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arainert 10-23-2006 03:38 PM

FINALLY got Tasks to sync properly from iCal!!!
Ok... after much back and forth I think I might have finally solved the Task syncing issue for myself (and hopefully others who've had the problem)

Here goes...

Ok - so I think I MAY be onto something and I figured I'd pass my findings onto you hoping that it might help you troubleshoot others' problems relating to this or maybe figure out why those problems arise.

Here goes...

I tried wiping everything again and then set PM to only sync Tasks (with 30 days set as the limit) and then synced. The sync process starts and then ultimately gets to a point where it trips the "No Gregorian Date" error and then stops the process with no Tasks having been synced.

I next set the limit to 0 days and then tried to sync again and it seems like all the Tasks FINALLY synced properly - even a task that was due on October 19th (i.e. more than 0 days in the past).


I still have no idea why the Gregorian Date error is being tripped or what a Gregorian date is really. I know it has to do with the type of calendar - i.e. Lunar, Gregorian - but I'm not sure how that relates to iCal or why it is only a problem with Tasks that go back in time before today.

Anyway, try setting that limit to 0 and then syncing and see what happens.

Good luck!


sammyla 10-26-2006 07:19 PM

did you also say "ignore completed tasks"???

dschwartzer 10-26-2006 07:35 PM

Just to add to your post. I am also having problems syncing tasks from Entourage.

When I change a due date on a task in Entourage and sync., the due date on the task on my BB is wiped out completely and the task goes to the bottom of the list as an undated item.

I applied your fix and it seems to be better but still not working 100%. Now, the date in Entourage seems to be updating on the BB record but if I updatew the BB record and sync., the date is not applied to Entourage and and the BB task revers back to the date in Entourage. Reminder dates don't work at all and never have.

I actually have a ticket open with Blackberry Support and have sent several sync log files for them to examine. Apparently, there are known issues with task sync. that they are working on.

wclyffe 10-31-2006 04:13 PM

I have played around with this issue extensively and the only solution I came up with for the moment was to leave the date off of all Tasks. I do understand the limitation here, but its the only way I found to get a list of to do's that are not constantly ending up with no date anyway. Anything I want to remember on a specific date I input as an event on my calendar. Hopefully, this is a temporary idea and the issue will get fixed in a revision.

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