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suzee_lk 01-26-2009 06:55 AM

Why Obama won the election ?
Hi Guys

I like to see your comments on why Obama win the election. Its a surprise to the world. What do your guys think ?

jsconyers 01-26-2009 09:32 AM

In my opinion, one word, "change"

His campaign was pinning McCain to Bush as much as possible. Majority of the people were tired of Bush and didn't want "4 more years of the last 8 years" as Obama and Biden stated in their campaigns.

test54 01-26-2009 09:39 AM

Yeah Change is it.

Some people were embarrassed by the last 8 years. Others merely lost confidence that the Republicans had any idea on how to fix that countries economy and foreign relations.
but mainly I think it was Bush, his bumbling ways did not inspire confidence and McCain did not do enough to set himself apart (other than saying Maverick millions of times).

The US needs both parties to alternate though, it goes too far right then it needs the left to reel it back in and vice versa. just my opinion as to the moderate middle is always best.

Dawg 01-26-2009 10:53 AM

Because he isnt Bush, or a republican. And that there were more people voting this time than in previous elections. I do not think you will see him re-elected by the margin he was put in. I dont think you will get those same people out to vote because well he wont be able to deliver on ever promise he made. He made more campaign promises than any other President in History

test54 01-26-2009 11:19 AM

Yeah, more people were out to vote and that was a huge factor in him winning. As it is now the democrats have a 51% vs. 38% lead in registered voters and Obama inspired not only the 51% but then enough independents to carry the election by a safe margin.

jsconyers 01-26-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Dawg (Post 1260533)
he wont be able to deliver on ever promise he made. He made more campaign promises than any other President in History

Here is a site dedicated to tracking all of his campaign promises.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises

test54 01-26-2009 11:39 AM

Interesting article by Pat Buchanan
Is GOP Still a National Party? by Pat Buchanan on - A Syndicate Of Talent

"What has been happening to the GOP? Three fatal contractions.

Demographically, the GOP is a party of white Americans, who in 1972 were perhaps 90 percent of the national vote. Nixon and Reagan rolled up almost two-thirds of that vote in 1972 and 1984. But because of abortion and aging, the white vote is shrinking as a share of the national vote and the population.

The minorities that are growing most rapidly, Hispanics and Asians, cast 60 to 70 percent of their presidential votes for the Democratic Party. Black Americans vote 9-1 for national Democrats. In 2008, they went 30-1.

Put succinctly, the red pool of voters is aging, shrinking and dying, while the blue pool, fed by high immigration and a high birth rate among immigrants, is steadily expanding.

Philosophically, too, the country is turning away from the GOP creed of small government and low taxes. Why?"

LunkHead 01-27-2009 04:57 PM

He said what people wanted to hear.... It will be interesting to see how this all plays out... If Iraq turns into a disaster after we leave, his treasury secretary messes the $800 zillion dollars economic package up, there is another terror attack on US soil, ect...

I think after 4-years of the bleeding heart policies that people will be ready for change...

Time will tell I suppose...


Dawg 01-27-2009 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1262247)
He said what people wanted to hear.... It will be interesting to see how this all plays out... If Iraq turns into a disaster after we leave, his treasury secretary messes the $800 zillion dollars economic package up, there is another terror attack on US soil, ect...

I think after 4-years of the bleeding heart policies that people will be ready for change...

Time will tell I suppose...


Yes sir you are correct. And As I have stated I think it will be with in two years that we are attacked.

LunkHead 01-27-2009 06:00 PM

I *hope* I am wrong...

His policies can do far more harm than good....

If we end up going back to Iraq it WILL be twice the mess we have there now..

If his treasury secretary blows the $800 zillion we will need 5 times that to fix what was wasted money...

If there is another terror attack, or several on the US, we will need the patriot act x 45 to protect our nation... ect...


strike2tamu 01-27-2009 08:34 PM

I think it was won to be anything but Bush, but I also think that race was a "HUGE" factor and half of the people couldnt tell you a single thing about his politics...but they know his skin color. I have never seen so many "My president is black" shirts in my life. Walmart was like a fan club here.

jsconyers 01-27-2009 08:57 PM

The my president is black is a song by Young Jeezy

YouTube - Young Jeezy Ft. Nas "My President Is Black" W/Lyrics

As for the $800 billion bailout, it was Bush that pushed for that to get passed. In MY opinion, that bill should have never been passed. Yes I know that there are people that need that money, need the assistance, need the help. The banks mishandled the money to begin with, I don't think that we should give them more money to mishandle.

That money could go to other areas, such as creating jobs in America, education, creating new infrastructures, and so on. If a small business mishandles their money, what happens, they close up. Why is it different in this case?

I agree that the Treasury Secretary needs to handle this money well, I also agree there needs to be an oversight committee to verify what's being done with this money.

There is no perfect president, never has been. Obama is not the answer that we need, but I do NOT want him to fail. I want him to be successful, for our country. Regardless of what political affiliation you have, there are too many problems that were created in recent history that need to be resolved.

My two cents.

Jadey 01-28-2009 06:30 AM

Moved to Sensitive Discussions Forum (where I think a thread like this already exists).

Please read the Stickies on OTL regarding where to place political posts. Thanks.

akosnitzky 01-28-2009 07:08 AM

Wirelessly posted (Its All About the U!)

When the economy sucks, the other party candidate usually wins.

gadgetfanatic 01-28-2009 11:40 AM

Do not kid yourselves!! He won because he is black. If he were the exact same candidate with the exact same associations and the exact same amount of experience and track record but he was white and his name was John Smith he wouldn't have even won the dem nomination much less the presidency. If you disagree with that you are delusional.

jsconyers 01-28-2009 11:50 AM

I think the two threads on this topic need to be merged.

I respectfully disagree. I think that it would have been difficult for any Republican to win this year's election due to people wanting something different than Bush. I am not saying his skin color did not have an impact on things, but I don't think that is the sole reason he was elected. If that makes me delusional, then so be it :?

test54 01-28-2009 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by gadgetfanatic (Post 1263173)
Do not kid yourselves!! He won because he is black. If he were the exact same candidate with the exact same associations and the exact same amount of experience and track record but he was white and his name was John Smith he wouldn't have even won the dem nomination much less the presidency. If you disagree with that you are delusional.

He did not win because he's black, he might have been aided by the black voters that came out but he had the numbers to win without them. Also, McCain's numbers were up because of the voters that "didn't want a black man as President". Overall, the distrust of Bush was the reason he won.

Only way for the GOP to remain viable in years to come is to lose the perception of the "Rich White mens club" that they have picked up. One way to do that is to promote minority candidates so get ready for them. One of the best being Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

dmead 01-28-2009 12:09 PM

It would serve the GOP to distance itself from the christian right as well. As a conservative i feel most of their agenda doesn't belong on the political stage anyway. most of the agenda brought forth by these folks is best left up to individual and family decisions not politicians.

Also i see the left calling the GOP copycats when the GOP starts pushing thier minority candidates. "Hey, we did it first. They are just jumping on the bandwagon."

JSanders 01-28-2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by dmead (Post 1263216)
As a conservative

buahahahahahahaa! Maybe a libertarian or what? There's a difference.


Originally Posted by dmead (Post 1263216)
Also i see the left calling the GOP copycats when the GOP starts pushing thier minority candidates. "Hey, we did it first. They are just jumping on the bandwagon."

That, too, is a bunch of hogwash. For instance, here in Alabama, we (Republicans, and myself specifically) elected the first black Judge in the largest county in the state, and for quite a while, the ONLY black judge in the state. He was a Republican and beat two good ol' boy white guys in the Republican Primary. That was a decade ago, and he is still in office.

ezrunner 01-28-2009 12:22 PM

He won because he received more votes!!!!

the question is why did he get them? to truly find out we would have to poll all the voters that voted for him to find out!

We can all speculate as to why he won all we want

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