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JSylvia007 12-10-2009 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by clitrenta (Post 1524684)
Darn! It just occurred to me I'm buying my daughter an iPod Touch for Christmas and since she's already using a Blackberry (Flip), she'll have the best of both worlds and here I sit with my BB 9700. Oh well. Nice as all this sounds, I'm not sure I'm ready to carry two devices around. I think if i commuted more on the train, I probably would but I fear the Touch would be ignored right now. I can pretty much do all I need to on my BB. I'm good. 8-)

You hit the nail on the head for me... I'm pretty sure that even as cool as the iTouch is, I'd mostly ignore it.

nikolaos 12-10-2009 10:32 AM

I was thinking maybe the iphone doesn;t allow to multitask pandora or other radio apps because it wants to boost its own itunes network.

Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that you cannot use a true suffling functin with ipod on the iphone.

I was trying to randomly play my songs on my iphone and it kept repeating tracks before all the tracks were played at least once. Little things like this make a big difference for me. I hope RIM doesn't drop the ball and really take the bb series to the next level.

Jagga 12-11-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by segeln4me (Post 1523243)
I had a feeling I was not the only one having both those phones. I didn't know you can remote control computers with a BlackBerry as well, but I would think it would be easier on the 3GS because of the larger screen.

9700 = great business phone with music, games. videos and apps
3GS = good phone with better games, music and videos and apps

Just my opinion.

I'm not sure I agree with you on the 9700 being great with games: sure its adequate for puzzle & card games, I'd say a Tiger Woods (ahem) golf game is about the best you'd see for graphics and playing joy, but when multi-touch gaming is involved its well game over. That said maybe the Zeemote BT remote joystick will be compatible for 9700 and offer chance of better games.

I'm surprised non of you that play with both iPhone 3G/3GS & BB's have not considered the Storm2 (9550)? Probably its because no North American (NAM) 3G/HSDPA is offered.

It's been a VERY long time since I've used a BB, almost detested them for personal use because media playback was horrible (pre-Bold 9000, OS 4.2 or previous). That said I LOVE my iPhone for personal use but I'm hoping the following can be done/available on iPhone.

1. Design: Headset location & USB Micro location.
- iPhone is taken the consumer market by storm (no pun intended) and its because of support for 3rd party accessories. Having a dock connector in the bottom allows for multiple connections including for stereo docks. I'm hoping the 9700's successor puts the micro-USB connection at the bottom so those desk chargers also become possible in bed-side boom-box alarm clocks. Also the Headset should be at the top maybe in the the center or at the bottom. I'm sure i'm not the only one that detests the belt holsters and prefers carrying a phone in the front khaki's/slacks/jeans pocket (not to mention shorts in the summer on days off).

2. Applications: We all know the range of applications on the iPhone but I'm particular about the following before returning to the BlackBerry platform.

Bloomberg: This is incredible on the iPhone, and I've seen the issues with memory leaks on various BB's (8310/8820/9000/8900) in a corporate BES environment. Has it been upgraded to resolve these issues, and has the layout been improved?

CNBC RT: I'm aware this is for BlackBerry, but can you save news reports within the app & videos (highlights of the day) for retrieval later?!!

Spanish Tutor 24/7: I'm really loving this application - its to learn phrases, words, etc in Spanish. It's not quite like Rosetta Stone but with flash cards its VERY helpful. I NEED this on BB.

Yahoo/Google Finance: I have a free Yahoo Finance app that is not bad for referencing, researching news on stocks and has a beautiful intrada view but its not in real-time. I'd love to have a Google Finance for iPhone but its not available and considering their recent competition I doubt it will.

Thompson Reuters News Pro: Another stock & market news app, would love to have this for 9700.

Youtube: I hear is getting better.

Opera Mobile: yes there is Opera Mini 5 but I'd love to have the full browser like that on S60/WM.

Fring: IM chat, VoIP app. It can tie into just about any social as well. Never liked this on S60 (its original platform) but its better laid out on iPhone.

iTranslate: I need a good translation app on BB preferably free.

Worldmate: is this on BB? File transfer storage & retrieval via the cloud. Sure I can use Google Docs but I'm not fully trusting Google beyond email just yet.

I'm going to miss music composition apps like iSequence, DrumSeq, etc.

Is there a Comic Book mobile app for BB?

I just went to the store to get Cinnabons, and stopped by the Telus store to check out the Bold 9700. Coming from using the Nokia E71 I must say that RIM did a fantastic job.

Hoping sales where spectacular the past 40days as they report earnings next week.

tkao2025 12-11-2009 05:39 PM

I tend to agree...the applications written for the Iphone are so good. Better than any other platforms I've used including BB's, S60 and Winmo. I wish they would have the Thompson Reuters App on the Blackberry and also Skype and Fring.

Jagga 12-11-2009 06:15 PM

Is that you TKAO from HoFo??

I actually starting to REALLY like the design of the 9700.

tkao2025 12-11-2009 06:47 PM

Wirelessly posted


Originally Posted by Jagga
Is that you TKAO from HoFo??

I actually starting to REALLY like the design of the 9700.

Yup it's me. Can't decide which one to like more. I'm liking the bb right now, but certain things you just can't beat the iphone.

sean76 12-11-2009 10:51 PM

Ok, I won't make this a long post! As some others have stated, I use both devices. There both great. And this is what I'll say: no matter what, a bb will always be on my waist in an oem leather's the best device on the planet for, emailing, texting, bbm is great, and for phone calls. On the flip side, my 3Gs is just as good for making calls, that is when there not getting dropped in, and is awesome for Internet use, music (iPod after all) aps, gaming, and general use. Granted, there both the best at what they do! And I'll most likey continue to use both until RIM really puts a serious web kit on future devices, but by then a new iPhone will have arrived, and who knows how crazy that will be!

All in all, get both if ya! Seriously, as everyone pretty much said, it just really all depends on what u need it for. Both are great, so good luck.

segeln4me 12-12-2009 01:34 PM

Another reason I like the BlackBerry so much is THIS forum! I have learned a lot about BlackBerries over the years from this forum. All the latest software and recommendations! I am sure there are very good iPhone forums out there, but I don't follow them even though I have had an iPhone since the first generation.
On the other hand, I have somehow always made money on my iPhones on ebay. Somehow in the past I have been able to sell it for more than I bought it for new. I have yet to make a profit on selling my BlackBerries.

Jagga 12-14-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by tkao2025 (Post 1525843)
I tend to agree...the applications written for the Iphone are so good. Better than any other platforms I've used including BB's, S60 and Winmo. I wish they would have the Thompson Reuters App on the Blackberry and also Skype and Fring.

Thompson Reuters Pro is available and also is Bloomberg; both look almost the same as that on iPhone including Yahoo Finance! Very happy about this.

segeln4me, Right now I'm having trouble selling my iPhone 3GS 16GB Black in immaculate condition (almost 4mths old) Unlocked (bought at Apple store) or even trading it for 9700. I posted on HowardForums under Prom1 (that's me over there).

phungy 12-15-2009 06:52 AM

I'm torn between both beauties. If I had the money I'd own both.

segeln4me 12-15-2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jagga (Post 1527176)

segeln4me, Right now I'm having trouble selling my iPhone 3GS 16GB Black in immaculate condition (almost 4mths old) Unlocked (bought at Apple store) or even trading it for 9700. I posted on HowardForums under Prom1 (that's me over there).

Sorry about that. I did notice the resale value going down as the prices on contract went down as well. I have always sold mine on eBay (I know, everyone on here hates eBay, but I have had great success selling on there) and I get the good prices when I ship to Europe. But again, as more and more countries get the iPhone, the resale value goes down.
Good Luck with that!

lmcjipo 12-20-2009 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by tkao2025 (Post 1522980)
Wirelessly posted

Agree. Both are great phones and I have both. The bb is great for business, but the applications available don't compare to the iphone's. I use both. One for day and other for weekend

I have both and I agree with you.

The Blackberry is great at what it does... e-mail, chatting, instant messaging, and some applications.

The iPhone is great for the large variety of applications, their Apps Store, the multimedia capabilities, etc.

There are some programs that I have for both like SlingPlayer, Shazam, Ebay, PayPal, GoogleMaps, etc. and I find that it is easier to use the iPhone for these programs and SlingPlayer looks great on the larger screen of the iPhone.

coallaw 12-20-2009 02:38 PM

Get the Bold
Iphone terrible battery life and spotty reception from AT&T. Bold 9700 advantage is you can go with Verizon or Tmobile and get super reception. Plus Iphone terrible battery life. 9700 has super battery and lasts for days (vs less than a day of Iphone usage - and you can't even carry an extra battery, as you can with a 9700, not that you would ever need it).

ItsaRaid 12-21-2009 10:10 PM

Which Phone
I wanted a chance to reply to segeln4me excellent post and Netghoster.
Hi, Ive had a I-Phone 3G/32S for several months now. Im torn.... But I dont like the touch screen or Touch Keyboard. Not before, Not Now and I dont think ever.
I migrated from a Bold 9000 on AT&T, that was plauged with problems. At the time AT&T said, Weve not heard about those problems. Now with the 9700 out, I was told several days ago by a senior support person that the Old Bold was a Problematic Phone for them, one of the worst.
Im on AT&T, I dont do games, I have a couple extras, and I have alot of issues with internet service and the phone. My Service provider is Time Warner or Road Runner. I will constantly go to the internet and get a window to pop stating that the connection failed or the password is no good, ill click okay, and bingo i get my email. If I charge my I-Phone on the desk where my desktop is, Ill get warning when I go to my Desktop for mail, that another device or security is using my account its busy or something like that, something I never got with the BOld.

Pick your Poison, they all have quirks, some more some less. I just recently flew from Minneapolis to Columbus via NWA, they had free internet, I couldnt get in or better yet it wouldnt work. No Internet, no text, no Safari-

The Realestate The I-Phone gives you is awesome, but the I-phone doesnt cut it when it comes to communicating- I have friends all over the world, including Business Relationships, the Pin Messaging that Blackberry offers is unbeatable. The Email, Texting (Keyboard) and Pin Messaging or the Blackberry Messaging is vastly superior to anything I-Phone has.

Oh yes, one more thing, If you use the i-phone 3G/32S, and you let the wifi, bluetooth and all the goodies hang out, you had better be prepared to have a charger even when you go to the toilet. Battery Time on the Phone is Horrible.

I also dont like the choke hold on the phone and strangle hold on the customers that apple feels they can have. Want an unlocked Phone, with Blackberry its a Pleasure and you get RIM support, with Apple you get shackles and Heartaches, and threats of Violated Warranty.

Its not for me. Im going to do whats in my incomes best interest and that is go back to the BB9700 and by a touch for my entertainment pleasures.

The Most Important ingredient to this all is, Run The Network Coverage Map to see what type of coverage you have, get a couple friends to let you borrow their phones for a couple hours, make calls and use the internet,. It not which phone is best, its which phone WORKS the BEST FOR YOU. " COVERAGE" Data, and Phone

I would appreciate it if any one has experience wiith using the 9700 on a Commercial Aircraft flight, I want to find out of they can text, email or whatever.

Also, if you have both phones, how do you get them to work on the same line?

Happy Holidays to all

Im going back to the 9700.

That70sGAdawg 12-21-2009 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by lmcjipo (Post 1531413)
I have both and I agree with you.

The Blackberry is great at what it does... e-mail, chatting, instant messaging, and some applications.

The iPhone is great for the large variety of applications, their Apps Store, the multimedia capabilities, etc.

There are some programs that I have for both like SlingPlayer, Shazam, Ebay, PayPal, GoogleMaps, etc. and I find that it is easier to use the iPhone for these programs and SlingPlayer looks great on the larger screen of the iPhone.

I also have both: 9700 for Business, 3GS for personal. You can't enjoy the programs (even on the larger screen) without multitasking!!! If I have to choose, I'd drop the iPhone. As it is, I forward all my personal calls to the BB most of the time and the iPhone is just really an iPod Touch...

ArgonNJ 12-22-2009 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by JSylvia007 (Post 1522662)
I will also say that I agree about the reception strength. The Blackberry I have constantly beats out a co-workers for reception and he only sits 2 desks down.

Disagree. I have both the iphone 3GS and the Bold and signal strength is the same on both.

ArgonNJ 12-22-2009 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by coallaw (Post 1531449)
Iphone terrible battery life and spotty reception from AT&T. Bold 9700 advantage is you can go with Verizon or Tmobile and get super reception. Plus Iphone terrible battery life. 9700 has super battery and lasts for days (vs less than a day of Iphone usage - and you can't even carry an extra battery, as you can with a 9700, not that you would ever need it).

Verizon? Don't think so. TMO yes. There is no CDMA 9700 out yet. And last I'd checked superior reception and TMO are not synonymous.

ItsaRaid 12-24-2009 11:34 PM

Well, I did it, Ive got a 9700, and Im really happy, visually for me, its better, and you absolutely cannot beat all the communication tools it gives you, especially the Pin Messaging.

I do not like Apple's strangle hold on the phone and their customers. It should be customers first and foremost at every company not just Apple- Apple is First At Apple, if they cant control it you cant have it.

Each phone is a incredidble tool, for me, Ill take the 9700 over the Apple anytime, and Im going to do what everyone else is doing, Im going to get a touch, put my music on it, and kick back and enjoy, but I will not subject my Livelyhood and Income abilities to Apple ever again.

ScottNYC 01-01-2010 08:09 PM

Im having the same issue. Im looking for comparisons between the iphone and bold 9700 and came across this forum. From what Ive seen so far Im leaning toward the 9700. It has the 3g, bluetooth, WIFI, if your on verizon then its a no brainer IMO because of the UMA or whatever its called, (allowing you to make calls on WIFI) plus verizons network is just superior IMO. But im going to be on ATTs network and cant decide which. I really like the keyboard and email capability of the blackberry, I also like the apps and browser of the iphone. I text all the time and am not sure about the touch screen texting. At least they have landscape view keyboard from what I understand. Another thing leaning me toward the 9700 is price. I can get the 9700 for free or buy the iphone. One question though, can someone tell me whats so bad about the BB browser, I understand it doesn't have tabbed browsing but as far as just viewing a page, is that hindered at all? Every review I read the cons always lists the browser whats that about?

Jagga 01-01-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by ScottNYC (Post 1539166)
Im having the same issue. Im looking for comparisons between the iphone and bold 9700 and came across this forum. From what Ive seen so far Im leaning toward the 9700. It has the 3g, bluetooth, WIFI, if your on verizon then its a no brainer IMO because of the UMA or whatever its called, (allowing you to make calls on WIFI) plus verizons network is just superior IMO. But im going to be on ATTs network and cant decide which. I really like the keyboard and email capability of the blackberry, I also like the apps and browser of the iphone. I text all the time and am not sure about the touch screen texting. At least they have landscape view keyboard from what I understand. Another thing leaning me toward the 9700 is price. I can get the 9700 for free or buy the iphone. One question though, can someone tell me whats so bad about the BB browser, I understand it doesn't have tabbed browsing but as far as just viewing a page, is that hindered at all? Every review I read the cons always lists the browser whats that about?

It seems that you're used to WAP or sorry WML2.0 browsers from feature phones like SonyEricsson's use of Access NetFront 3.1 or Motorola's WML2.0 browser in the RAZR2. For basic, and I mean really rudimentary browsing very popular sites. However, beyond that it gets bad/good.

For corporate use of intranet sites or applications (BNSF uses RemedyARv5/7 on BB via BES for specific train crews for efficient ordering and necessary track repairs, etc on their devices ~ project lead was originally headed by a mentor of mine Charles). For this & similar purposes, its well implemented, secure, and pretty efficient ... no fuss or sloppy rendering. I'm unsure BNSF has abandoned Remedy via BES or not the past 3yrs. However, many corporations are beginning to seriously consider intranet sites to be deployed along with BESv5+OS5 and File Browsing. I'm hoping to see implementations of MS SharePoint to be deployed but I have no clue of any roadblocks if any exists (I'm just a squirrel in the big forest).

Many pundits and geeks really like true internet pages to be rendered. The recent browser in OS 5 has done a fantastic job (from hotspot browser that I can tell) very similar to Opera Mini.
- No Tab Browsing
- Unable to save site id/pw's when deleting cookies/cache/history all together (separately from forms)!
- Flash Lite/Flash ... this is a major challenge considering battery life or implementation and speed using current cpu's which even on Nokia S60 devices is SLOW using Flash Lite 3.1 on few devices (using pittiful outdate ARM11 cpu's)
- Did I mention Tabbed Browsing; it makes for going forward, then back to select other pages (on site much like BBForums here) so seemless.
- Rendering speed has improved but its STILL slow and seems to hang before loading a page. You usually have to wait for the page to load before you can scroll. Again this site for 9700 forums as an example, I'm sure many of us skip the sticky's to see whats newly posted in normal ongoing threads.

The one thing that I absolutely LOVE about the BlackBerry Browser is its management of shortcuts and Bookmarks. I've not seen any other platform allowing the ability to save into a new folder a link or a page and create that new folder on the fly!!

Don't worry the Browser will improve and I think exponentially beyond most of our expectations. EPOC enabled sites was a nice initiation but I'm unsure just how implemented/loved/received by the html industry it was received this past 2009 year.

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