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FallToFragments 09-08-2005 12:57 PM

Friggin awesome, Thanks Rambler!! *does happy dance*

jlevi 09-08-2005 02:54 PM

One suggestion - I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but when I use ramble for a long time it sometimes crashes my phone, causing it to restart. It's very odd, and maybe this is a good opportunity to look at it.

Very excited for the new version!

gregg 09-09-2005 07:45 AM

SWEEEETTT!! Rambler, you da man!!!!

jetspeedz 09-09-2005 01:59 PM

thanks... I hope this time around it works on my BB 7290 on Bes 4.0.....

PLease work this time

[email address]

ekummel 09-09-2005 09:09 PM

[stupid aol]
This is great news...You never know how much you *need* something until it's taken away from you by force!
web/gadget guru

tdiddy 09-12-2005 12:35 AM

Appreciate your efforts. Cant wait to get the new program.

shiyen 09-12-2005 01:00 AM

thank you so much

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 01:30 AM

Any word on when the update is going to be released for download?

jibi 09-12-2005 01:37 AM

he said he will start on it in a few days. good lord. do as he said and keep clicking on the link provided. they updated it on saturday to disable the downloads. give it time.

Jayvik 09-12-2005 06:24 AM

You Are The Man

JPIndustrie 09-12-2005 01:30 PM

Thanks. Much appreciated.

ptzchris 09-12-2005 02:08 PM

yup i been clicking on the link literally atleast twice or three times a day hoping it will pop up and say ready to

[email address]

Rambler 09-12-2005 02:58 PM

Sorryfor the delay, but I had a (paying) customer deadline pop-up. Initial re-release will not include some of the buddy list modification functions, but will otherwise be functional. Buddy List functionality will return, I just want to re-release ASAP and Buddy List code hasn't been updated yet.

As soon as I get a chance, I will throw together the current code and post an update.


jetspeedz 09-12-2005 05:30 PM

thanks again

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by jibi
he said he will start on it in a few days. good lord. do as he said and keep clicking on the link provided. they updated it on saturday to disable the downloads. give it time.

The original post stated he had the green light to release the Ramble update, which he intended to do in the next few days. I didn't read anything about starting in a few days. My post waited those "few days" and then simply asked a question. Please clear that up for me so that I can quit making the mistake of asking a question on an open forum, I know how that bothers everybody...

Dawg 09-12-2005 06:36 PM

he said watch this thread and the site. I mean jeez its a project he is doing on his free time give the guy a break..He has real job that i am sure takes precedence over ramble


Originally Posted by Rambler

Please watch this thread, as well as the Ramble IM website ( for updates on the upcoming release.

Thanks for your interest in Ramble IM.

chucksbar 09-12-2005 07:12 PM

Hey Rambler
Thanks, Can't hardly wait. Good Luck! (y)

bvarianlvr 09-12-2005 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
he said watch this thread and the site. I mean jeez its a project he is doing on his free time give the guy a break..He has real job that i am sure takes precedence over ramble

Being a software engineer myself, I figured "release an update in the next couple of days" meant that it was already done and coded, and all that remained was to post it on the server in about 2 days and make sure its downloadable.

So, anyone's confusion is probably understandable.

Dawg 09-12-2005 08:47 PM

if he just got the ok why would it have been coded and ready

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 10:00 PM

Dawg, Jibi, it's what he said in his post!! He said he'd be releasing an upgrade in a few days from the time he originally created the thread, I'm not making this up. Am I supposed to take all the "clues" within these threads and come up with my own conclusion surrounding timeframes and the such? And all I did was ask if anyone knew any specifics as to when he was going to release the software, that's it. It had been a few days and I was curious. I can't tell you how many times I've asked a similar question and someone on this forum has more information than I do. And I KNOW the same has happened to each of you. I'm not pressuring anybody and I'm certainly not expecting him to put the release of free-ware above a paying job. It was one question, period. As usual, you are making more of this than it has to be. Let it go already!

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