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jibi 05-09-2006 10:58 AM

Vorino Software's 'Commercial' Themes - WHAT A RIP-OFF!

I'm sorry, but what the hell? They are actually charging $5 for an f'n theme that they made on a free application, and in most cases, using free icons? If they actually made the icons from scratch, as well as the background, banner graphics, etc., then I *suppose* they could justify charging money. But using stock icons, stock graphics, etc... someone is trying to profit on 5 minutes worth of work. The sad thing is that some people are actually willing to pay for less-than-average themes (there are much better looking ones on here available FOR FREE!)...

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bono007 05-09-2006 11:49 AM

jibi I agree, there are much better themes here for free. Now I am not good at it yet but look at srl7741 and Mrkyoo they are cranking out themes that vorino can hold a candle to.

rcbjr 05-09-2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by jibi

I'm sorry, but what the hell? They are actually charging $5 for an f'n theme that they made on a free application, and in most cases, using free icons? If they actually made the icons from scratch, as well as the background, banner graphics, etc., then I *suppose* they could justify charging money. But using stock icons, stock graphics, etc... someone is trying to profit on 5 minutes worth of work. The sad thing is that some people are actually willing to pay for less-than-average themes (there are much better looking ones on here available FOR FREE!)...
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I too think this is ridiculous. The Blogger over on BBHUB posts regularly on two or three different Themes for Fee providers that sell on handigo. I have never seen a link to this Forum on his blog. Just havemt tried to comment on it though.

Thanks for your Help.

KonTiki 05-09-2006 12:18 PM

The sad thing about it is as you above have said that we have right here much better ones, they are free made with free components yet either the lazy or the unknowing are going to be fleeced, and some one will be laughing all the way to the bank. Care to take any wagers as to how long they are in business?

drgoodtymes 05-09-2006 12:59 PM

Some peoples mothers children

srl7741 05-09-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by jibi

I'm sorry, but what the hell? They are actually charging $5 for an f'n theme that they made on a free application, and in most cases, using free icons? If they actually made the icons from scratch, as well as the background, banner graphics, etc., then I *suppose* they could justify charging money. But using stock icons, stock graphics, etc... someone is trying to profit on 5 minutes worth of work. The sad thing is that some people are actually willing to pay for less-than-average themes (there are much better looking ones on here available FOR FREE!)...

(n) (n) (n)

This is exactly why i post soooo many themes here. I have surfed numerous sites (like mentioned) and found where ppl are selling themes that are worthless not to mention worth $3-$5. So i thought if i post enough they too (those buying themes) may catch on and dump the pay sites for the better and FREE forums where not only are there a larger selection but tech support to boot. AND a good chance the theme will be custom to their request.

The pay for theme sites are contributing to the fleecing of America. Thumbs down to pay sites (n) (n) (n)

side note: Chances are good the Vorino/Handango authors visits this site.

MrKyoo 05-09-2006 01:49 PM

I had a conversation with srl to start initialing/branding his themes that he made for users. I could see someone trying to scoop up all the themes and selling them for a profit and not giving recognition to the creator.


ndub33 05-10-2006 02:12 PM

Adding to the rant and expressing my gratitude- I looked at this site using the link jibi provided-yikes! I would never go anywhere but here for my themes. You folks have twice the talent and generosity.


KonTiki 05-10-2006 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by MrKyoo
I had a conversation with srl to start initialing/branding his themes that he made for users. I could see someone trying to scoop up all the themes and selling them for a profit and not giving recognition to the creator.


Great point. Its not even the sharing part that is a problem, its someone profiting from your work and not even giving you credit. The way I would do it is creating a small tiny icon that I would incorporate in an unobstrusive way to any picture you use as the main background, and as long as you do not post or give the thm file along with it no one can alter it. Here is a crude example of what I am saying (look at lower left hand corner). Obviously it can be done smaller and better detail this was just thrown together in a hurry.

MrKyoo 05-10-2006 04:34 PM

Now thatxxx8217;s an even better idea. Maybe a 90% transparent icon would do the trick but I wouldnxxx8217;t want it to interfere with the background image.

Thanks Ixxx8217;ll play with the idea a bit.


KonTiki 05-10-2006 06:09 PM

Agreed it should not interfere and 90% transparency would do the trick, Make yourself a logo icon that is yours only and that no one else can lay claim to, its easy in photoshop or powerpoint, i have done several for myself just with overlaying letters on each other, If you want a sample pm me and I will send it to you. You can then of course reduce the size and transparency and it will become like a small watermark.


Originally Posted by MrKyoo
Now that’s an even better idea. Maybe a 90% transparent icon would do the trick but I wouldn’t want it to interfere with the background image.

Thanks I’ll play with the idea a bit.


cooperpwc 05-11-2006 05:51 PM

I agree that the Vorino themes are garbage disguised as a consumer product.
Only thing I will say in defence of the company on another front is that their Fractal Explorer program is kind of cool - Blackberry eye candy. I did a mini "review" here.

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