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Gbcue 12-30-2007 02:11 PM

Site up and down all weekend?
The site has been loading and not loading all weekend. Sometimes I've even got database errors...

rambo47 12-30-2007 04:46 PM

It's been dropping off line quite a bit lately. "Unable to connect to server" seems to be a regular occurrence. Somebody forget to pay the hosting bill?

d_fisher 12-30-2007 06:08 PM

We have been experiencing some hosting issues as well as server overload. I know a new server has been purchased, but not sure when it will be in production. Tom is also researching alternate hosting facilities. Hopefully a permanant solution will be reached soon.

ezrunner 12-31-2007 08:44 AM

I experienced this as well. While it caused me to not be able to entertain myself it is not an overwhelming problem. It is free after all!!!

As this seems to be the fastest growing and largest BB forum community I suupose we should expect this to happen occaisionally. Technology is great but it does break and become outdated.

Tom does a great job at keeping things going and actually keeps us informed as well

Tom 12-31-2007 09:52 AM

My apologies guys, I have had countless of issues with the management company in charge of the server running BBF, a new server has been put online that BBF will be transferred to in the new year.

I just came back from Poland, and I will work on the new server once I get some time.

Sith_Apprentice 12-31-2007 05:04 PM

Glad to hear a solution is in the works. As was said earlier, this being one of the largest and fastest growing forums, we have to expect this at some point. and Tom, welcome back from Poland.

mark0341 01-01-2008 11:52 AM

Thanks for making this site available.

Rev. Po-Jay 01-01-2008 01:45 PM

This forum is a wealth of knowlege, but has been painfully slow loading and sometimes (as mentioned above) fails all together. I hope that the new server clears all that up. I really appreciate the service you provide.

Thank you.

tsac 01-01-2008 09:09 PM

Hope it all goes well with the upgrade.
I did notice when tracing to the URL you can always ping the IP address but cannot always do a Network lookup beyond the Root DNS server. I did receive a few DNS database errors also. Possible the secondary DNS server or your ISP is having some issues also and it's not all your server

Anyway it's a great site and thanks for the effort.

Dawg 01-02-2008 10:38 AM

Look forward to the new site host coming online. I have recommened the site to so many folks lately who have just aquired BBs and they are all telling me they arent seeing the site. I sent them all links to this threads as well as Toms sticky.

Welcome back Tom

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