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LesHarrison 06-11-2008 06:23 AM

BB Pro Express Installation - BB Pin Question
Hope the title is even close to what I am asking here.

I support a client with Exchange 2003 and a dozen Treo's. Now they are wanting to start using BB's instead of Treo's. I have looked at the RIM offerings and it seems the BB Pro Express for 30 users (according to their website) fits the needs of this client. I intend to install the system on a test server to avoid mucking up the production Exchange.

Now, here is the issue. I have to figure this out before they commit to buying BB's. That means I have to acquire my own BB for setup and testing. I can add this to my own hosted Exchange account and use it for my own business purposes but if I activate the PIN on my hosted server, is it possible to also activate this same BB on the test server? IE: is the PIN sent back to RIM for verification and will that block me from being able to switch my BB from my own account over to this test server setup and back?

If this will not work, how about using a BB simulator to connect to the test server over a local network? Anyone done this?

I am able switch my Treos from my account to test their server when questions come up. I will need something similar when the client goes to BB's.

Many thanks in advance.


bertiebassett 06-11-2008 08:19 AM

No you can only have on BB Device (or PIN) active on one BES at any one time

It's not that hard to switch your device from on BES to another - just wipe handlheld and 'enterprise activate' - should take no more than about 20 minutes, but your hosting company will get a bit p'd off if you 'put your blackberry on, put your blackberry off etc"..

As to the simulator - never tried on myself..remember that you'll get some issues in that the wireless carrier is likely not to have activated the devices correctly on the BB enterprise plan and it's hard to simulate that via a simulator...

DavidAdams 06-11-2008 08:35 AM

I have used a simulator to connect through, wasn't perfect but it did work. I found it more use when talking to a user with a model i didn't have physically to hand.

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