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-KELLY 01-19-2010 02:08 PM

trackball trouble! -8120-
So I have this phone for couple years now. almost 3 years.

I'm having troubles with the trackball.. the trackball is VERY sensitive (annoying) it doesn't click down anymore.. but i can still use the track ball to navigate though. its just very sensitive and it doesn't go down with the click. its kinda like if you push it down very soft, it works. i just dont like it how it's so sensitive.. i bought a new trackball for it, but it haven't change. :(

maybe it's my phone? anyone know the problem? :x

Trimix 01-19-2010 04:54 PM

Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

Have you tried adjusting the vertical and horizontal sensitivity settings for the trackball?


-KELLY 01-19-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Trimix (Post 1550281)
Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

Have you tried adjusting the vertical and horizontal sensitivity settings for the trackball?


yeah, everything is in default.

regularly new blackberries, when you click down on the trackball, it you will feel it going down. but mines, its just like touchscreen, when you press it down, you dont' feel it going down but then at the same time it navigates too.

Trimix 01-19-2010 11:17 PM

Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

When you replaced the trackball did you happen to clean out the area where the trackball mechanism sits in to get rid of dirt/dust/etc.?

david9962000 01-19-2010 11:22 PM

If your device is less than a year old, it's under warranty. Call customer care.

-KELLY 01-20-2010 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Trimix (Post 1550474)
Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

When you replaced the trackball did you happen to clean out the area where the trackball mechanism sits in to get rid of dirt/dust/etc.?

yea, i cleaned it with alcohol.. is that okay? but i didn't WET the end of the Q-tip, just a tiny touch of alcohol

-KELLY 01-20-2010 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by david9962000 (Post 1550479)
If your device is less than a year old, it's under warranty. Call customer care.

i bought my phone on ebay. =(

Trimix 01-21-2010 12:15 AM

Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

Yes alcohol for cleaning is fine. Does your trackball work (except the sensitivity part and the weird pushing down sensation)? It might also have something to do with the trackball you (did you get that from ebay as well?)

-KELLY 01-23-2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Trimix (Post 1551260)
Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

Yes alcohol for cleaning is fine. Does your trackball work (except the sensitivity part and the weird pushing down sensation)? It might also have something to do with the trackball you (did you get that from ebay as well?)

Yes, the NEW trackball i bought on "ebay" does work fine. its just that when i press down on it, i don't feel it going down anymore.. its just like a slighty touch of the ball. but usually when i first bought it, it goes down and i can feel it going down. i dont know what the problem is.

Trimix 01-23-2010 10:19 PM

Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

I'm out of ideas. It might have something to do with the trackball mechanism itself (like that little spoon that's underneath) or the "bump" that's covered with a thin layer of tape at the bottom of hole when you take trackball out. But don't know what you could fix.

-KELLY 01-23-2010 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Trimix (Post 1553122)
Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

I'm out of ideas. It might have something to do with the trackball mechanism itself (like that little spoon that's underneath) or the "bump" that's covered with a thin layer of tape at the bottom of hole when you take trackball out. But don't know what you could fix.

that's what I think it is too. i don't know how the problem could be fix.. very frustrating. do you think if i call blackberry's big cooperation, they would fix the problem for me? bc im really satisfied with this phone.

thanks a lot for the help!

Trimix 01-23-2010 11:51 PM

Wirelessly posted (The Dacia Sandero of data plan)

BlackBerry doesn't offer direct tech support. You usually have to go through your carrier's tech support and if they can't help you they'll transfer you to BlackBerry tech support.

One thing you might be able to do is take the trackball mechanism back out and press down on the trackball. See if it presses down on that little metal spoon-shaped strip at the bottom. If it does then the issue might be elsewhere. If not, there might be a gap between the bottom of the trackball and the metal strip. I have heard of people putting a small piece of paper inbetween to bridge that gap.

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