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Horizon Wireless 07-04-2009 11:50 AM

My rant
I just thought i should share my experience. First off ill start by saying this, if you get an unlock code from us and it DOES NOT work, no questions asked, we ALWAYS refund within 24 hours or so. But this was ridiculous. i get an order yesterday for an unlock, information that was included was:

NAME: jkhjks fghfdh
EMAIL: [email address]

so i was WTF lol, i get a call 5 min later from unknown number saying, yes im the person with order number 10008 i made a mistake with my information, can you correct it, i was sure no problem, ill fix right away. so that was it then and there

So, you gotta know this guys, store number is forwarded to my blackberry, so even after business hours i still get the calls. I get a call at 1:30 am from them saying: my code does not work, i replied, just call us tomorrow and we'll help you out, dont worry.

So now, to this morning... I get a call from them saying code does not work, i want a refund now!!!... im ok lets verify this together. I tell them, go to options, advanced options, sim card, now type MEP2. before id finish 1 direction, they were yeah, yeah, yeah, im there now. It was so fast, it even would take a veteran BB user longer to navigate the menu. i was kind of shocked to say the least (i assume they were not even doing it, phones unlocked at this point).
i tell them to enter code again, they say its not working. ok..... at this point im a little sketched out. i never ever require a screen shot of a phone when a customer says it didnt work, i have never asked for one. This time i felt i should... I tell them, can i get a screen shot? they reply no, my camera is broken, can i have a refund? I reply, ok no problem, ill send you a screen capture program, its free, snap a pic and ill refund right away, they reply i have no internet, can i get a refund? i answer well if you have no internet how are you getting our emails? they reply, on a laptop.
ok.......... so at this point, im ok ill email you the file, and add it via a USB cable on the device, they reply i have no USB cable. At this point im speechless. i ask if they have bluetooth, they reply yes but it doesnt work... ok... Then it comes to me!! i ask, you said you had a broken camera, you can use the usb cable from that, they reply, no i lost it. Can i get a refund?

i would never put a customer through this, never have before, never will again but this was clearly BS. then i asked if they had a neighbor with a USB cable, they reply, no im on vacation for a month. At this point im flabbergasted.they then hang up. a few min later i get a call from them saying, can i speak to the manager, im sure, i pass them over to the manager (im the owner by the way) and they proceeded to ask for a refund, i told the manager, not without a screenshot. He informs customer and the customer asks for the owner. I explain everything again. Not happy they proceed to tell me Is it ok if i put an add in the local newspaper about how you rip customers off? i replied, sure, spend $40 bucks on an add to get 14 bucks back. Then they tell me, im going to police. i reply no problem, police will verify if unlock worked. then they inform me that all conversations were recorded!! im thats good to know, but in your state you have to inform the party before hand that you are recording, otherwise thats against the law. then at that point they hung up.

As soon as i got off the phone, i went and refunded them. same time im doing that, we get an email from customer saying he wants a refund and i approved!!! never did i approve it. I was refunding cause i felt bad at how far they went to get a free unlock code and how creative they were. I just dont like being lied to, i know for a fact that they were... I would have let it go and refunded if they just told me they didnt have the money. I would have given them the code for free.

so how was your day?

ezrunner 07-04-2009 05:13 PM

Wirelessly posted (overwhelmingly stressed)

So far better than yours! Successful sale at dads trainshop so far! Better than expected here on independence day!

JSanders 07-04-2009 05:33 PM

Wirelessly posted (9530; (I'm mobile) MF231; 35h)

Wow. Some people are scum. You are not one!

Horizon Wireless 07-04-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1421043)
Wirelessly posted (9530; (I'm mobile) MF231; 35h)

Wow. Some people are scum. You are not one!

Thank you sir, funny thing was, id have done it for free if they just said i dont have the money to unlock it. i would have felt bad...

JSanders 07-04-2009 05:37 PM

Wirelessly posted (9530; (I'm mobile) MF231; 35h)

Wow. Some people are scum. You are not one!

JSanders 07-04-2009 05:40 PM

Wirelessly posted (9530; (I'm mobile) MF231; 35h)

Wow. Some people are scum. You are not one!

mriff 07-04-2009 05:41 PM

I commend you for your patience. I really do. I wouldn't have made it past two or three requests for a refund before coming unglued.

JSanders 07-04-2009 05:45 PM

Wirelessly posted (9530; (I'm mobile) MF231; 35h)

It was a good post so I said it three times!

Horizon Wireless 07-04-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1421053)
I commend you for your patience. I really do. I wouldn't have made it past two or three requests for a refund before coming unglued.

thank you mriff. i would have had no problem with a refund, its just i despise lies. I knew they were lying... i would have appreciated them to be honest and id just say it was on the house! those are proper ethics, thats how my parents raised me.

Horizon Wireless 07-04-2009 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1421056)
Wirelessly posted (9530; (I'm mobile) MF231; 35h)

It was a good post so I said it three times!

hahahahaahah thats too funny!!!

kirrinjones 07-04-2009 05:54 PM

Wirelessly posted

Wow, the lengths people will go to. And to be so brazen about it. Well, they think they pulled one over on you, but you came out much better thab they did, morally anyway.

Horizon Wireless 07-04-2009 05:57 PM

thank you kirrinjones :-)

ezrunner 07-04-2009 06:18 PM

Wirelessly posted (overwhelmingly stressed)

Yeah like the input info wasn't a dead give away some people are simply WACK

diffused 07-04-2009 06:58 PM

You are to be commended! Honesty and integrity will bring you good business. How many other people would keep there cool in that situation? I loose it when it comes to lying.! God bless and prosper you in your business. You sure gave me and my family a good laugh. :))

zerog46 07-04-2009 07:01 PM

Wirelessly posted (BB 8330)

Unfortunately this is the way the world is today. But at least there are still good people in it. You have class HW.

jsconyers 07-04-2009 07:11 PM

Kudos to you for your patience. I know I would have lost it. This guy was obviously looking for a free code from the beginning with the fake email and name he supplied you.

Cavi Mike 07-04-2009 07:21 PM

I'm surprised you even listened to that scammer for that long let alone refunded his money.

djm2 07-04-2009 08:14 PM

Congratulations on your integrity -- even if it cost you some money on this transaction.

ndub33 07-04-2009 08:17 PM

You're a better man than I, Gunga Din. I think I would have dug in my heels just on principle. Which is why I would be a lousy business owner.

ezrunner 07-04-2009 08:38 PM

Wirelessly posted (overwhelmingly stressed)

I love that they treatened to call the police! Wonder who would really have come out on the wrong end had they called!

They don't get more honest than that!

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