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Byproxy 12-13-2008 09:12 AM

a way to actually disable rather than hide would likely help though... assuming it's possible and someone find out a way to do it.

jjd228 12-13-2008 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by UndergroundWire (Post 1206528)
With your Storm in landscape mode:

BlackBerry Menu --> Show Keyboard --> Press and hold !?123 to put phone on Num Lock --> Press the following keys " / " /

This will open Event Log

Now press the menu key and select options
Press Menu Key again and select Hide all types

Close Application.

Also since you have disabled it, you should also clear the log since there is no need for it anymore.

ugh... this does NOT "disable" event logging. it simply filters the logs. if people think they notice a "faster" device its only because the log was huge and they might have freed up some memory by clearing it

noeffectx 12-13-2008 11:09 AM

i "think not so sure" the only way to disable the even log is by unchecking the check boxes. Pls correct me if I'm woring.

woodsn24 12-13-2008 05:04 PM

didn't notice much of a difference either

hudres 12-14-2008 12:41 AM

Did the whole thing including battery pull. First thing I noticed is that it freed a couple of megs of memory. portrait/landscape switch seems a little faster but the real test will come after it has been running apps for a while. In any case, who needs all that stuff clogging memory. 73

HarlyFan 12-14-2008 10:46 AM

I did this it made NO difference!!!

mkrsx 12-14-2008 10:53 AM

Wirelessly posted

All your doing is hiding the logs. This way you can filter the logs done to one application. Hide all then re select the app you want to view, you may gain a meg of space when you clear the logs but that's about it

BBHorrigan 12-14-2008 10:55 AM

Couldn't really tell a differance

HarlyFan 12-14-2008 10:59 AM

Not Worth The Effort!!!

hudres 12-14-2008 01:14 PM

Is it really hiding?
I question the premise that the Storm is "hiding" the logs. First consider that there is no requirement that says that just because a button says "hiding" that it is really hidden somewhere. If this were the case, there would be an enormous buildup in memory over time (unless there was a "purge after so much storage" function". After a couple of months there would be no storage space on the phone. The phone would get progressively slower. Then consider that there is no way to access these logs from the DM (that I am aware of). So does hidden really mean hidden, or is it just how they decided to say "disable". Consider further, that if RIM had chosen to call this function "disable, then there would be a lot of incoming calls, e-mails to them about this, whereas by saying hidden, they don't end up with that. Finally, if they were truly hidden, there would be some kind of switch to restore them. The only function other than hide is clear which seems to be quite absolute. Does anyone have any information to refute this argument? 73

rachamphetamine 12-14-2008 01:19 PM

The battery pull is the one clearing up the memory so that the phone runs faster. It can be done on other Blackberrys to achieve the same result, and not just the Storm. Personally, I really doubt that hiding/disabling the log makes that much of a difference so much as the battery pull itself.

RadioDude 12-14-2008 03:48 PM

made no difference!!!

ishore 12-14-2008 04:31 PM

Well I did it and am very sorry. First I lost my homepage in the Browser. Second, it turned it self off when in the desk top charger. That is after I made the changes. Returned them back to default and then had to call Tech Support for help

Oh yes, no difference.

bobenhaus 12-14-2008 06:38 PM

I hide all the event logs and rebooted my Storm but for some reason mine seems to be slower.. Weird, eh?

mrjerome 12-14-2008 07:49 PM

It doesnt work! the battery pull makes the difference!

bbaler4444 12-14-2008 08:01 PM

It worked for me even hours after the battery pull.

rican408 12-15-2008 02:22 AM

sorry gals. dont care what "it really does" but it worked pretty well for me
BEFORE i did the battery pull..... will post again tommorow to see if it stays the same..

jray1 12-15-2008 09:03 AM

Worked for me also.

kurrupt_1 12-15-2008 11:05 AM

remember if something goes seriously wrong with your unit it is very helpful to blackberry support (meaning RIM themselves) to solve your specific issue.

rican408 12-15-2008 04:16 PM

ive got to say. after doing this.... my storm is much more responsive... and seeing as how i cleared the log first (noticed the difference) then did the battery pull. i inclined to think the battery pull helps but is not what people are noticing when it is faster.....

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