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zkyevolved 02-21-2008 08:10 AM

'Y' Showing up while pressing buttons? HELP!
OK, I've never had this problem before until a few days ago. I USED to use the extended battery and I switched it back to the regular battery now that I'm in the city and at home every day and I don't need that extra power.

OK, so I upgraded the firmware, and no problems, I only have the following thirdparty apps installed:
*Facebook (which if some of you know I was having some problems with).
*Jivetalk (the beta at the time, I just downgraded it, just in case it was the problem).
*A theme from

OK, so SOMETIMES, after unlocking the device, I press a soft key and it goes to the call log and I see "Y" or sometimes "Yi" and the more times I press the softkey the more times "Y" or Yi" shows up. Pressing it 3 times would give me "Yiyiyi" or "Yyy." So I thought, OK, it could be the firmware. I downgraded it (first doing a full backup) to the last OS vodafone published onto their website. No luck, the next day it happened again!

I'd do a hard restart, and pull the battery, and SOMETIMES JUST SOMETIMES it wouldn't allow me to press the 5 button while trying to put in my SIM code! I would hardpull again, and again until it worked. I've had the phone for ... 5 months? And it's been fine! This all just started a few days ago! I'm not sure what to do!? I've already put up the NEW firmware and had the same problem again TODAY!

Any ideas? I saw in some other posts that you can use jl_cmder to wipe it completely. Should I do that? And only back up my calendar and contacts? Everytime I've updated and downgraded I did a backup. Could it be a piece of software? Or should I give RIM a call since I bought it new 5 months ago. Thanks! for all your help!

PS- I forgot, sometimes it could happen in the Calendar! I Could be in it, and I press the blackberry button, to pull up the menu and it does NOTHING!

greggebhardt 02-21-2008 08:45 AM

Has you device been wet. Many keyboard problems are a direct result of water or moisture.

Also read the section on Memory or Memory Leak and let us know what free memory you have. Lack of free memory can casue all kinds of problems.

I ssume you pull the battery every once in a while.

zkyevolved 02-21-2008 08:55 AM

It hasn't been wet that I've known of! I generally take REALLY good care of my phone.
I had ample amount of Memory free, 21 megs. I did blackberry memory cleanup to achieve that, so I tend to be very careful with memory leacking. I would USUALLY hard restart every 4 -5 days, but now i'm doing it multiple times a day because I can't use it correctly! It just isn't working. If I do a hard pull from 1-3 times, it would will work correctly for a while. If it starts up OK, it'll work ok for a while (in this state) so I have to do a hard pull every half day or so. This isn't normal of course, and I don't think it's water. If it were water, wouldn't it not work at all? Sometimes it's Y or YI, last time it was J, and sometimes with the right soft key, others with the blackberry button.... Not exactly sure what's going on.

tmag2005 02-21-2008 09:00 AM

My wife's BB has done the same several times.

My resolve (which isnt great) is to plug it into the DM and normally this somehow fixes the button.

It has caused problems when have the device security passworded.

A change of OS has seemed to not solve the problem.

Back up regularly too....

zkyevolved 02-21-2008 11:36 AM

Wirelessly posted (BB 8300: BlackBerry8300/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/133)

Really? Most of the time when it has been happening is when I'm away from a pc, so that's kinda outa the question. But yeah! Emmm. You said it's password protected related?

Has she tried taking off her pw, and having it work fine? Well, let me know :) and I'll let you know what I find out! Thanks

zkyevolved 02-22-2008 08:34 AM

Hey everyone, I've completely removed all software off my Blackberry and reinstalled after wiping it with JL Commander. I only have GoogleSync, JiveTalk Beta, Facebook and that's it. I'm still having this problem! Does anyone have any idea what's happening? Thanks.

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