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fullserviceuk 04-06-2009 08:06 PM

Help with Mac, PLEASE!!!
I have an 8820 and an iMac

I downloaded PocketMac but this program "hangs" when about 1/5 of the way through backing up my 5000+ contacts on the phone, so is plainly useless.

I then spent money on buying and downloading The Missing Sync, but that is a total disaster as it merged data. Some people are in my phone just under their first name, others with a first & surname, many more under their stage names (I run an entertainment agency). When I used Missing Sync it merged similar names into one entry, so now I don't know who is calling me or who I am calling any more.

I spent the last six days manually re-entering all my names, addresses and phone numbers into my phone.

Does someone out there make software that actually works?

To be honest, I'm so annoyed with my BB for other reasons (tracker ball keeps sticking, I've changed keyboard 5 times because letters/numbers rub off so quickly are just 2 of the many problems I've had) that I'm going to switch to a different provider and get an iPhone as soon as my current contract is up.

However, I need to back up data in the meantime, so looking for a solution that works.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Dingster1 04-07-2009 04:25 AM

Make sure you doownload the Pocketmac program AND the patch from RIM.

fullserviceuk 04-07-2009 05:31 AM

I downloaded patch shortly after I downloaded the program but before I started to use it, so that's not the answer.

mrtune 04-07-2009 12:10 PM

You might have to go the route that I did. The Mac offerings we have, suck. I already run a copy of vmware fusion because I need windows xp for work. I simply use the default desktop manager for windows to sync everything to outlook. It's the only proven method for me.

Dubdub 04-07-2009 12:14 PM

Did you try MissingSync? That is another app similar to PocketMac, but you have to pay for this one.

You could also try using GoogleSync for calendar and contacts. I think there is a MAC version.

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