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TomCeeeeeeee 12-24-2013 01:25 AM

Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
I'm new to blackberry, so I'd just like to check that I'm meant to use the blackberry world app that's already installed to look for apps. I only ask, because every single damn app that's useful is either not available at all on blackberry, not not compatible with my device. This must be the single most frustrating thing I've ever encountered with a smartphone. What's the point in all its features if nothing can be installed?

Medical Journals
Science Journals

I could go on.. Without exception nothing can be installed. I'm fully updated and everything... am I doing something wrong? I xxxxing hope so.

dc/dc 12-24-2013 05:44 AM

Re: Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
You're not doing anything wrong. There are not anywhere near as many apps available for BB10 devices as there are for other ecosystems. If those apps are critical, BlackBerry is not the right device for you.

tsac 12-25-2013 12:07 PM

Re: Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
More and more Apps are being updated to support the 10-OS. We all have to wait for updates reguardless of the phone if the OS changes a much as the Blackberry OS did. I complained when the Z10 was introduced also. The apps I wanted are now being introduced although slowly.

JCH01 12-25-2013 03:50 PM

Re: Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
If there is an Android version of the apps then Google "how to install Google Apps on OS10" I haven't had "approved OS" since the second day I owned a Q10 and haven't looked back.

tsac 12-25-2013 06:10 PM

Re: Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
I have one on my Z10 and it works ok. The only issue is the time it takes to convert some to use.

rambo47 02-02-2014 01:22 PM

Re: Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
BlackBerry has NEVER been the platform for app hounds. For most if BlackBerry's time they were never concerned with apps or general consumer acceptance. Not until the Curve 8300 did BlackBerrys even have external storage. And it's only in the last 4 years or so that BlackBerry made a concerted effort to push into the general consumer space. Their focus had been enterprise from the beginning. The push for the general consumer didn't go very well. Between their own blunders, too many to count really, and the headwinds competing with both iOS and. Android, BlackBerry has fallen on heard times. If it was an uphill battle to court developers before it's like climbing K2 now. BB10 is perhaps BlackBerry's last gasp at staying relevant. It will take time to get apps ported to the platform. So either you're patient and content with BlackBerry's strengths right now or you're buying an iPhone.

John Clark 02-02-2014 10:48 PM

Re: Apps for Q10 - What the hell?
With OS 10.2.1 you can load Android apk files directly to the device. I'd say 90% of the apps I've tried run fine. I have a ton of Android apps on my Z10 now.

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