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crucifixion 08-30-2007 12:30 AM

Got a replacement Pearl, not sure next steps?
Ok so I had problems with my Pearl, the trackball wasn't working right, so I called TMo and they said they'll send me a new one for free. So I just got it and I'm trying to make sure I'm covering my bases when transfering everything from the old to new Pearl, making sure I get all my apps, desktop ver, and unlocked themes, as well as making sure I know how to super wipe out my old Pearl as I have to return that to TMo.

So far its pretty easy / straightforward suprisingly.

I just plugged in the new pearl, computer recognized it, syncronized my calendar, tasks, and contacts from my work Lotus Notes, then setup my personal email (all the info was stored on the desktop manager I assume because it was already in there after I sync'd up).

So right now I did an application loader option and it said something to the effect that my desktop manager is older than my Pearl and I selected the option to keep the older settings since I remember I had to do something like that to unlock themes.

Right now as I type, the phone is loading all the apps and going thru that long process where it backs up everything, deletes everything, then reinstalls everything. Its pretty late and I remember last time I did this when I got a new desktop manager is that it took a couple hours.

So I guess I'm going to go to sleep and hope the install is complete in the morning.

Anything else that you can think of that I HAVE to do to make sure the phone is the way I want it? I'm sure I'll have to reinstall / download Opera, and BB Alerts, and Color Pearl as well as probably doing something complicated to get that theme I love (I believe its the vodafone today theme -white. The one that shows on the main screen my phone calls, my email, my SMS, and top two calendar items, and the background is the map of the world)

But I feel like I'm forgetting something major...or maybe Blackberry's are just this user friendly / easy to get a new Pearl to the same settings as the old Pearl?

John Clark 08-30-2007 12:40 AM

It sounds like your OS is downgrading. Did you have an older OS installed than what was on the replacement Pearl? Most likely the replacement Pearl came with .107 and you had .64 installed on your PC.

The easiest way to switch usually is just to use the Switch Device Wizard. It transfers everything over automatically.

You will still need to go to your BIS webpage and change your PIN/IMEI. You may be able to do this using the "setup internet email" icon and it may recognize that you are using a new pin. Try it and see. No new mail will come to the device until the pin and imei have been changed on the BIS system.

As far as wiping the old one a simle wipe handheld from the Security Options will do for sending back to TMo.

crucifixion 08-30-2007 12:59 AM

Yeah the PIN change happend when I re setup my internet email. It said "your phone is currently associated with PIN xxx do you want to change to PIN xxx" and I said yes and now I get emails on the phone.

So did I make a mistake going from .107 to .64? All I really care about is the unlocked vendor theme...but should I be concerned about downgrading from .107?

John Clark 08-30-2007 01:02 AM

That just depends on you. Vendor themes can be unlocked on both versions. See the following thread for all the info on .107. Some people have been very happy with it (like me) and others are downgrading because of multitap issues. It's a personal preference.

crucifixion 08-30-2007 02:17 PM

Ok, having two problems with the new pearl, probably installation issues

1. I downloaded and reinstalled my BB Alerts and while the red light icon shows on my screen, when I click on it, nothing happens. I can scroll and click on anything else, but when I click on the BB Alerts icon, no action. And its wierd because BB Alerts has control of my phone- like SMS comes in as Purple, and others at other colors. But I just can't seem to go in and change that

2. Camera/accessing media folders is amazing slow

3. Also, when disconnecting via USB on the Pearl, the Pearl for whatever reason freezes for about 10 seconds. Doesnt matter at what point I disconnect the Pearl from the USB, even if I close the Desktop application, but the Pearl freezes for ten seconds and I can't do anything. Other Pearl did not

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