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akosnitzky 03-16-2010 11:49 AM

Opera 5 Mini Out of Beta
Opera 5 Mini Out of Beta -

Thank you zerog46 for the info.

Kamau 03-16-2010 03:39 PM

I'm gonna try it again. I had it while it was in beta, and I was having some problems to the point that I just uninstalled it (yea, I know it was "beta").
Anyway, thanks for the heads up.

ksc6000 03-16-2010 04:11 PM

I hate this "Final" version
The "Large" text size is smaller than the "Small" in beta 2!!


Does anyone know how to get OM5 beta 2 back? I don't want this final version, i want my beta back.

lacroixn 03-16-2010 05:22 PM

Thanks will try it again

Kamau 03-16-2010 09:26 PM

Wirelessly posted

Didn't the APN settings use to be ""? When I check mine now it says "". I cannot get network access on Opera.

jmwking 03-16-2010 09:33 PM

Also make sure you have your network set to HTTP and not Sockets.


Kamau 03-16-2010 09:47 PM

Wirelessly posted

Thanks. Had forgotten all about that.
We're off & running again.

Spankypoo 03-17-2010 03:57 AM

Beta 2 was far better than the release. Wish I didn't uninstall it...

* Cursor movement is buggy.
* It crashed within the first half hour of use (B2 never did).
* A 3x3 grid makes a lot more sense than a row of five and a row of four.
* Forcing us to see the Live Scores link (handball, anyone?) is only outdone by also having "Recommend to a friend" prominently displayed.
* Just when they had finally, for the first time ever, gotten font sizes just right, they go and screw it up.
* Beta splash screen looked better (yes, it's trivial).
* I didn't have a problem in Beta 2with links not working half the time requiring me to click on them and hope that I don't get yet another page refresh. Happens incredibly frequently in the release.

jmwking 03-17-2010 11:23 AM

I wish they'd done another beta. On my storm, I have no cursor problems, though! I did have a freeze when trying to edit a post - it didn't mess up the rest of the BB, but I had to do a battery pull to exit OM.

The font is definitely way too small. "Large" is now smaller than "Medium" was in beta 2.

The multiple clicking of links is a server-side problem they've had for a few months now (and more intermittently long before that). Probably my biggest complaint overall with Opera Mini. Unfortunately it doesn't even refresh the page, the bug just re-displays the page, but moves me somewhere else in it or to the top. The back button will return me to where I was when it happened, and I can re-click it. It usually works the second time.

The server-side problem also causes the occasional link to actually bring up a nearby link instead. The back and re-click works there, too. In both cases, I wish I didn't have to.

Overall, Mini's got the best "mobile" rendering of vBulletin I've found: I admin a fairly busy sports site, and the speed it serves pages and being able to moderate from my BB is very important to me.


The_conductor 03-19-2010 01:20 AM

My only complaint is the cursor it responses as if your dragging a boulder through mud

ubizmo 03-19-2010 05:56 AM

I have to agree with those who have said that the beta 2 version was better. This release looks like it's meant for some other BB, not my 8900, although the web site correctly identified that I was browsing there on the 8900. The speed dial panels are too small and don't display properly, and the "large" font is too small, as has been pointed out. In this form it's worse than Bolt.


jaisonline 03-20-2010 10:34 AM

i installed opera mini version 5 after using 4.2 for a while. my BB OS is 4.5x. i also tried 5.x beta a few months ago but had to uninstall due to similar probs i had w/ the non-beta 5.0 browser.

After a few days, I went back to version 4.2.

on my 8100 pearl at&t, the mini 5.0 browser kept freezing or was slow when reponding after a button click (menu, add a bookmark, etc...). i also didn't like the new user navigation when compared to 4.2. oh well...

jmwking 03-20-2010 01:14 PM

I've gone back and forth between final and beta 2 (they coexist politely, but can't be run simultaneously), they're both frustrating. Opera does seem aware they're having troubles with the final, so I suspect we'll see a 5.x sometime shortly addressing some nagging issues.

OM 4.2 is a very different program, and works much better on older or slower phones.


SteveO86 03-21-2010 04:32 PM

I'll be staying with 4.2 until I get newer BB.

kings0r 03-21-2010 04:33 PM

I just installed the final Version of Opera Mini 5 yesterday and I like it a lot. The cursor movement is a major downside though. But tabbed browsing feels really nice. Is there a possibility to quick switch between the tabs? Right now it seems a bit too complicated.

scottjb 03-21-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by kings0r (Post 1582814)
..Is there a possibility to quick switch between the tabs?

You should be able to press * + roll left/right to switch tabs. * + up/down should open and close tabs.

jmwking 03-24-2010 09:35 AM

Opera released an update for Blackberries yesterday. It fixes the font size issue.

Editing text, especially copying and pasting, seems to work better than in beta.

For the page reload problem: On my VZW Storm 9530 (v5.0.0.328), connecting via HTTP rather than Sockets dramatically lowers the number of same page reloads - both when clicking links and when submitting text (which I suspect are two faces of the same bug, involving timing out). It doesn't go away completely, but it's dramatically reduced. The difference between unusable and usable.

I'm not sure if the problem with getting the wrong link in mobile view is still there as it's rare for me.

I've reprogrammed my convenience key for OM 5 final.


arieltf 03-24-2010 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by jmwking (Post 1584328)
Opera released an update for Blackberries yesterday. It fixes the font size issue...


When I try to download the update, it says it is still v5.0.


jmwking 03-24-2010 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by arieltf (Post 1584358)
When I try to download the update, it says it is still v5.0.


It's a minor rebuild, not a major "dot-x" version. Just let it replace the existing OM5.


ubizmo 03-25-2010 09:53 AM

I re-uploaded v5.0, and the large font is larger, though still not as large as what was possible with the beta version. The speed dial page issue, though purely aesthetic, still needs to be fixed. In the beta version, nine speed dial frames were nicely arranged in a square layout. In this version, nine smaller frames are arranged it two rows of four and five, and the rest of the screen is blank.


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