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BBAdmin 09-22-2006 07:42 AM


Please contact your service provider
That's just great!!! With all the technical knowledge in the world what the hell am I going to be able to do if RIM can't sort it!!!!!

tdigitee 09-22-2006 08:47 AM

KB article re SP2 upgrade failure
Just talked to RIM about this and they sent me the following (sorry about the "click here for 103302.sql file" as they didn't provide links):

You try to upgrade the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to software version 4.1 Service Pack 2 and the upgrade fails. The reason for the failure may vary (for example, the Transaction Log is full). When the original failure condition is corrected and you try to upgrade again, the BlackBerry Configuration Database upgrade fails. The DB_Install.log file displays the following:

[10000] (09/13 23:14:07.682):{0x1878} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 3725 Message: The constraint 'PK_MDSConfig' is being referenced by table ' ', foreign key constraint 'FK_RelationSCMDS_MDSConfig'.
[10000] (09/13 23:14:07.682):{0x1878} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 3727 Message: Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.

To successfully upgrade the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, complete the following steps:

If you are running Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with SQL Query Analyzer

Click here to obtain the 103302.sql file.
On the SQL Server, open SQL Query Analyzer.
Select the BlackBerry Configuration Database name (for example, BESMgmt) from the drop-down list.
Open the 103302.sql file and run it.
If you are not running Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or do not have SQL Query Analyzer

Click here to obtain the 103302.sql file and save it on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (for example, save the file to C:\Program Files\Research In Motion).
On the computer running SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE), open a command prompt.
Type the following command:
osql -d <database_name> -i <path>\103302.sql -E

where <database_name> is the name of the BlackBerry Configuration Database (for example, BESMgmt) and <path> is the path to the SQL file (for example, C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\103302.sql).

Note: The -E flag uses the permissions for the account currently logged in to Microsoft Windows® to access the SQL Server or MSDE database. If you do not have sufficient Windows permissions, or need to use a SQL Server account to log in, replace -E with the following:

-U <account_name> -P <password>

where <account_name> is the SQL login name, and <password> is the password of that account.

Press ENTER.
When the script has finished running, close the command prompt.

Snyder81 09-26-2006 08:13 PM

Does this concern anyone else? Users are being added/deleted all the time in my environment. If I understand this correctly, every time I delete someone all users handhelds revert to only deleted messages locally even if they previously had it setup to delete on desktop as well???

BlackBerry Policy Service
SDR 100058
If you add a user to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and then delete that user, the Delete On option (in Messages Options > Email Reconciliation) on the BlackBerry device is set to Handheld for all existing users because the BlackBerry Policy Service sends out a service book update to all existing users when the user is deleted.

jibi 09-26-2006 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Snyder81
Does this concern anyone else?

I didn't even read the Known Issues yet, but WOW! That is a biggie. I know they had a need to get this SP out there for the 8100 support, but they really, REALLY f*ck'd up this time, imo.

Someone with a high-level tier support care to inquire?

||||||| 09-26-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by jibi
I didn't even read the Known Issues yet, but WOW! That is a biggie. I know they had a need to get this SP out there for the 8100 support, but they really, REALLY f*ck'd up this time, imo.

Someone with a high-level tier support care to inquire?

I think that has been there since 4.1 base.

jibi 09-27-2006 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by |||||||
I think that has been there since 4.1 base.

Hasn't been mentioned in the release notes for either 4.1.0 or 4.1.1. Needless to say, I think you'd agree that 4.1.2 was rushed out of the gates. I find it highly suspect that its public download availability just happened to be the same day as the release of the 8100 (and OS 4.2), no? And let's not even mention the image-damaging blurb: "The following issues are believed to be fixed in this software release, but have not been confirmed to be closed".

I was going to roll out 4.1.2 into my production environment until I got to that point. TSupport in Asia (shall I say, what I perceive to be an Asian-based support team - maybe they are over there, maybe not) didn't even know that 4.1.2 was released a few days after it's release. It took 4.5 months to release SP1, yet it only took 1.5 months to release SP2.

Also, that known issue alone is a fairly big bug. Assuming they knew about it since 4.1.0 (and just didn't mention it in the release notes for that release or the first service pack), I would find it quite astonishing they'd go through 2 updates w/o fixing it. It's not worded as most others with the 'under certain circumstances' so we're left to assume it happens anytime. On my test server, it's rare that I'll remove anyone aside from myself; however in production, that is another story, as I'm sure it is with most people.

slimbim 10-16-2006 12:28 AM

I just updated our BES to 4.1 SP2 and tested this by adding a test account, and then deleting that account. Been about an hour or so, and my blackberry's option haven't changed. It still shows Delete on Mailbox & Handheld.

PhanMan 10-18-2006 07:24 PM

I have been running 4.1.2 for just about a month now and have not experienced this issue to date. Maybe RIM will be releasing a hotfix for this?

At least the new user search feature is

Sunny0815 11-28-2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by jibi
Known issues
[SDR 97792
The BlackBerry Manager does not correctly indicate the PGP Security Capabilities for a user’s BlackBerry device in the user Properties when the user is enabled for PGP. it the same for S/MIME? The BES just does not want to recognize running the S/MIME Support Package running on my 7290. But if the BES will not recognize then it will not automatically reencrypt weak encrypted or just signed emails with S/MIME Encryption?!

Are there more informations about this issue?

Best Regards

porilio 12-04-2006 04:00 PM

Has anyone noticed that the release notes no longer refer to the JDBC being required for MDS. It shows up in the SP1 release notes, but in the sames sections for SP2, it is no longer there. Was this another oversight or is it somehow built in and no longer needed to be downloaded and installed seperately?

mole2384 12-05-2006 12:11 PM

Anyone got 103302.sql ??? :smile:

ipimienta 01-10-2007 10:30 AM

Here is the content of 103302.sql

* Support Script: 4.1.2 Upgrade failure
* Created: 09/18/2006
* Tracked via : SDR103302
* Description: This script will fix the error in upgrading your database for the following failure:
* [10000] (09/13 23:14:07.682):{0x1878} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 3725 Message: The constraint 'PK_MDSConfig' is being referenced by table ' ', foreign key constraint 'FK_RelationSCMDS_MDSConfig'.
* [10000] (09/13 23:14:07.682):{0x1878} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 3727 Message: Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.
* Instructions for running script:
* 1. Backup database
* 2. Paste the following code into Query Analyzer
* 3. Select your BESMgmt Database and then run the code

/* it is possible there may be a 4.1.2 Version row in ServerDBVersion Table */
delete from ServerDBVersion where CurrentVersion = '4.1.2'

/* it is possible there may be orphaned MDSConfig rows so let's get rid of them */
delete from MDSConfig where serverconfigid is null

/* Drop objects in case this is a rerun to avoid problem dropping PK_MDSConfig */
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'RelationSCMDS' AND type = 'U')
drop TABLE dbo.RelationSCMDS

if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'PK_MDSminuteStat' and xtype = 'PK')
alter table MDSminuteStat drop constraint PK_MDSminuteStat

if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'FK_MDSminuteStat_MDSConfigId' and xtype = 'F')
alter table MDSminuteStat drop CONSTRAINT FK_MDSminuteStat_MDSConfigId

if not exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'PK_MDSminuteStat' and xtype = 'PK')

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