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Helios26 07-13-2008 03:58 PM

Question about unlocked BB 8820. Any Input would help

I was planning on buying a BB 8820 for my T-Mobile network. I noticed that the AT&T network has a black BB8820 while T-Mobile has a Midnight Blue BB8820. I was wondering if I bought an unlocked BB8820 made for AT&T if it would cause any issues. I know it should work theoretically but has anyone experienced any problems? Such as signal dropouts, internet connection problems, etc?

One more question, would it be hard to set up a push-to-email on an unlocked AT&T BB8820 for T-Mobile or would it be the same? Or would T-Mobile send me a software package or something to make it "friendly" for their network.

Sorry for the questions, but I'm about to spend a lot of money and I want to make the right choice.

Thank you for your time

NickfromIL 07-13-2008 04:04 PM

If its unlocked, it would be exactly the same as one you bought from them.

JSanders 07-13-2008 04:06 PM

Wirelessly posted (8310; The Juggernaut)

It will act and be just the same once unlocked, you'll never notice a difference.
You can unlock cheaply, using the bbforums discount at

Helios26 07-13-2008 04:48 PM

What if I updated the phone? Is it carrier specific? Would that kill the unlock if I did update the phone?

Thanks again!

JSanders 07-13-2008 05:51 PM

Wirelessly posted (8310; The Juggernaut)

Once unlocked always unlocked, it can't be relocked. You can load any carrier's OS on it as long as you delete the vendor.xml file as advised in any upgrade instructions posted in this forums.

Helios26 07-13-2008 09:32 PM

Thank guys, you were a great help!

bikedogrun 07-13-2008 11:18 PM

Just be aware that an unlocked AT&T 8820 will "not" support UMA... calls via WiFi as only a specifically TMO 8820 can do this.

Helios26 07-14-2008 12:00 AM

but you can only do that with the T-mobile home right? if not, that might change my decision.

*also, this won't affect the GPS feature right?

bikedogrun 07-14-2008 12:07 AM

Wirelessly posted

No. The hotspot@home feature only makes WiFi calls "free". Without H@H you can stil make UMA calls, they simply come out of your monthly plan minutes.

Yes - GPS will work on both AT&T and T-Mobile.


Helios26 07-14-2008 03:15 AM

ouch, that would be a cool feature.

Do the text messages work the same way too? Where it uses the wi-fi network if the cell network isn't available?

alanoutaoz 07-14-2008 09:46 AM

To avoid any compatibility issues you could purchase the blue tmo unit, and get a black case from Nationwide Cellular. You'll need to keep the blue case in case the unit has to go in for repair at a later date. As an alternative you could have your case painted by Colorware, but then there's that warranty thing....

azrizal 07-14-2008 11:23 AM

I was relocated to asia and it took me two months to get my AT&T BB8820.. After continuous emails to AT&T support centre they finally gave up and supplied me the code.. Careful there..

Helios26 07-14-2008 11:34 PM

wow thanks a lot guys!

I just order a T-Mobile version and just stuck with the blue. If I want the black color, I'll probably buy a case from nationwide cellular. Anyways, thanks again everyone.

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