completely erase all data and applications from your devie. Now navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research in Motion\AppLoader and delete the file vendor.xml. Now plug in your device and install the new OS from scratch. Open apploader and select the USB port as your connection. It will then bring to you to the main apploader screen and all the OS packages will be listed with status as Install.

If you have question beyond the scope of this document please feel free to post them. However I suggest reading and rereading these steps to ensure you have tried the most basic and tried steps to load or reload your OS. Have fun and enjoy!

This is a "Mark Rejhon BlackBerry FAQ" article.
Copyright (C) 2005 by Mark Rejhon, All Rights Reserved. Some portions may be Copyright (C) by respective forum members.
Mark Rejhon grants permission to use this article only for private use. For all other uses, please ask Mark Rejhon at Mark Rejhon - aka Marky - Home Page of Mark D. Rejhon to ask for permission to use this article. If any content of this article also contains content by other forum members, please ask them for permission too as well. This includes commercial use, public use, reposting in full/part anywhere on the Internet, publication in magazine/book or any other media, or any other use than private use. This copyright notice may not be edited or removed in any manner. Mark Rejhon reserves exclusive right to edit, remove, or restore this article, and this article may not be edited, removed, or restored by any other individual or organizations.
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source

Last edited by d_fisher; 01-23-2007 at 01:40 PM.. Reason: Added new carriers
Old 12-29-2004, 05:34 PM   #2
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Default Re: BlackBerryOS 4.0 Download FAQ - UPGRADE DOWNLOADS

Originally Posted by Mark Rejhon
BlackBerryOS 4.0 Download FAQ

Download Here (
According to the notes at the above AWS link, the 72xx excludes the 7290's at this time.

9630 Tour - Sprint

Last edited by Mark Rejhon; 03-14-2005 at 02:26 PM..
Old 12-29-2004, 09:44 PM   #3
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So with a 7230 and the Hong Kong CSL software loaded (which has been working fine) is there any reason to load the AT&T version? I'm on T-Mobile.
Old 12-29-2004, 10:41 PM   #4
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I too loaded the Hong Kong OS4 version a while back on my AT&T 7780 and have had no problems to date. When AT&T released their OS4, I downloaded and attempted install. The HK and AT&T OS4 apps had the same version numbers. In fact, the download file names were similar, indicating rel 201 I believe that the Chinese language is the only difference.
Old 12-30-2004, 07:11 AM   #5
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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unfortunately, some carriers disable the web browser in BlackBerryOS. These carriers include Nextel, Telus, and Verizon.
So the WAP-type browser NOL is different than the browser normally included with the Blackberry OS?
Old 12-30-2004, 01:31 PM   #6
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The WAP browser from NOL is in fact different...I would recommend using the Reqwireless webviewer browser...I can log into most websites with no major issues. The only problem is the lack of support for frames... I very seldomly use the NOL browser....I do hope that Nextel begins supporting the BB browser as it is slightly superior to the NOl crap...

Hope this helps..
[email address]
Old 12-30-2004, 10:29 PM   #7
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Good to know, thank you very much.
Old 01-02-2005, 06:01 AM   #8
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hi i loaded 4.0 on my bell blackberry 7750..

i still cant connect to verichat it says i dont have an IPPP service book (which i dont) do i get the tcp stack to make this connection?

the browser works...
Old 01-02-2005, 08:03 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by 7750sucks
hi i loaded 4.0 on my bell blackberry 7750..

i still cant connect to verichat it says i dont have an IPPP service book (which i dont) do i get the tcp stack to make this connection?

the browser works...
if you are not on BES, don't bother, i have the IPPP service book and it still doesn't work. tcp stack isn't enabled on the cdma 4.0 bbs..
Old 01-02-2005, 10:05 PM   #10
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I guess nobody has noticed yet, but OS 4.0 for all BB models is available from Rogers now... as well there is an updated 3.8 for the 7290 & 7100r.

Old 01-03-2005, 01:14 AM   #11
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I checked and i do have an IPPP service book entry but for BIB (which i am guessing is blackberry internet browser) so even with 4.0 i dont have a tcpip stack for 3rd party apps? only for a web browser? or is this just a limitation for CDMA versions...

Originally Posted by p_dizzo
Originally Posted by 7750sucks
hi i loaded 4.0 on my bell blackberry 7750..

i still cant connect to verichat it says i dont have an IPPP service book (which i dont) do i get the tcp stack to make this connection?

the browser works...
if you are not on BES, don't bother, i have the IPPP service book and it still doesn't work. tcp stack isn't enabled on the cdma 4.0 bbs..
Old 01-03-2005, 07:33 AM   #12
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Default Vodafone update

Anybody knows when V 4 for Vodafone will be available? I just like the theme.
Old 01-03-2005, 07:35 AM   #13
Mark Rejhon
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You can probably install the Vodafone theme separately, using the Themes section of my BlackBerry FAQ.
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source
Old 01-03-2005, 08:23 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mark Rejhon
You can probably install the Vodafone theme separately, using the Themes section of my BlackBerry FAQ.
Is it available for a 7230 as well?
Old 01-03-2005, 11:24 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by corey@12mile
I guess nobody has noticed yet, but OS 4.0 for all BB models is available from Rogers now... as well there is an updated 3.8 for the 7290 & 7100r.

its actually desktop software 4.0 for all BB, not OS 4.0

..... i got excited =o\
Old 01-03-2005, 09:17 PM   #16
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It's actually available on the IMS Support website, which means it should be public soon... Sorry to anyone who jumped for joy... my contact at Rogers never told me it was only on ims support until after I had posted here... I'll let ya's know how it is if I get a chance to throw it on the BB tonight.

Old 01-04-2005, 11:01 AM   #17
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Default Starhub (Singapore) 7730 success

This works using the AT&T Wireless link supplied above for the 7700.

TCP/APN The APN needs to be set to shwapint (big thanks for the WAP access link given in another thread).

Verichat is working just fine, although there are occasional drops that require reconnection.
Old 01-04-2005, 08:14 PM   #18
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Cingular has now posted the 4.0 handheld software on their website for every current model except the 7290.

Last edited by Scotty_T; 04-27-2005 at 03:43 AM..
Old 01-04-2005, 08:50 PM   #19
Mark Rejhon
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Scotty_T, thanks for that information. I've updated the post.
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source
Old 01-04-2005, 08:52 PM   #20
Mark Rejhon
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It looks like it's just Rogers, T-Mobile and Verizon left!
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source
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