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hogarius 03-27-2009 09:03 AM

I'd like to be able to use this as a MUD client. I play Simutronics' Modus Operandi, and to log in, you need to receive an encryption key from the MUD and hash it with your account name. Does anyone know of a good way to do this?

alexonline 04-02-2009 04:24 AM

Is anyone here still care about this midpSSH. Coz I have several issue about getting it works on my handheld.
midpSSH ver. 1.7.4

It won't run in everyway on my BlackBerry (8707v with OS Platform

1. Connection Type to default, it says "Session Error, Writer : Invalid tunnel name"

2. Connection Type TCP/IP, same error "Invalid tunnel name"
NB : In this case I already change my TCP (I'm using vodafone carier, so I change my APN setting based on info that Mark Rejhon post here).

3. BES, and it says "Invalid url parameter" <-- I don't understand how to use BES though, or whatever MDS thingy :oops:

4. WiFi, and it says "Open tunnel - failure"

5. BIS-B ... Wow sick .. Now the error like this :

Session Error
could not connect to at
net.rim.protocol.iplayer.connect <--- I can't scrolling down again from here, it's stuck error ...

Do you have any suggestion or the conclusion from my problem here? Any reply/answer will be very appreciated. Thx in advance.


jimroe 04-06-2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Asskick (Post 1117512)
I've done my custom build of MidpSSH that is intended to work on blackberries.

Excellent effort and much appreciated. Rove has truly missed the boat with SSH - Mobile SSH was a good product and it is criminal that they no longer offer it - Mobile Admin is bloated and about useless for SSH and Linux admin work - which is all I do.

The menu system is awkward to say the least but this otherwise works well for me. Pearl 8110 4.5 OS.

ratatosk 04-12-2009 07:04 PM

Yes. Too bad about MobileSSH. I would have kept buying licenses for it if Rove hadn't killed it. At $99/license it was not cheap, but a reasonable deal. I had 8 licenses in use at one point...

I don't run Windows servers and don't need that functionality, so paying for MobileAdmin doesn't really make any sense.

revolutiongto 04-17-2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by hogarius (Post 1334535)
I'd like to be able to use this as a MUD client. I play Simutronics' Modus Operandi, and to log in, you need to receive an encryption key from the MUD and hash it with your account name. Does anyone know of a good way to do this?

Hey nice, I play Dragonrealms myself. When I first saw this app I thought of using it as a MUD client as well. I already had DR set up to play on a remote unix server so all I had to do was connect to my remote server to play via my blackberry using Midpssh.

As for connecting, I ended up creating a text login app via a shell script which calls a perl script to get the keycode from simu, then hook it into a unix FE called TinyFugue to play.

I have a slightly confusing howto on how to install this onto a unix server (root access or even on a non-root remote server) here at my site and the rest of the files in the surrounding directory here.

Honestly it's been years since I've modified or looked at the code for these, but I'm sure if you know a bit about shell scripts and perl they shouldn't be too hard to understand and modify.

I'm assuming they key encryption for MO would be the same as DR as it's from the same company, so you would only really need to modify the login and port information in DRlogin and maybe the key layout in DRentry if MOs key is sent in a different format.

Of course there probably a quicker way to do this, but I wanted the ease of just having to type in my DR username and password on my blackberry to connect to DR, which it does and does well. Though no real scripting ability which is kind of annoying.

Hopefully though maybe you can get what you need to throw something of your own together from my info there.

alb123 04-20-2009 06:22 PM

I appreciate the effort going into midpssh for our devices. Currently, I'm using it to connect to a shell and then IRC services as my Verizon 8330 can no longer connect to ANY IRC networks via jMIRC. But thats another story...


tna5000 04-24-2009 08:46 PM

WOW, ok, i've been looking for someone to continue development of midpSSH for some time now... its a great app for the bb, but i'm frustrated with it. MidpSSH uses the DSS algorithm, but some servers (dropbear) only use rsa.

Would anyone be interested in getting midpSSH to use the rsa algo so that it is more secure (and more compatible with other ssh servers)?

ratatosk 04-26-2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by jimroe (Post 1344393)
Excellent effort and much appreciated. Rove has truly missed the boat with SSH - Mobile SSH was a good product and it is criminal that they no longer offer it - Mobile Admin is bloated and about useless for SSH and Linux admin work - which is all I do.

The menu system is awkward to say the least but this otherwise works well for me. Pearl 8110 4.5 OS.

Sigh, and upgrading from OS 4.2 to 4.5 breaks MobileSSH.

jimroe 04-28-2009 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by ratatosk (Post 1365977)
Sigh, and upgrading from OS 4.2 to 4.5 breaks MobileSSH.

Sorry to hear the upgrade broke Moblie SSH for you. I was able to run Mobile SSH on 4.5 when I upgraded a couple of weeks ago. What version were you trying to run that didn't?

yamane 05-13-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by jimroe (Post 1367193)
Sorry to hear the upgrade broke Moblie SSH for you. I was able to run Mobile SSH on 4.5 when I upgraded a couple of weeks ago. What version were you trying to run that didn't?

Works very fine on my BB Bold version
Thanks for this great software!

Renato S. Yamane

netzone 07-01-2009 10:42 PM

thank you for your hard work

boody 07-16-2009 10:03 AM

I'm hoping to get some help...trying to run this on a Tour 9630 and not having good luck. Basically, I'm running screen and scrolling up (while in type mode) seems to enter 2 keys: up AND ctrl+a and every other time i scroll up I'm jumping around windows like crazy. I really like the build done over here (www thegeekstuff com/2009/04/midpssh-blackberry-ssh-client-tutorial-connect-to-unix-server/comment-page-1/#comment-12759) where they turned the SYM key into CTRL, but that too has the same scroll issue, and the backspace doesn't register/work. Is this (scroll issue) something I can fix with term info on the remote system? I've tried all kinds of term types in the midpssh config.
I'd also really like to try MobileSSH in hopes that will resolve this issue, but as you know it's gone. Anyone have a license they can part with?

kg4gyt 08-05-2009 09:51 PM

I'm having some trouble getting the Macro feature to work. When i say edit nothing happens. I'm running what is listed as the newest version on (Beta 3)

Any ideas? Some of the commands that have to type from time to time are pretty long, and it would be really nice to automate them.

jacobcolton 08-07-2009 06:07 AM

I have been having a problem getting it to work on my Blackberry Bold (I am on Vodaphone UK) and I discovered the answer after much searching - remove the WAP2 service book and it seems to work.

Hope that helps someone :)

squirrlman 08-09-2009 10:01 PM

hoping for some help
I may be an ideot, but heres what I'm looking for.
I play a MUD called Threshold. I'm looking for something to play it from my phone. However, I'm not able to use anything that needs to connect to another computer/router/or anything like that. any apps for a direct connect to a telnet server for MUDing?

device = 8320

mattgirv 08-10-2009 02:26 PM

As long as MidpSSH runs on your phone, it'll work fine. It supports Telnet servers so you shouldn't have any problem connecting.

mgrochowalski 10-14-2009 06:43 PM

I'm still getting an invalid COD error with this.
Also, where is the source code? Please post it.
(Although I'm not optimistic about receiving a response)

socalledsin 10-14-2009 06:51 PM

I just recently decided to try and get into muds, aside from this app the only other option I have seen is buzzmud, but unfortunately it doesn't offer a trial and I'm not paying for something I cant try first. I was excited about midpssh until i realized there was no way to simply type directly on the screen and instead have to go through the menu. It gets really old going back and forth from the main screen to the input screen. Anyone found a way around this or another option for mudding on a bb?

alb123 10-15-2009 12:10 AM

There is an app called PaderSyncSSH you could try. It was free when I downloaded it. Go check it out for yourself:

Pader Sync File Manager Downloads

socalledsin 10-15-2009 07:11 AM

thanks a ton man, I'll check it out

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