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Rambler 09-06-2005 03:18 PM

Ramble Instant Messenger
A new verison of Ramble is now available. Version supports buddy-list editing once again, as well as a number of other enhancements and fixes.

You can now download Ramble IM from the SRA Wireless website again ( Keep watching for updates on the software.

Thanks for your interest in Ramble IM, and your patience.

SaV 09-06-2005 03:22 PM


Thank you!

koore 09-06-2005 03:46 PM

Awesome, Thank you so much for your time and effort.

jibi 09-06-2005 04:36 PM

very cool!

thewarlock 09-06-2005 04:53 PM

Thanks for the good news

nexteli836man 09-06-2005 06:17 PM

Yes Thank you !!

finch 09-06-2005 06:31 PM

Great news Rambler!

KonTiki 09-06-2005 06:36 PM

Rambler to say you are Aces is an understatement. Thank You from all of us.

Slammed 09-06-2005 07:30 PM

OMG thank you sooooo Much I was lost sooooooo lost with out Ramble thanks

MasterLu 09-06-2005 07:37 PM

YES!!!! I was about to go pay for webmessenger. I can't wait!!!! THANK YOU!!!

IronHelix 09-06-2005 08:31 PM

thank you very much. Your efforts are most appreciated :D

surfsupp 09-06-2005 08:54 PM

thanks! can't wait!!!!!!!! 09-07-2005 06:24 AM

Give it to me baby ...

ptzchris 09-07-2005 07:11 AM

finalllyyyyy....wwwoooo hhoooo...its back...rambler i cant express how happy this makes us all feel...finally we got the best aim messenger back

DenominatorX 09-07-2005 09:52 AM

YES! woooot

patrick 09-07-2005 10:10 AM

You all are ACES!!!

ya future hubbie 09-07-2005 03:08 PM

wowww thank god!!!!! can you like send a mass email out the minute its released lol if so feel free to email me lol [email address]

ya future hubbie 09-07-2005 08:14 PM

oh also, will there be anything else updated in the new version for example the chatroom question i had for you in the past or anything else , or will it just be the connection that is being updated?

jeffrc 09-07-2005 09:59 PM

AWESOME! ive missed aim so much and Ramble hands down is the best ive used! def subscribing tot his thread!

rael 09-08-2005 04:15 PM

That is AWESOME news. Thank you so much, Rambler!

FallToFragments 09-08-2005 05:57 PM

Friggin awesome, Thanks Rambler!! *does happy dance*

jlevi 09-08-2005 07:54 PM

One suggestion - I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but when I use ramble for a long time it sometimes crashes my phone, causing it to restart. It's very odd, and maybe this is a good opportunity to look at it.

Very excited for the new version!

gregg 09-09-2005 12:45 PM

SWEEEETTT!! Rambler, you da man!!!!

jetspeedz 09-09-2005 06:59 PM

thanks... I hope this time around it works on my BB 7290 on Bes 4.0.....

PLease work this time

[email address]

ekummel 09-09-2005 09:09 PM

[stupid aol]
This is great news...You never know how much you *need* something until it's taken away from you by force!
web/gadget guru

tdiddy 09-12-2005 12:35 AM

Appreciate your efforts. Cant wait to get the new program.

shiyen 09-12-2005 01:00 AM

thank you so much

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 01:30 AM

Any word on when the update is going to be released for download?

jibi 09-12-2005 01:37 AM

he said he will start on it in a few days. good lord. do as he said and keep clicking on the link provided. they updated it on saturday to disable the downloads. give it time.

Jayvik 09-12-2005 06:24 AM

You Are The Man

JPIndustrie 09-12-2005 01:30 PM

Thanks. Much appreciated.

ptzchris 09-12-2005 02:08 PM

yup i been clicking on the link literally atleast twice or three times a day hoping it will pop up and say ready to

[email address]

Rambler 09-12-2005 02:58 PM

Sorryfor the delay, but I had a (paying) customer deadline pop-up. Initial re-release will not include some of the buddy list modification functions, but will otherwise be functional. Buddy List functionality will return, I just want to re-release ASAP and Buddy List code hasn't been updated yet.

As soon as I get a chance, I will throw together the current code and post an update.


jetspeedz 09-12-2005 05:30 PM

thanks again

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by jibi
he said he will start on it in a few days. good lord. do as he said and keep clicking on the link provided. they updated it on saturday to disable the downloads. give it time.

The original post stated he had the green light to release the Ramble update, which he intended to do in the next few days. I didn't read anything about starting in a few days. My post waited those "few days" and then simply asked a question. Please clear that up for me so that I can quit making the mistake of asking a question on an open forum, I know how that bothers everybody...

Dawg 09-12-2005 06:36 PM

he said watch this thread and the site. I mean jeez its a project he is doing on his free time give the guy a break..He has real job that i am sure takes precedence over ramble


Originally Posted by Rambler

Please watch this thread, as well as the Ramble IM website ( for updates on the upcoming release.

Thanks for your interest in Ramble IM.

chucksbar 09-12-2005 07:12 PM

Hey Rambler
Thanks, Can't hardly wait. Good Luck! (y)

bvarianlvr 09-12-2005 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
he said watch this thread and the site. I mean jeez its a project he is doing on his free time give the guy a break..He has real job that i am sure takes precedence over ramble

Being a software engineer myself, I figured "release an update in the next couple of days" meant that it was already done and coded, and all that remained was to post it on the server in about 2 days and make sure its downloadable.

So, anyone's confusion is probably understandable.

Dawg 09-12-2005 08:47 PM

if he just got the ok why would it have been coded and ready

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 10:00 PM

Dawg, Jibi, it's what he said in his post!! He said he'd be releasing an upgrade in a few days from the time he originally created the thread, I'm not making this up. Am I supposed to take all the "clues" within these threads and come up with my own conclusion surrounding timeframes and the such? And all I did was ask if anyone knew any specifics as to when he was going to release the software, that's it. It had been a few days and I was curious. I can't tell you how many times I've asked a similar question and someone on this forum has more information than I do. And I KNOW the same has happened to each of you. I'm not pressuring anybody and I'm certainly not expecting him to put the release of free-ware above a paying job. It was one question, period. As usual, you are making more of this than it has to be. Let it go already!

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by bvarianlvr
Being a software engineer myself, I figured "release an update in the next couple of days" meant that it was already done and coded, and all that remained was to post it on the server in about 2 days and make sure its downloadable.

So, anyone's confusion is probably understandable.

...and by the way, thank you for confirming that I am not the only one who took the phrase "releasing an upgrade in a few days" to mean releasing an upgrade in a few days.

Dawg 09-12-2005 10:36 PM

and i dont know how many times I have readonthis forums I will release in a couple days and it still hasnt shown up.. All I am saying is give the guy a break he is giving us something for free so let him put it out at his liesure

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 10:59 PM

What do you mean "give the guy a break"? A break from what? A question in a forum that he doesn't have to (and probably hasn't) read? Quit making this situation more than it needs to be, leave it alone. It was a one-sentence question asking ANYBODY if they knew when it would be released. Quit on this, your post count is high enough...

Dawg 09-12-2005 11:11 PM

dude i dont care about post count thats stupid and childish what does it get me nothing it means nothing and I get nothing for it. So dont incinuate anything about me. He stated plain and clear watch this thread and there site so how would anyone else know anything if it hadnt been posted by him or someone from his company. I am not trying to make anything out of anything.

dkmadrid 09-12-2005 11:15 PM

Thanks for all your help, Dawg. It's obvious that I don't understand how a forum works and the proper etiquette to use when engaging in discussions of these types. You are a godsend to this forum and to all the rest of us that struggle with these kinds of interactions.

Dawg 09-13-2005 12:02 AM

what ever!

KonTiki 09-13-2005 12:13 AM

Actually dkmadrid the question should not have even been brought up. I do agree with Dawg, give the man a chance he does not have to do anything at all, he is giving it to us for free. Besides all of that, stop for one minute is being without AIM for a month such a big deal or a problem that we all have to split hairs over what a few days entails. Can it, wait patiently or impatiently (your choice) but do it quietly and in private, and be thankful or grateful or write your own software.

jibi 09-13-2005 02:42 AM


I have the go ahead to release an update to Ramble, which I will be doing in the next couple of days
just to add my little bickering sidenote, if someone has been given the go ahead to release something, it simply means that he has the approval to do the project. when i'm having sex and i've been given the permission to release, it doesn't necessarily mean that i'm ready to do so, now does it? :-)

but seriously, from previous posts, he was not going to start on the project until he had the approval. had the application already been coded and ready, i doubt it would take anyone a 'couple days' to put an update on the web and test the download link - more like a 'couple minutes'. hope that explains. just be patient. this is someone's leisure side project that became a bit more popular than he most likely expected.

tateu 09-13-2005 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Dawg
if he just got the ok why would it have been coded and ready

Just to throw in my own two cents here...His post actually said he just got the ok to release an update. I don't think any of his posts ever said anything about writing the code, so it's very possible he took the time to write it before he got the ok from the lawyers.


Originally Posted by Rambler
This afternoon I received word that I have the go ahead to release an update to Ramble, which I will be doing in the next couple of days.

And as dkmadrid said, all he did was ask a question to see if anyone had more up-to-date information. He didn't demand an update, he didn't insult Rambler because he hadn't delivered the software yet, he didn't ask the question multiple times. And sure enough, Rambler posted a message today giving us more information that there had been a delay.

harryzuluberries 09-13-2005 05:29 AM

No disrespect, but I do find your bickering quite amusing. Honestly, the issues I see some of you splitting hairs about and quibbling over, it's akin to the conversations I listen to my 9, 7, and 6 year olds having. Again, no disrespect- and I know this comment won't make me too popular- but come on people, dkmadrid did ask a question only once and Rambler did post that it would be up in a couple days so what was so wrong with [dkdmadrid] asking the question? Please enlighten me. I mean, I can see your point with being patient and all but is it really that serious? Ah well, just my .01

fliedlice 09-13-2005 08:01 AM

The first page of this thread was filled with praise for the program coming back the second page of it was a E-whose penis is bigger party.

everyday this forum becomes the iden insider of the blackberry world....having the most members doesnt always make you the best forum...when I first joined this site it was filled with quality members who were willing to help that doesnt seem 100% true anymore. of course there are still those people willing to help and to those I am appreciative...but I am tired of clicking on threads and seeing "please search first" youve been around the forums long enough to know that isnt gonna happen...some people are just inharintly lazy...

Dawg 09-13-2005 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by fliedlice
The first page of this thread was filled with praise for the program coming back the second page of it was a E-whose penis is bigger party.

the only person who made the comment like that was madrid saying i was posting to make my post count go up. I could care less about post count reset them to zero for all i care.

realeztace 09-13-2005 11:43 AM

come on guys hes doing us a favor.... we all know sometimes we can word things wrong. rambler is doing a service for us its not like he is getting a benifit out of making a prog for us that works the best and we dont pay for. even if there was a charge we all know we would be paying. so quit this and wait for the release

bvarianlvr 09-13-2005 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by dkmadrid
...and by the way, thank you for confirming that I am not the only one who took the phrase "releasing an upgrade in a few days" to mean releasing an upgrade in a few days.

I aim to please.

gregg 09-13-2005 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by jibi
just to add my little bickering sidenote, if someone has been given the go ahead to release something, it simply means that he has the approval to do the project. when i'm having sex and i've been given the permission to release, it doesn't necessarily mean that i'm ready to do so, now does it? :-)

Man i got to laugh out loud at that one, thanx!

If others in our forums would take the same approach we wouldn't have the recent tensions that seem to be getting worse...

DenominatorX 09-13-2005 01:26 PM

Online trolls who are rude to everyone because they don't have a life are hilarious. I wish I could get you all in a REAL room and watch you all be silent to eachother because you can only fight your battles online. How about you let Rambler get his product out, without pissing him off, so that we can be thankful for the free thing he's giving us. I know I don't want to pay 39.99 a year for an IM client on my phone... do you?

Dawg 09-13-2005 01:28 PM

lol now thats funny..

harryzuluberries 09-13-2005 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by DenominatorX
Online trolls who are rude to everyone because they don't have a life are hilarious. I wish I could get you all in a REAL room and watch you all be silent to eachother because you can only fight your battles online.

.......truer words were never spoken! (Thinking to self) Well, there is the Bible to consider. Then, well, Ghandi had some sayings i'm partial to. And, there was that book by William James...ok, very true words have been spoken. (y)

Dawg 09-13-2005 02:57 PM

Well I do have a life, I have a very good life that includes a wonderful wife and three great children a fantastic career. So I sure cant be the troll hes talking about. I am very open in public as well as behind closed doors. I speak my mind however I do it with out calling names or jumping to conclusions as others do.

DenominatorX 09-13-2005 03:02 PM

It was more of a general comment, but I guess it would currently apply to dkmadrid.

jibi 09-13-2005 03:06 PM

look, the point of this post was to let people know that he had been given a green light. for those not familiar with the situation, i'm sure they comprehended this as him having the application ready for release. for those familiar with the situation (me, for instance), it was understood that him being given the go ahead to release an updated version was simply him being given the approval to get started on the new update and protocol. hell, i personally wouldn't waste my free time coding an application that may or may not be approved for release by his lawyer/legal counsel, as i'm sure others wouldn't either (unless you were releasing it on your own w/o any sort of company affiliation, especially one that works on government contracts).

simple as that... comprehension is best done when you know the entire story. some of us do, some of us don't. this being a free application for us to use as an alternative to the subscription-based or one-time fees of $35-45, and it being a novelty for our handhelds, makes it a fairly popular application; however, we must keep in mind that Rambler guy is doing this as a favor to us. i think that, when he expresses something in terms of an update and says things will be a few days, then if it pushes over a few more, the terminology of 'patience' should be implied without question.

if a month went by with no update, then sure, ask the question... but it was less than week at the time the question was asked.

Dawg 09-13-2005 03:06 PM

ok well I am over it now lets get the topic back On track I am really looking forward to the New Ramble I have missed having afternoon chats with my daughter.

jibi 09-13-2005 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
ok well I am over it now lets get the topic back On track I am really looking forward to the New Ramble I have missed having afternoon chats with my daughter.

amen. except i'm not chatting with your daughter. hey, speaking of AIM, PM me your screen name. might as well add you, by now. :-)

Dawg 09-13-2005 03:22 PM

lol I hope your not pming my daughter shes only 15 lol

jibi 09-13-2005 05:53 PM

eek, i hope i'm not either... haha.

backagain 09-14-2005 12:03 AM

dawg, whats up with your sig, it's freaking HUGE. and blank

jibi 09-14-2005 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by backagain
dawg, whats up with your sig, it's freaking HUGE. and blank

he has no signature. its the avatar and personal information that causes his posts to extend further than, oh let's say yourself, for instance. :-)

djbeenie 09-14-2005 12:29 PM

[QUOTE=jibi]just to add my little bickering sidenote, if someone has been given the go ahead to release something, it simply means that he has the approval to do the project. when i'm having sex and i've been given the permission to release, it doesn't necessarily mean that i'm ready to do so, now does it? :-)

BWAHAHAHAHA!! Jibi that's great!

Dawg 09-14-2005 12:44 PM

I have no idea what was going on with it it just kept getting begger and bigger I deleted every thing in it and it was still huge. Then all the sudden it got small again

Originally Posted by backagain
dawg, whats up with your sig, it's freaking HUGE. and blank

jamesofalpha 09-14-2005 02:42 PM

Some people would complain about a free meal being cold in a soup kitchen, as they are starving for food! Ignore the ungrateful ones, Rock on Rambler!!!

We're all hungry for a solution.

jeffrc 09-14-2005 04:24 PM

yeah, we all need to remember that this is a free app, probably not at the top of the priority list for SRA. anyone who is in a huge rush for a BB im app should turn their focus to IM+ or verichat, if u are looking for an awesome free app, keep your eyes on this thread and be patient.

Chrscott22 09-14-2005 05:53 PM

Sucks that i have to read thru all the little sissyfighting just to make sure i didn't miss any real info.

Dawg 09-14-2005 06:26 PM

no what sucks chrs is that you brought it back up we had all moved on

dkmadrid 09-14-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
no what sucks chrs is that you brought it back up we had all moved on

I whole-heartedly agree!!

Chrscott22 09-14-2005 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
no what sucks chrs is that you brought it back up we had all moved on


abstractrude 09-15-2005 03:45 PM

Ramble Im Is Back! But Not Really

Rambler 09-15-2005 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by abstractrude

Dang you people are intense :) I'm updating the website now after I saw how upset people were getting. I really didn't intend for a delay, but as some rightly point out, I did say a couple days.

Anyway, the new client is up, and it is basically functional. It is missing buddy list modification, which also had an impact on messaging non-buddies, so at this point you're restricted to IMing your buddy list and chatting, but hopefully that'll tide you over until I can get around to the buddy list modifications.

abstractrude 09-15-2005 03:55 PM

"hey godfather"
"you da man dawg"

famous movie...

Rambler 09-15-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by abstractrude
"hey godfather"
"you da man dawg"

famous movie...

Old School?

abstractrude 09-15-2005 04:13 PM


btw i have put my email address in twice and havent recieved emails for downloading the software... ill try it again though. ttyl gotta get back to work

TheWastedYears 09-15-2005 04:15 PM


I know you've had to get permission from your company, and they're also footing the bill for the site, etc.. but would they allow you to setup a Paypal account for donations? If not directly to you, perhaps a fund for the company to show the benefit of "special projects" such as this.

You're providing a great service to the BB community, keeping the "subscriptioners" at bay. I'd just like to see you get a little compensation for your time/efforts.

Rambler 09-15-2005 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by abstractrude

btw i have put my email address in twice and havent recieved emails for downloading the software... ill try it again though. ttyl gotta get back to work

I was just talking to the system admin, and there was an issue with the machine that got it listed as a spammer. The problem has been fixed, but it might take a bit to get un-listed. For my test, I had to check my 'Spam' box to find the message from the server.

Rambler 09-15-2005 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by TheWastedYears

I know you've had to get permission from your company, and they're also footing the bill for the site, etc.. but would they allow you to setup a Paypal account for donations? If not directly to you, perhaps a fund for the company to show the benefit of "special projects" such as this.

You're providing a great service to the BB community, keeping the "subscriptioners" at bay. I'd just like to see you get a little compensation for your time/efforts.

Take the money you'd donate to Ramble and give it to the American Red Cross ( They need it more than I do. I certainly appreciate the praise though. I'm happy that people enjoy using the software.

TheWastedYears 09-15-2005 04:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Rambler
Take the money you'd donate to Ramble and give it to the American Red Cross ( They need it more than I do. I certainly appreciate the praise though. I'm happy that people enjoy using the software.

Consider it done. (see attached)

I encourage others to do the same.

gmillnj 09-15-2005 05:00 PM

Ramble is up according to their web page I see the ramble program ready!!
Gonna download it now..

I tried several times to download to my berry, then about 10-15 mins later I was successful !!! Guess it takes a few minutes to register my email address in their system before my link was valid..

Rambler 09-15-2005 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by TheWastedYears
Consider it done. (see attached)

I encourage others to do the same.

Fantastic! Thank you so much!

mikimous 09-15-2005 05:10 PM

404 Page Not Found?
I'm attempting to download the new program. I submit my e-mail address and the link I get back (either over the air or desktop download) takes me to a page not found.

Anyone else having similar problems?

massimo 09-15-2005 05:12 PM

success!! my thumbs hurt once again!! thanks rambler!!

quick funny story:

i just did the OTA install, and i logged in with all the sounds on by default, and my office mate just said, "oh, i guess ramble is working again..."

and she doesnt even have a bb... i guess i was vocal about NOT having ramble!

jeffrc 09-15-2005 05:31 PM

thanks a million, just submitted my email addy now, hope i get the link soon! i miss my ramble!!

jetspeedz 09-15-2005 05:31 PM

so what are the settings we need to put in to make it work.. since oscar is no longer available????

massimo 09-15-2005 05:32 PM

rambler - just an observation i made with the old version that has carried thru to the update:

upon me setting an away message and another aim user viewing my profile the away message shows up in both the profile and the away message area when another user does the 'view buddy info' function in aim.

is there a way to correct this?

Rambler 09-15-2005 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by massimo
rambler - just an observation i made with the old version that has carried thru to the update:

upon me setting an away message and another aim user viewing my profile the away message shows up in both the profile and the away message area when another user does the 'view buddy info' function in aim.

is there a way to correct this?

That was my kludge for being unable to request a user's away message from Ramble. By putting it in the profile, another Ramble user at least has the potential to see what the other Ramble user's away message is.

It is 'correct', but it isn't pretty.

Rambler 09-15-2005 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by jetspeedz
so what are the settings we need to put in to make it work.. since oscar is no longer available????

The settings that worked previously still apply. The server is still there, it just speaks a new 'language' that Ramble had to 'learn'. No additional configuration, beyond what you needed previously, is necessary.

massimo 09-15-2005 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rambler
That was my kludge for being unable to request a user's away message from Ramble. By putting it in the profile, another Ramble user at least has the potential to see what the other Ramble user's away message is.

It is 'correct', but it isn't pretty.

yeah i dont like the way that it looks, more often than not a user is going to be contacting bb users via aim client. can that be removed or changed easily if needed?

Rambler 09-15-2005 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by mikimous
I'm attempting to download the new program. I submit my e-mail address and the link I get back (either over the air or desktop download) takes me to a page not found.

Anyone else having similar problems?

I was missing some files on the website that are now in place. Sorry for the omission.

Chrscott22 09-15-2005 05:56 PM

soooo sweet!!!!

rcrivera03 09-15-2005 06:18 PM

Downloaded the new Ramble on my 7520. Gets stuck on Logging In. Anyone else get this again?

Dawg 09-15-2005 06:22 PM

nope i went right in rich

jeffrc 09-15-2005 06:24 PM

i havent even received the email response :(
if i havent received it by the time i get home im going to have to load it through the desktop, i miss my aim!!!

KonTiki 09-15-2005 06:39 PM

I get an error that says the software I am trying to download is incompatible with the software I have installed, it asks if I want to proceed anyway and when I choose yes it says the download failed. Any ideas, do I have to unistall the old one, and if I do, do I loose all the setings I had before?

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