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o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 03:00 PM

Curve running EXTREMELY slow, duplicate messages, absurd number of new emails
OK, so last night my 8330 went nuts on me. It was working perfectly fine, all of a sudden it began running extremely slow, like I would try to read an email and it was taking 2-3 minutes to process the click on the link. Did a battery pull, still the same result, and this time it said I had appx 4000 unread emails. Thought maybe I got majorly spammed, and I actually had about 150 unread emails.

Pulled the batter again, this time it said I had over 9000 unread emails, and 80 facebook messages. Tried to delete what I could thinking it was a memory issue, deleted unused languages that were installed on the latest update, had no positive effect. Attempted to delete emails, it was taking about 6 minutes to delete about 15 emails at a time. Deleted some unused apps.

Quick pull pulled the battery while I was sleeping, and I woke up with 54 of the same identical facebook message showing. No new emails all day or facebook updates from any account (I have 2 email accounts syncing)

Not sure that I have been receiving calls properly today, I have only got one call all day which is unusual, and when I did receive it, it took at least 2 minutes while on the screen is still said connected after the call was ended before the screen finally cleared.

Current Applications running are: facebook, browser, home screen, BB messenger, call log, and messages.

Current free memory is: 16882677 bytes
current free space is 908.2 MB

PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I'm beyond frustrated, and this phone is my lifeline! :cry:

aiharkness 11-22-2009 03:13 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

Just so you know, I'm speculating.... Is facebook set up to send you email alerts? Is the facebook app on the blackberry a factor in this? If so, how about turning off the email alerts, and/or remove the facebook app as a test to see what happens?

And by the way, have you looked at your facebook web page to see what's going on there?

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 03:19 PM

checked out facebook page online...its working fine. I've had several versions of the facebook app for appx a year now, and have never had any problems. I have received anywhere from 20-300 facebook notifications a day and it has never been an issue. I did install the latest version of the app approximately 3 weeks ago, but it has run smoothly up until now. I did disable notifications from my account temporarily, but havent seen any results. I use the facebook app hand in hand with marketing I do for my business, so it is an important factor in the use of my phone.

aiharkness 11-22-2009 03:25 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

There may be clues in your BIS email providers.... It is BIS, right? .... Have you looked at your email inboxes online or downloaded via client on computer?

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 03:49 PM

I've looked in my inboxes, but dont notice anything unusual. One is a yahoo address, and one is a comcast address. I have another email client that forwards all of those emails to my comcast client. I have only done a visual inspection, is there something else I can do to be more thorough?

aiharkness 11-22-2009 04:01 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

So, let's be clear: Email comes to your blackberry via BIS? You are not using redirector or whatever it is called. You have a yahoo and a comcast address set up in BIS, and a third account that forwards to comcast?

Also, you are not actually getting all those emails? Instead, the blackberry shows some outrageous number of unread emails, but you do a hard reset and there is actually only a fraction of that in unread emails?

Can you tell before you do the hard reset if the outrageous number is associated with one or the other BIS email address?

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 04:21 PM

Yes, all email comes in through BIS. I have not received an email on my BB since appx 8:00 last night, which is when all these problems began.

The number of "unread" emails have never actually existed. Its just as if the OS is creating random numbers of unread emails, but if I do a search through them there is only a small fraction of those emails.

I do not have my mailboxes split, and have been unable to do so-everytime i try it just ignores the command after looking like it attempting to process for about 3 minutes.

Should I just wipe all of the emails out? (This would NOT be my preference, I use plenty of them for refrence, but if thats the only thing that is going to make it work, I'll do what I have to.)

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 04:29 PM

Just did another pull and got JavaLang: NullPointerException

it appears that one new email has come through, but after about 3 minutes, it is still attempting to load the messages screen.

aiharkness 11-22-2009 04:31 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

I'm not sure what the problem could be. I guess to start with I would remove the battery, remove the SIM (if it has one), remove the media card if you have one, then replace the battery and see if it boots up normally without any flakey behavior.

Also, backing up, it sounded to me like you aren't running a lot of apps, nothing new or out of the ordinary just before this started. No new themes, no OS upgrade, etc. Right?

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 04:44 PM

Did the last OS upgrade, but that was about a week or more ago. I had no issues immediately following that. Just tested it by calling it with my son's phone, and hung up before I picked it up, 3 minutes later it still shows his number as an incoming call even after I have hit end and ended the call on my son's phone.

No new themes, downloaded a sudoku app last week, and deleted it last night bc I thought that may have been the issue.

aiharkness 11-22-2009 04:51 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

Try what I suggested. Remove the SIM and media card. Media card gone bad causes weird stuff to happen. See what happens. If it boots without error, replace the SIM (if there is one), and see what happens,

NJBlackBerry 11-22-2009 04:53 PM

While we are figuring this out, can you check the water damage indicators in the battery compartment.

aiharkness 11-22-2009 04:58 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

I thought moisture but dismissed it because I couldn't imagine those symptoms being because of moisture. I'll be embarassed if it is.

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 05:02 PM

Both water damage indicators are white.

Just went in and deleted live search, I have had it installed for sometime, but havent used it since I installed the new OS. I did use it yesterday to check movie times. A shot in the dark, but it's the only thing I've done out of the ordinary. Restarting now without the memory card, I'll let you know how it goes.

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 05:04 PM

same issues without memory card installed. same java exception also.

today is not my day!

aiharkness 11-22-2009 05:07 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

Wew... No water damage!

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 05:11 PM

yeah, i would have been majorly embarassed if that was the case!

aiharkness 11-22-2009 06:15 PM

Wirelessly posted (8820)

lissa, what's the news? You get it figured out?

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 06:21 PM

no news...just more frustration. right now i'm trying to connect it to desktop manager so that i can back it up and wipe it if i need too...had to reinstall drivers to connect it, that went fine, plug it in, says connected to desktop on phone, but desktop manager says "working" on the top of the window, and wont let me click or do anything. I'm trying to remain patient and hope that I can get in, but my patience is wearing thin!!!

o0lissa0o 11-22-2009 06:25 PM

FINALLY got a "failure to connect to the device, please make sure device is properly connected and try again" message...

i am not terribly optimistic at this point.

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