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Dubdub 09-25-2011 03:56 PM

What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Since we have a thread on your favorite, let's do a counter with your least (a.k.a worst) BB.

For me, probably the 8800. I had a 9530 only for a day and it was really bad, but don't think that should count.

NJBlackBerry 09-25-2011 04:01 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
The 5810. The first phone enabled BB. A very bad first attempt. Had to use a headset (no BT, no speaker) and the battery wasn't replaceable (like the iPhone).

Second worst was the 9530 that flung itself out of my hand and into the box under the desk in about 10 minutes.

aiharkness 09-25-2011 04:03 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
In hindsight, the 7100t. At the time I thought it was the greatest thing ever. But couldn't read the screen in sunlight, no memory (which wasn't an issue back then because there wasn't much to run anyway), GPRS only, slow, and radio or antenae or something broke after about 2 years. I still loved it, even though now I know how deficient it really was.
Posted via Mobile

NJBlackBerry 09-25-2011 04:08 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Ohhh - the 7100t. That was pretty bad also.

aiharkness 09-25-2011 04:14 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Yeah, but I ran the first versions of BBM and I think google maps and BlackBerry Maps on it. Had a bluetooth GPS puck. With what, 32MB memory? It was my first and I was impressed as heck with BlackBerrys.

I can say for me the worst BlackBerry is still better than no BlackBerry.
Posted via Mobile

ifonline 09-25-2011 04:55 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Of the devices I have had:
  • 950
  • 7100
  • 8700
  • 8100
  • 8300
  • 8900
  • 9000
  • 9700
  • 9800

I'd say that my least favorite was the 7100. My second least favorite was the 9800. I just didn't mesh with the slider concept.

rambo47 09-25-2011 05:00 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Hm. My all-time favorite model was the 7105t. Sort of a non-BlackBerry BlackBerry. SureType was revolutionary for me, coming from non-qwerty Nokia and SonyEricsson phones. The screen was awesome (for it's time) and I loved the thumbwheel. I'm judging it based on it's time period though and for what it meant to me personally.

My 7230 was the worst I've owned. I grew tired and frustrated with it faster than any other model, and the big improvements turned out to be curses disguised as blessings. This replaced the Treo 650 for me and was my entry into the world of BlackBerrys. I missed some of the Treo's functions and apps, and at that time there was precious little available for BlackBerrys as far as third-party apps.

I give (dis)honorable mention to the Storm 1 as worst ever. I used it for about 3 weeks and couldn't stand it. I began to hate BlackBerrys because of it. The full touchscreen form factor intrigued me but the execution was abominable.

LunkHead 09-25-2011 05:32 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
I do kind of miss the 17 hour reboot time on my Tour... LOL..

Pull battery, sleep, maybe (and I mean maybe) it rebooted before you woke up... LOL..

The keyboard on the 8800 was HORRID

The Storm? Oh my... Complete and utter JUNK!

Posted via Mobile

rambo47 09-25-2011 07:54 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Yeah, I have to agree about the Tour. That model was a placeholder for the 9650 Bold and IMHO should never have been released. The trackball, redesigned for a lower profile, started acting up quickly and was never working properly for long, even after multiple replacements.

ezrunner 09-25-2011 09:22 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
I was never a fan of the 83xx
Posted via Mobile

fourstringfuror 09-25-2011 11:11 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Heard bad things about the 8800.

juwaack68 09-26-2011 09:27 AM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
Let's see.... of the devices I've had...
  • 7510
  • 7520
  • 7100i
  • 8703e
  • 8130
  • 8330
  • 8830
  • 9630
  • 9650
  • 9670
  • 9850

....I'd have to go with the 9670 Style as my least favorite. Was a nice try, but has too many bugs.

dc/dc 09-26-2011 10:17 AM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
My least favorite out of the 45 or so different BlackBerry devices I've owned was the 9520. Absolutely horrid.

rambo47 09-26-2011 10:20 AM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
I had a Pearl Flip 8200 for a short time. I don't think that one could possibly have sucked any worse.

mriff 09-26-2011 12:22 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
My least favorite was the 9630. Because of the track ball problems.

KOR 09-28-2011 09:19 AM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
The Pearl. This one really left me scratching my head.

alphasports 09-28-2011 09:31 AM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?

rambo47 09-28-2011 11:37 AM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
A lot of folks detest the 8800 but that is one model I loved.

aiharkness 09-28-2011 04:35 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
The 8820 was a big step up for me from the 8700, with wifi, internal gps, media card support, video player... I wasn't crazy about the way it felt in the hand, nor the keyboard, but I got used to it. By the time I was done with it, however, having installed OS 4.5 at some point, I had to pick the 3 or 4 apps I really needed and forget about adding anything else. Not a model I loved, but it was ok for me for the most apart at the time. B
Posted via Mobile

daphne 09-28-2011 07:11 PM

Re: What is your all time LEAST favorite BB?
The Tour 9630 was the worst for me due to the trackball. And I had that one over 2 years because it took so long for a new one to be released after the 9650.

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