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wellingtonboot 10-06-2011 03:27 AM

See memory usage
First off, if this is anywhere else then I apologise for posting it again, but I've just found it so am a bit over excitable...:)

Second, I have found it on my Curve 9300, but it might be on the other models that have the keyboards so I've not put it in the Curve section.

Anyway, memory usage.

Go onto OPTIONS....DEVICE.....APPLICATIONS. This brings you to a list of what is installed on your phone.

Once in applications scroll SIDEWAYS....and there are a few pages that show the memory. The first couple show combines apps.

But the interesting bit is if you keep scrolling and youi get to a page that shows what each app/thing/phone etc is using and what is running. You can then scroll down the list of apps etc on your phone and see what is running, what is using memory and how much it is using etc.

Its brilliant...:)

Ang x

wellingtonboot 10-06-2011 09:41 AM

Re: See memory usage
What I cant understand about the memory is the way it seems to 'eat' itself even though there is nothing except the OS running.

I have a list of contacts.

I have nothing on the calender.

I have no emails or texts stored on the phone at all.

I have some of the standard apps, but some I have removed cos I just would never use them.

I have removed all the languages except English, as recommended on the BB website.

Facebook is logged out and is not running and no notifications coming in.

If any of the above are on or active then the memory plummets. Facebook left logged in and events in the calander lost 20MBs in one day.

Looking at the gauge for the memory there is only the OS system running, but the memory is still going down.

If the memory keeps going down, what happens when it is gone? Does it go completely? What should I be clearing out? What logs or whatever should I be getting rid of? Am I obsessing about the memory?

Ang x

devnull 10-06-2011 10:32 AM

Re: See memory usage
I'm no expert in this matter, but from what I understand, when a program/app has finished running, it *should* release the memory which it was using. Poorly written code causes that to *not* happen. So, if there is a third party app or even a piece of the OS that is improperly written one can experience constant memory depletion.

Like I said, i'm no expert and hopefully someone more knowledgeable can speak up if I am incorrect.

wellingtonboot 10-06-2011 11:47 AM

Re: See memory usage
Mmmm....there's nothing third party on it that I know of, although I have tried the odd app, found that it's not something that Id use and got rid again.

Ang x

wellingtonboot 10-07-2011 04:41 AM

Re: See memory usage
Ah right....I see two things here....:)

One is that I have no understanding whatsoever of the BB phone and it's workings...:)

Two is that I am getting obsessed about something that I should not be even giving any thought to, and that I should just use the damn phone and leave it to do whatever it has to do whenever it has to do it...:)

Memory up through the night when it was switched off from 52MBs to 72MBs.

Seems that all is well once again on planet Ang...:)

Ang x

NJBlackBerry 10-07-2011 05:28 AM

Re: See memory usage

Originally Posted by wellingtonboot (Post 1748727)
Two is that I am getting obsessed about something that I should not be even giving any thought to, and that I should just use the damn phone and leave it to do whatever it has to do whenever it has to do it.


wellingtonboot 10-08-2011 04:24 AM

Re: See memory usage

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1748731)

Thought so....:)

Ang x

wellingtonboot 10-23-2011 12:03 PM

Re: See memory usage
Well the memory is draining like an unplugged sink.

When I see posts on here that folks have all the different apps and themes etc and I have nothing on mine....did try for an app the other day but never mind....Facebook isn't running and giving notifications, there's nothing in the calender, in fact I have another phone fired up with calender and FB notifications etc.

Seems I am just using the BB to txt, email and BBM....all of which I delete after reading and then scroll down the menu to close the nothing is stored and the app is closed properly.

After leaving it to its own devices I have just looked at the memory and it has whacked down from 72MBs to 35MBs with nothing running.

I feel like if I were to put anything on it, apps, games etc then it would only make it worse.

I do so love my BB but this memory issue is turning me off it more and fact I have the android going again with a spare sim in it for browsing etc now.

Ang x

hrbuckley 10-23-2011 02:01 PM

Re: See memory usage
Has the lack of memory ever actually impacted anything you wanted to do?

Kirkx 10-23-2011 03:02 PM

Re: See memory usage
On a BlackBerry, closing/exiting an application will often not release all the memory. There will usually be an option to clear cache, cookies, etc. You would need to do all this before closing each app. For instance, in BB browser on my 8830 you need to go to <menu - options - cache operations> and clear everything.

Some apps store all kinds of info in the memory. Below is an example (see screenshot) from Google Maps. To clear all the items you would need to hit <menu - help - reset google maps>

In some apps the option to clear cache is deeply buried in the menus. For example, in Bloomberg Mobile you need to go to <menu - about - menu - settings - clear cache>

Another method of clearing memory might be the battery pull. It should clear cache of all apps (this would need to be confirmed by some BB guru, I'm just guessing here).

wellingtonboot 10-23-2011 04:28 PM

Re: See memory usage
hrbuckley...not impacting no...but coming from a larger memory phone I find it hard to get my head round a phone that seems to eat itself...:)

Kirkx...I've done the clearing cache cookies etc, in fact I do that every evening at the last close down of everything I use...well, the brower, BBM and the text app. I've done the battery pull trick too and the memory stays the same, even after clearing everything. Something is using it, using quite a lot but what. Nothing is showing up as taking memory except the BB o6, and that is taking loads.

I'll take a loo at Google maps as you've suggested to see what that is doing...thanks.
Ang x

NJBlackBerry 10-23-2011 05:10 PM

Re: See memory usage
So you are, again, worrying about a non-problem.

Kirkx 10-23-2011 05:52 PM

Re: See memory usage

So you are, again, worrying about a non problem
I think his worries are warranted. The memory shouldn't just disappear from the device on its own, and it's always a good idea to understand how different apps use memory, even if you have a latest device with 512 or 768 MB RAM.

In my case, there isn't really much difference in free memory between the battery pull and clearing cache for each application separately. With all apps closed, I have about 15 MB free memory all day long (out of the total of 64 MB). The OS itself doesn't eat any noticeable chunk of memory during the day.

On my BB there is a keyboard shortcut that opens a window showing different stats, free memory among them ("file free"): left_Alt+left_Shift+H
Posted via Mobile

NJBlackBerry 10-23-2011 06:06 PM

Re: See memory usage
BlackBerry applications have leaked memory since day one. It was a serious problem when the devices had less memory than they do now.

If it isn't causing a problem - and there is NOTHING you can do about it - then why worry about it.

If you feel you are running out of memory, pull the battery. That's about it.

wellingtonboot 10-23-2011 09:23 PM

Re: See memory usage
Firstly....Kirkx...he is a 58yr old SHE who doesn't quite understand why anything technical does what it does...:):)

NJBlackBerry....while I'm the first to admit that I find things to worry about if there is nothing just at hand for me to get into my head, I do feel my obssesing about this has a point...:):) And I have done a memory clean/battery pull. A cache clear/history clear/battery pull. A battery pull on it's own. And the memory doesn't come back up. I've looked on SWITCH APPLICATIONS on the menu to see what is still running and there is just 4 things, home, phone etc. I've got the messages app shut down so nothing goes into there and sits taking up memory, and I don't have FB running to keep giving notifications. There's no texts stored nor emails. There's nothing on the calender. It can't really have any less on it and can't have less running than there is now.

My reasons for worrying about this is that, if the memory won't come back up now using the ways of getting the memory back, then what on earth happens when it is run down and virtually gone? How do I get it back then?

And of course, I see really nice themes etc that others are using, and various apps that folks on here have, and I'm thinking that if I put any on mine that use memory to run, then my phone is going to be dead a lot quicker than it will be while it is just the 'bare bones'.

I close everything, have nothing running in the background except the OS6 and the phone, homescreen etc and yet there doesn't seem anything I can do to stop it leaking, can't bring the memory back, and certainly not have the things downloaded onto it that I would like to have.

I appreciate everyone's input...:)

Ang x

wellingtonboot 11-03-2011 07:14 AM

Re: See memory usage
Having just had a bad flare up of my illness, I have had loads of time with no option but to lie there browsing...

And I have come across something that is quite interesting.

Most of the Blackberry 'lookalike' phones....the HTC Cha Cha, the Nokia N72, Samsung Chat etc etc...have the same memory problems. Starting off with low memory, very quickly losing it, and struggling to get it back.

So I have come to a conclusion...:):)

The manufacturers of these phones, including Blackberry, are determined to force those of us that insist on a 'proper keypad' on a 'proper phone' into submission and move us on to this century of having a touch phone...:):)

Gone will be the keypads and we will mourn forever their loss, telling our grandchildren "in the olden days all my phones had proper keypads on them".

Anyway, that's the sum total of my musings for today...:):)

Ang x

dc/dc 11-03-2011 11:23 AM

Re: See memory usage

Originally Posted by wellingtonboot (Post 1753534)
Having just had a bad flare up of my illness, I have had loads of time with no option but to lie there browsing...

And I have come across something that is quite interesting.

Most of the Blackberry 'lookalike' phones....the HTC Cha Cha, the Nokia N72, Samsung Chat etc etc...have the same memory problems. Starting off with low memory, very quickly losing it, and struggling to get it back.

So I have come to a conclusion...:):)

The manufacturers of these phones, including Blackberry, are determined to force those of us that insist on a 'proper keypad' on a 'proper phone' into submission and move us on to this century of having a touch phone...:):)

Gone will be the keypads and we will mourn forever their loss, telling our grandchildren "in the olden days all my phones had proper keypads on them".

Anyway, that's the sum total of my musings for today...:):)

Ang x

Er, no, I don't think this is an accurate statement. Have you seen the 9810 or the Motorola Milestone 4? They both have proper keypads on them and plenty of power to boot.

wellingtonboot 11-03-2011 03:16 PM

Re: See memory usage
I'd not looked at those two, didn't know they existed...:)

Wasn't meant as an 'accurtate statement' ...although in the interests of being accutate you will see I said 'most phones' not all phones.

It was a fun post...:)
Ang x

dc/dc 11-03-2011 03:23 PM

Re: See memory usage

Originally Posted by wellingtonboot (Post 1753627)
I'd not looked at those two, didn't know they existed...:)

Wasn't meant as an 'accurtate statement' ...although in the interests of being accutate you will see I said 'most phones' not all phones.

It was a fun post...:)
Ang x

I apologise. I wasn't able to discern your tone from your post.

Anyway, you generalised, so I wanted to make you aware that keyboards weren't dead.

wellingtonboot 11-03-2011 05:28 PM

Re: See memory usage

Originally Posted by dc/dc (Post 1753629)
I wanted to make you aware that keyboards weren't dead.

Oh thank goodness....:):)

In my advancing years I couldn't bear the thought of being matched for the rest of my days with a touchscreen...:)

My sense of humour very often comes over as being very no worries...:)
Ang x

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