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nyubi 04-25-2007 10:51 PM

Question about adding contact by email on BBM (blackberry messenger)

I'm already did a search before i post the question here, but the outcome still haven't clear my doubt, i got a question here about how to add contact to my BBM using email address.

for example i register 5 email on my pearl
[email address], [email address], [email address], [email address], and [email address]
how do i setup i want to invite people i know, using [email address] (the reason is because he/she only know me using email [email address])?
this question came to mine, because last night i tried to add my fellow to my BBM contact, reject the invitation because he not recognize my email address i used to invite him.

i know adding contact using PIN is more convenience, the reason why i add my friends using email, is that i don't want to share my PIN, because if someday i change my hh that would be a problem (as the new owner of course don't want my friend contact his/her hh)

thanks a lot

JSanders 04-26-2007 04:01 AM

Wirelessly posted (8700g: BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Well that is th right way to do it, either via PIN or email. So email your friend first saying "This is (yourname) and I am about to send you an invite to join my BB Messenger group. So you'll know it is me, I am send you this email first, blah blah."

Of course, if you have your BB Messenger setup correctly first with your name, your friend will see that ithe invite is from you.

And remember, only your friends with a BlackBerry can use or join your BB Messenger group because the BBM only communicates via PIN. You can't add someone who doesn't have a BB.

nyubi 04-26-2007 04:04 AM

yes i'd like to do that, but the problem is i don't know which address using by BBM to send the invitation, is there anyway to know or setup, which email used by BBM to send the invitation by default?

by the way thanks for your fast reply

JSanders 04-26-2007 04:06 AM

Wirelessly posted (8700g: BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

No, you can't. You don't need to know. It doesn't matter, you are making it way too complicated for yourself.

nyubi 04-26-2007 04:09 AM

ok, thanks..
so there is no way i know how to setup the default email invitation address.

JSanders 04-26-2007 04:18 AM

Wirelessly posted (8700g: BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

I just tested it--it does not show a "from" email address, just your name "John Doe would like add you to his or her Blackberry Messenger contact list. Accept or Cancel" of course you can edit that message to say what you desire.

nyubi 04-26-2007 04:37 AM

thanks for even testing it Sir, ah ic so no email address will show up on invitation, i didn't know that.

all i know when my friend reject the invitation it came to my mail box (by that time i'm on my desktop using outlook and got email no message body just subject decline etc etc, i don't know exactly the message because i already delete it), but that email not showing on my pearl. only notification on my BBM that contact rejected my invitation.

if there is no email shown, so this question no need to be asked, pardon me for not tested it on my device first :)

JSanders 04-26-2007 04:40 AM

Wirelessly posted (8700g: BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Not a problem at all, glad to help.

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