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DrakulDragon 01-03-2009 11:46 PM

8130 Died! Help!
just posted this on the crackberry site, figured it couldnt hurt to post here

a few days ago, my bb pearl 8130 just died out of nowhere. i wasnt doing anything to it. i was walking with it in my pocket. it was working jsut fine, had 2 bars of battery and had jsut gotten a text message. less than 2 minutes after heard i recieved a text, i went to look at it at the screen was blank, like it usually is when my keypad is locked. i went to unlock it but it was off, ithought maybe i hit the power button by accident while it was in my pocket so i hit the power button again to bring it out of sleep mode or whatever that is and it did nothing. i held it down to turn the phone on as if it were totally off and again, nothing. i pulled the battery and nothing. plugged it in and nothing. pulled the batt a few more times and NOTHING. i dont understand what happened if i had dropped it or soemthing, got it wet, i'd understand if it died. but NOPE. it was just sitting in my pocket like every day since i got it a year ago.

so, of course, i didnt back up my contacts and whatnot cuz i'm an ***** (wow it censored id.iot) . i tried plugging it into my comp to hopefully get the desktop manager to read it and backup my stuff, but no. *sighs* so now...i can bring it to verizon to have them just say get a new phone, since my warranty expired on dec died on the 31st. i asked a guy at a place where they jsut sell the phones, not fix them, if he knew if there was any way to pull my info off it, he said no. i havent gotten to the service place since the closest one is half an hour away >_<

does anyone have any idea how i can get my phone back? i saw the post about reloading the os through c prompt on a dead bb, but that erases all data....if i cant fix my phone, anyone know how i can get my numbers? or, if no one has that, anyone know the inner guts of the phone so i can buy a new one and take the memory chip off my old one and solder it into the new one? lol. i'm desperate here, people. help me with my crackberry addiction!!

chrapojr 01-04-2009 12:10 PM

Do you use BIS or BES?

If using BES, the handheld is backed up automatically. Once you re-activate to the BES (without deleting your BES user), the data will restore.

DrakulDragon 01-04-2009 12:48 PM

dont know waht bis/bes is

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