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lifeguard23 01-06-2009 01:38 PM

Emails being pulled off my webmail even though Outlook is not running... help
I’m still quite new to the world of BBs but so far am loving my Storm. I do have one strange thing happening which I can’t figure out.

I use Outlook 2007 to download all my emails from my existing ISP account ( When I am away from home, I make sure to shut down Outlook 2007 so it won’t actually download new messages coming in. This way I can access my new messages via a webmail interface my ISP provides. When I get home, I start up Outlook 2007 and it downloads all my new messages onto my home computer leaving the “webmail” empty.
I recently got my new Storm and added my shaw email as one of accounts my BB should receive messages on. What’s happening is my messages are being downloaded to my computer EVEN THOUGH OUTLOOK IS NOT RUNNING. So when I check my webmail interface, it shows no emails in the folder. However I know there are new emails I have received. Is BB Desktop checking emails in the background even though outlook is not running? I basically the same setup as before, but with copies of all my new emails being sent to my phone. I still want messages to remain on my webmail until I download them to Outlook at home. Please help.

Does this have anything to do with “wireless reconciliation” in the email settings options on the Storm? I currently have this set to yes… would switching it to no help?

hudres 01-06-2009 10:05 PM

Reconciliation should be set "ON" as you have it. "On Conflicts" should be set to "Mailbox Wins". You shoudl also have BIS set to leave messages on server so that only Outlook will remove them. 73

PHLAK 01-07-2009 02:40 AM

Your best choice would be to set up your mailbox through IMAP if that option is available. Pretty much everyone offers this options now-a-days. Find out if your host supports this and use it if they do.

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