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WalkingToaster 04-15-2013 12:57 AM

New Z10 user with some questions
1) What exactly do the side volume UP/DOWN buttons control when not in the middle of a call (i.e. just in standby mode?) I'm guessing it's just the in-call earpiece volume, rather than ringtone volume?

2) I find it clumsy to open the Hub to see that I have some missed calls, then having to go back to the home screen, open the Phone app (thus clearing the notification), then returning to the Hub.

Is there a way to clear the missed call alerts directly from within the Hub- instead of using the Phone app? It feels like this really should be possible.

3) What happens if you enter the wrong PIN 10 times or a Z10?

4) There is an option to disable the touchpad when the screen is locked (which means you have to wake it using the power button instead of gestures, saving some battery life as it doesn't power the touchscreen constantly).

Does anyone know much much extra life you can get out of the battery by doing so? Is it significant?

dc/dc 04-15-2013 06:22 AM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions

Originally Posted by WalkingToaster (Post 1802181)
1) What exactly do the side volume UP/DOWN buttons control when not in the middle of a call (i.e. just in standby mode?) I'm guessing it's just the in-call earpiece volume, rather than ringtone volume?

2) I find it clumsy to open the Hub to see that I have some missed calls, then having to go back to the home screen, open the Phone app (thus clearing the notification), then returning to the Hub.

Is there a way to clear the missed call alerts directly from within the Hub- instead of using the Phone app? It feels like this really should be possible.

3) What happens if you enter the wrong PIN 10 times or a Z10?

4) There is an option to disable the touchpad when the screen is locked (which means you have to wake it using the power button instead of gestures, saving some battery life as it doesn't power the touchscreen constantly).

Does anyone know much much extra life you can get out of the battery by doing so? Is it significant?

2: Hold down on an entry in Hub to manage it, or hit the dots and use Select More to mange more than one at a time.
3: What PIN?
4: Settings > Display > Allow Gestures when Locked > Off

WalkingToaster 04-15-2013 12:27 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
"2: Hold down on an entry in Hub to manage it, or hit the dots and use Select More to mange more than one at a time."

What I am trying to do specifically is dismiss missed call alerts from within the Hub. Not delete them, dismiss them- like you can do from within the Phone app. I want the missed call record to stay on my phone (so "Delete" is no use for me), I just want to stop the notification from showing up when I "peek" to view my alerts. In Hub management, the only options are "Call", "Add to Contacts", "Copy", "Select More" and "Delete".

The question remains: "Is there a way to clear the missed call alerts directly from within the Hub- instead of using the Phone app?" You can dismiss all other alerts in the Hub.... (using "Mark as read") so why should this category of alert be an exception?

I don't want the missed call record removed from my phone, I just want the alert cleared, without needing to use the Phone app to do it.

"3: What PIN?"

I am referring to the "device password" you can set for the lock screen.

My last question was: "Does anyone know much much extra life you can get out of the battery by doing so? Is it significant?"

I know how to do it... I am asking if there is a significant improvement in terms of battery life.

dc/dc 04-15-2013 01:41 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
As always, when you enter the device password wrong 10 times, the device is wiped.

WalkingToaster 04-15-2013 01:47 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
Oh ok, I was just wondering if it got permanently locked out or something. Wiping isn't too bad.

hrbuckley 04-15-2013 03:13 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
With respect to call notifications in the Hub, I think what DC/DC was trying to tell you is that by holding down any entry in the Hub (call notifications included) a menu will slide out from the right giving you all the options currently available for that item.

WalkingToaster 04-15-2013 03:22 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
"With respect to call notifications in the Hub, I think what DC/DC was trying to tell you is that by holding down any entry in the Hub (call notifications included) a menu will slide out from the right giving you all the options currently available for that item."

I know there are options there- but none of those options allow me to clear a missed call alert from within the Hub. The way call alerts are handled is idiosyncratic- all other alerts can be dismissed in the Hub, but missed calls require the user to use the Phone app.

Perhaps all I can do is hope the developers see this and include a "dismiss alert" option for missed call notifications in a future update.

I made a little artist's impression so you see what I have in mind:

Also, it would be fantastic if they changed it so that the first time you click on a missed call notification in the Hub, it cleared it- and the next time you click on it, it calls that number. I was very surprised when I clicked on a missed call alert in the Hub and it started phoning that person.

In most cases, the first (or perhaps even only) thing someone wants to do when they see a missed call is to clear the notification. You may or may not wan to call them back, but you certainly want to clear the alert right there and then. As it is, it takes more effort than it should to delete missed call alerts, because it can't be done from within the Hub itself.

I'm sure plenty of other Z10 users who like to leave their phone in the Hub view most of the time, and want it to be a "one-stop-shop" for managing all our communications and alerts- which it isn't if you need to use the Phone app to clear call-related alerts.

Heck, why not have a "Dismiss all notifications" option in the Hub? That would be a very popular feature I'm sure.

My Hub's "Notifications" tab currently shows a WhatApp conversation with no unread messages as the only notification- so this is something which shouldn't be in there. On the other hand, it doesn't show a missed call that appears when I peek the Hub from elsewhere- something which definitely should be there. So basically something isn't showing something should be, and something is showing under Notifications which shouldn't be. It's a minor annoyance- but hopefully a developer reads this and looks into it.

daphne 04-15-2013 09:45 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
You can choose what you see in the hub by going to hub management >settings.
Also when you open the phone app you can tap missed calls and see them. You don't have to go to the hub. Once you touch the number it's removed from notifications.

WalkingToaster 04-15-2013 11:15 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions

Originally Posted by daphne (Post 1802244)
You can choose what you see in the hub by going to hub management >settings.

I know, but being able to filter out certain types of messages from the Hub doesn't help me to clear missed call alerts from the Hub. That's why I didn't mention it already- it's not relevant.


Originally Posted by daphne (Post 1802244)
Also when you open the phone app you can tap missed calls and see them. You don't have to go to the hub. Once you touch the number it's removed from notifications.

I know, but I don't want to clear missed call notifications from within the Phone app.

I am seeing my notifications in the Hub, so I should be able to clear them in the Hub. I pretty much use the Hub as my home screen actually (as do many other Z10 users I know- that's what it's supposed to be to some extent- a one-stop-notification-shop, so to speak).

It's idiosyncratic and arbitrary the way all notification types EXCEPT ONE (missed calls) can be cleared from within the Hub.

Why single that out like that? For some unknown reason, you have to go somewhere else to clear that notification type. Even WhatsApp offers an option to dismiss its alerts in the Hub, and that's a 3rd party app!!!

I'll break it down in case anyone still doesn't know what I'm getting at...

Unread text message: you can do a long press, then click "mark as read"

Unread email: you can do a long press, then click "mark as read"

Heck, even an unread WhatsApp message: you can do a long press, then click "mark as read"!

But want to clear your missed call alerts with the same ease and convenience?

Ohhh heeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll nooooooooooooooooooo!

You can try a long press, but it just shows a bunch of options except an equivalent "clear notification" option.

I don't see the design philosophy behind that.

daphne 04-16-2013 12:28 AM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
When I get a missed call, I get a little pop up that requires me to dismiss it or view it. I don't see anything in the hub besides the entry in "calls" which shows all calls. I don't see any category in the hub for just missed calls, or any option for showing missed calls. Items in the calls list can be deleted in the list. So I'm not sure where you are seeing missed calls in the hub that you can't remove.

WalkingToaster 04-16-2013 10:56 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
I get that popup too. Just tried using "view" instead of "dismiss" and it does clear the notification, which is ok. From now on I'll just clear them immediately I guess.

But I still think they should throw in an extra button in all that free space in the Hub context menu (when you do a long press) to clear call-related notifications. It would allow all notifications to be dismissed from within the Hub, instead of, just most notifications.

Something like this:

How the extra button might look in long press context menu for clearing call alerts in the Hub

Also..... missed calls don't show up in Hub "notifications"! That is something else that doesn't look right to me at all. It seems reasonable to expect to see them there- so you can be, er... notified.

If not, can someone explain what I'm missing here?

daphne 04-17-2013 11:17 AM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
I don't know but this seems like a non-issue to me. Why not just look at missed calls in the phone app.... :razz:

NJBlackBerry 04-17-2013 01:39 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
But there is no way to clear the call without deleting it. You can "read" it.
Unlike every other mobile OS that I've seen.

WalkingToaster 04-17-2013 11:12 PM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1802330)
But there is no way to clear the call without deleting it. You can "read" it.
Unlike every other mobile OS that I've seen.


daphne 04-18-2013 12:09 AM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
This isn't a problem for me but maybe it will be fixed in 10.1. I suggest you post it in the official BlackBerry Support forums.

WalkingToaster 04-21-2013 03:14 AM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
Check it out- it made the list!

Z10 Bug List and Dropped Features - BlackBerry Support Community Forums

NJBlackBerry 04-21-2013 06:46 AM

Re: New Z10 user with some questions
It made A list - that isn't a list from BlackBerry - a customer put that that. They aren't accepting any responsibility for that. They could call it a feature.

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