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knightmaric 11-29-2009 12:00 PM

Wifi and other little problems after update.
Hi all,

first post so I apologise if this is in the wrong section.

I just plugged my 8900 Curve into the PC to upload some pictures and I recieve an update.
I do the update and then the problems started.

I turned on all of the connections bar bluetooth as I never use it.
But it won't connect to my wifi.
All of the previous connections are still on the phone but when I search for wifi, it just says there are none around.

Also on my downloads area, some of the things i've deleted have been "archived" and have a little green arrow on them.
How can I get rid of these as it's quite irritating.

The wifi is the main problem really.

Nothing else to report off the top of my head.

Is there anything I can do to sort this out?

Thank you very much.


Just stuck it back in and there's another update O.o
Just going to do this and see if it rectifies any of the issues.

Sorry if i've been a pain lol

aiharkness 11-29-2009 12:07 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

Is your wifi set to not broadcast? That may be why the blackberry doesn't see it. If so, you'll have to enter the network name, etc. Follow?

knightmaric 11-29-2009 12:14 PM

My wireless has always been set to be seen by other devices.

But knowing my luck something's happened and it's been switched off lol

I'll have a look now if I can figure out how to get into it xD
Haven't used or adjusted the router settings in so long.

aiharkness 11-29-2009 12:24 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

Good luck. Post an update when you get the chance.

knightmaric 11-29-2009 01:17 PM

Just got off live chat with someone from Linksys to help me out with my router problem.

Turns out that was the source of the problem.
Thank you aiharkness =]

Deleted the old wifi network off the blackberry, entered the new Wep and away we go =D

Thanks for the help.

I really appreciate it.

But how do I get rid of those archived download files?


aiharkness 11-29-2009 01:21 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

Thank you for the update.

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