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annuk 09-11-2012 06:55 AM

BlackBerry Push server
Hi All,

I am new to Blackberry development.
I want to develop a server, which would send messages to the Blackberry gateway.
I have installed the sample push initiator from the Blackberry Push SDK samples, but i am not able to figure out how it works.

Has anyone written a custom code for push initiator?
How does the push process works?
How the app on the client will register, with the push initiator or Blackberry server?
Please help.

Thanks in advance.
Annuk :-(

dc/dc 09-11-2012 07:08 AM

Re: BlackBerry Push server
You need to look in the Developer section of the forum.

Dubdub 09-11-2012 07:16 AM

Re: BlackBerry Push server
Moved to the Developer section.

hrbuckley 09-11-2012 12:22 PM

Re: BlackBerry Push server
Have a look at this forum post, It helped me quite a bit. Push registration is quite a complex protocol that involves sequenced communications between the client (a BlackBerry Device), the server (your web server) and the push gateway (RIM's server). The client code must send the right data to the gateway and server at the right time, and you server must respond to the gateway and the client in the correct way. All this is needed to ensure security and prevent abuse. Trust me, you really do need to put the effort into understanding the protocol if you want to step outside the box and use your own code. I'm using code I developed starting from the link above, and it still works today.

annuk 09-26-2012 09:30 AM

Re: BlackBerry Push server
Hey hrbuckley,

Thank you for your reply.
I tried the java equivalent of the code which you directed me too. It worked well for me.
I tried using the Sample App for client provided by Blackberry in the push sdk.
The client was able to successfully subscribe to the service and I was able to send messages to the client.

Now i need to push the notifications by incorporating the blackberry code into my java code.

I integrated the code, but got the following response while sending the notifications:

Invalid Notify URL: a notify URL is provided for a Push Service without a base notify URL.

i am using the notify url as as specified by RIM in the email

and public.ppg.address as

Where am i going wrong?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.:?


annuk 09-27-2012 03:26 AM

Re: BlackBerry Push server

I think I found out the problem.
The issue was the notify url field. Made the notify url null and it worked fine. I am able to send notifications now.


hrbuckley 09-27-2012 07:42 AM

Re: BlackBerry Push server
Good for you. It is a bit of a steep curve at first, but once you get one push working the rest will be easy.

diegoveloper 01-03-2013 01:15 AM

Re: BlackBerry Push server
Please could you share your java code :) :oops:

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