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netghoster 12-07-2009 04:05 PM

iPhone 3Gs vs. Blackberry Bold 9700
Is there any detailed review to compare the cell phones? My current contract is about to expire. I am debating between iPhone 3Gs and Blackberry 9700. I am currently using the BB curve 8320.

segeln4me 12-07-2009 05:05 PM

Hi Netghoster,
I am not aware of the compare test for both phones, but I do own both of them. Both on AT&T. I use the 9700 for work and iPhone 3GS for personal/weekends. I have to say, I prefer the blackberry for business use, I like the keyboard, the notifiations, different sounds for different email accounts, BBM, all that. Especially now that RIM has released a DM for MAC, I can sync both phones to my Macbook Pro. The iPhone is unbeatable with internet and the apps are amazing. But again, I mostly use the iPhone like an iPod Touch with internet always available and some personal phone calls. I drive around in my car a lot in rural areas where there is spotty or no reception. The 9700 and other BlackBerries I have used before it (Bold/8900) have always had better reception than the iPhone. I would have four bars on EDGE with the 9700 and the iPhone is searching and not finding a network. I am spoiled having both phones, I have the best of both worlds, but if I had to choose, I would have the BlackBerry as a phone and an iPod Touch or in my case iPhone as a iPod/internet device. The advantage of the iPhone again is the internet and the apps. I can control my desktop computer (Windows Vista) remotely anywhere in the world with my iPhone and don't have to use a laptop as much. I can't do that with a BlackBerry.

Long story short, which phone is better? Depends on what you want to do with it.

PM me if you have more questions. I hope this helps a bit.

JSylvia007 12-07-2009 05:21 PM

Just a quick point. I use my blackberry 9700 to remote control my machines (Windows, Linux, and OSX) using a VNC client. So that's not iPhone Only.

I will also say that I agree about the reception strength. The Blackberry I have constantly beats out a co-workers for reception and he only sits 2 desks down.

suertetres 12-08-2009 12:10 AM

Until I got my 9700, i would rotate between my curve 8310 and iphone 3g. Not sure you could compare them. I like having buttons to type on. I never had an issue with the battery, but lack of removable battery irked me on the iphone. My wife swears by hers, I use mine as an ipod only now and keep it in my bag or in my office.

I love the 9700, the data feature is the winner for me. I like being able to talk on the phone and chat in yahoo if i want. Battery life is amazing on the BB's compared to the iphone as well.

Personally, i'd chose the 9700 all day long, but my wife would chose the iphone, depends on what you want to do and what you like.

e1000 12-08-2009 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by segeln4me (Post 1522648)
I can control my desktop computer (Windows Vista) remotely anywhere in the world with my iPhone and don't have to use a laptop as much. I can't do that with a BlackBerry.

They also make RDP clients for the blackberry as well.

bostonnerd 12-08-2009 07:50 AM

I generally try to stay out of these comparison threads but just this once!

I have a Bold 9000 and a 3Gs (both on Exchange) and my wife just got the 9700 to replace an aging Curve. Both the 3Gs and the 9700 are very good devices and excel in different areas. As with another poster I have the best of both but I find the BB to still be the best for business use if you have a significant requirement for the Exchange (ie email, tasks, calender, etc) functions and/or you travel for business regularly.

The 3Gs shines as an Internet information/data device. Yes, it does Exchange sync fairly well, but I use it mainly for data, be it weather, news, stocks/financial updates, sports updates etc. As was stated the apps (at least some of them) are fantastic and I find that the same app on the 3Gs is generally much better than the one developed on the BB.

So, to answer your all depends :)!!!

tkao2025 12-08-2009 07:55 AM

Wirelessly posted

Agree. Both are great phones and I have both. The bb is great for business, but the applications available don't compare to the iphone's. I use both. One for day and other for weekend

tkao2025 12-08-2009 08:01 AM

Wirelessly posted

Agree. Both are great phones and I have both. The bb is great for business, but the applications available don't compare to the iphone's. I use both. One for day and other for weekend

dbltap 12-08-2009 12:06 PM

Kinda funny how many of us have made this same choice. 9700 on BES with Notes for work and 3GS for Personal. Like many others, I use the 3GS as an iPod Touch... that can make an occasional phone call. But I get my work done and all my communication through the 9700.

segeln4me 12-08-2009 01:15 PM

I had a feeling I was not the only one having both those phones. I didn't know you can remote control computers with a BlackBerry as well, but I would think it would be easier on the 3GS because of the larger screen.

9700 = great business phone with music, games. videos and apps
3GS = good phone with better games, music and videos and apps

Just my opinion.

justin.rucinski 12-08-2009 05:59 PM

My advice to you:

Get a Bold for use as a phone and for messaging, then buy an iPod Touch for internet, music, and all the cool applications. A BlackBerry paired with an iPod Touch is, hands down, the best combination of mobile gadgets.

suertetres 12-08-2009 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by justin.rucinski (Post 1523462)
My advice to you:

Get a Bold for use as a phone and for messaging, then buy an iPod Touch for internet, music, and all the cool applications. A BlackBerry paired with an iPod Touch is, hands down, the best combination of mobile gadgets.

This sounds interesting--how would i do this?

JSylvia007 12-08-2009 10:18 PM

Wirelessly posted (Bold 9000 (AT&T))

I think it was more a figurative "pair" than a network type for the iTouch to utilize the data connection of the blackberry. But, if I'm wrong and there is a way to "pair" the two, the iTouch finally just got interesting to me.

Dlanod 12-09-2009 03:26 AM

I have both too (just got the Bold 9700) and agree that the BB is a better as a phone and for emails/facebook etc. iPhone is a great internet device but had I got the BB first, I'd have a BB and a Touch not an iPhone.

Key drawbacks for the iPhone are reception and battery life which is pretty poor compared to the BB. If I could have just one, it would be the BB - no question.

msteadman 12-09-2009 08:45 AM

Wirelessly posted


Originally Posted by justin.rucinski
My advice to you:

Get a Bold for use as a phone and for messaging, then buy an iPod Touch for internet, music, and all the cool applications. A BlackBerry paired with an iPod Touch is, hands down, the best combination of mobile gadgets.

This is exactly what I have and love it. I get questioned by friends pretty often when they see me carrying both why I don't just buy an iPhone and isn't it annoying to carry 2 devices? For me, it is not.

I love my iPod Touch for the massive amount of storage (my iTunes library is too large to fit on any size SD currently available), larger screen (for showing pictures), apps (I do a good bit of gaming on it) and occasional interest access (Safari beats the BB browser hands down). On the other hand for just about anything phone related I prefer my 9700. Although I am reasonably proficient on the iPhone/iTouch keyboard in firmware 3.0 I much prefer the physical keyboard of my BB. Also I love the push email, calendar, BBM, bettery battery life and better reception (the latter two points as compared to various friends' iPhones).

Granted this can be a pretty expensive combination, though less so now that the price of both devices have dropped, but if you can afford it I doubt you will regret it.

nikolaos 12-09-2009 03:25 PM

My favorite BB feature vs the iphone is that I am able to listen to pandora or other radio while txting and emailing. I am surpised that the iphone can only do this with ipod and not with another iphone radio app.

msteadman 12-09-2009 04:40 PM

Wirelessly posted


Originally Posted by nikolaos
My favorite BB feature vs the iphone is that I am able to listen to pandora or other radio while txting and emailing. I am surpised that the iphone can only do this with ipod and not with another iphone radio app.

Another really good point. I am so used to multitasking on my 9700 that the first time I was listening to Pandora on a friend's iPhone, clicked the home screen to check a website and Pandora cut out I was quite confused. Then he reminded me of the fact that the iPhone doesn't allow you to do any 2 tasks simultaneously unless 1 of them is listening to the onboard iPod. I cannot believe Apple has not expanding the functionality in regards to this yet.

Perhaps it wouldn't bother everyone, but frankly my BlackBerry has me spoiled. It is to the point now where I even respond to emails whilst on a phone call. :-)

roofus 12-09-2009 05:59 PM

Like others on this forum I use both. I use the 9700 for all text messages, email, sms etc. I also use it as a camera as the iphone camera is a POS.

I use the iphone for the other tasks, games, music etc..

I will step back to one device when a viable machine with a full screen and real keyboard is available. The HTC Dream is close . . . maybe the Dream II . . . . . ?8-)

BUC 12-09-2009 06:23 PM

Very interesting thread... and just as my opinion, I was looking to replace having 2 devices and buy just one that would satisfy me both as business phone and multimedia player.... I currently have a Flip 8220 and an old (but greatest player ever made) Archos AV500 which I still use a lot for watching tv shows and movies on the go... and I made up my mind at leaving the AV500 at home (which have the built in capability to output video on the TV, so no need of a dvd player for me) and buy a Blackberry Storm 2 which seems like a good phone this time around....

I think the Storm 2 will be the "best of both world" in 1 device thing... even though it lacks in browsing power and battery life...

Sorry if this was a bit off topic...

PS: the BBs are awesome as mp3 players, there is nothing to envy to the iPod as of this feature... Great sound quality, expandable microsd, playlist (normal and smarts), and the instant search function is great....

clitrenta 12-10-2009 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by justin.rucinski (Post 1523462)
My advice to you:

Get a Bold for use as a phone and for messaging, then buy an iPod Touch for internet, music, and all the cool applications. A BlackBerry paired with an iPod Touch is, hands down, the best combination of mobile gadgets.

Darn! It just occurred to me I'm buying my daughter an iPod Touch for Christmas and since she's already using a Blackberry (Flip), she'll have the best of both worlds and here I sit with my BB 9700. Oh well. Nice as all this sounds, I'm not sure I'm ready to carry two devices around. I think if i commuted more on the train, I probably would but I fear the Touch would be ignored right now. I can pretty much do all I need to on my BB. I'm good. 8-)

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