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HAPPYTREE 02-23-2012 03:04 PM

Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Does anyone know how to do this?

I've tried via BB Bridge but cant seem to save content to the PB once I disconnect the Bridge.

Appreciate any guidance on this and kindly thanks any/all respondents in advance.

Warm regards


Dubdub 02-23-2012 03:20 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Maybe Google calendar? I don't have a PB but it works nicely on my iPad, BB, MacBook, laptop and desktop.

hrbuckley 02-23-2012 04:55 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?

Originally Posted by HAPPYTREE (Post 1768836)
I've tried via BB Bridge but cant seem to save content to the PB once I disconnect the Bridge.

Yes, that is by design actually.

Google is good advice. You can create a gmail account, and sync your BB contacts and calendar to it, then add the account to the PB and sync them down.

Seems complicated, but the separation between the Bridge and Native apps is to keep Corporate and Personal data separate.

jcaseySF 02-24-2012 01:19 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
In theory, theory and practice are the same thing. In practice, they are often different.

Keeping a corporate directory private maybe a good thing. But unless you're 2 years or less out of school, your business contacts and personal contact are mixed, and hence are the asset of the person.

It would be nice to designate contacts as corporate private, but this doesn't happen on BB phones. Most people use contact categories, supported in outlook, exchange and BB phones. If one were to make the case of corporate separation, the ACL would be on the category.

The issue of not syncing with Bridge, or outlook is just functionality they overlooked... and a pretty big mistake. If they had a Beta program for it, they would have found it out early and could have rectified it.

My guess is that some sort of syncing will be in the next update.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking lack of functionality is actually some sort of 'security feature'. I'm in the security industry and it's funny how many people use that excuse as a way of obscuring a lack of functionality.

ZombieBerry 02-24-2012 06:58 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Don't fall into the trap of thinking a security feature is a 'lack of functionality'. I'm in the SLS field as well, and it's sad how many people use that as an excuse to circumvent security measures that are in place for a very good reason.

Keeping a corporate directory private IS a good idea. No buts. The example you used doesn't apply.

jcaseySF 02-24-2012 08:43 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Are you saying that RIM not providing a contact sync from the bridge is a security feature? And the prescribed method is to use google sync?

A security feature that can be circumvented by google sync, is not a security feature. It's lack of functionality.

I seriously doubt your credentials.

NJBlackBerry 02-24-2012 08:51 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Then it is even - I doubt yours :-(

I consider the bridge to be a great security feature - if the bridge is broken, the data disappears off the the Playbook. Done.

jcaseySF 02-24-2012 09:06 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Pretty myopic view.

ZombieBerry 02-24-2012 09:11 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
You said it lacked functionality. Went on a little security related rant.

If you are trying to sync your corporate c-list via Google, you have bigger issues. I am having no issues with how my contacts sync (public, friends, fam, etc...), and when I Bridge I can be safe in the fact that my private contact list will not be saved on my tablet. Syncing your contacts through Google is not the prescribed method, it's a work-around, and one that can be used by a person with a BIS phone. Maybe security is not an issue with them.

I would guess it would be different for someone who was using a BIS BB, or didn't have a BB at all.

Don't doubt my credentials...I wasn't posting on a forum whining about a security feature. YOU have to make the choice to go through the steps to import your company contacts onto the tablet. Yeah, it can be done, as with lots of things, if there is a way to do it, someone, somewhere will eventually do it.

currentodysseys 02-25-2012 04:53 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1769002)
Don't fall into the trap of thinking a security feature is a 'lack of functionality'. I'm in the SLS field as well, and it's sad how many people use that as an excuse to circumvent security measures that are in place for a very good reason.

Keeping a corporate directory private IS a good idea. No buts. The example you used doesn't apply.

I am sorry but being in the SLS field does not mean that you have my security level needs determined, with all due respect.

I am in the online services sector and my needs professionaly and personaly when it comes to security do not include google clouding my contacts and calendar for them to be potentially stolen if anyone hacks my google account. If not using a BES but BIS then how do I load my contacts in the native PIM? you ll tell me I do not need to and should use bridge....that is not workable and does not ensure anything to me. Both my bb and playbook are on me at all times, both are locked and security depends on how I might care for them not getting lost or not.

The argument you give is invalid in that sense. If I want to use my pb for email of the standards provided by the PIM (undoubtly higher than those of bridge), then you must admit the current setup is useless.

In the name of security we deprive the UI of the PIM from the current users? what about synching the bridge apps to the PIM just like bridge works? kind of localy "clouding" from my phone to the PIM... that would be secure but of course nobody talks about this, we just prefer to call it "security". I am sorry but I do not agree with you and RIM did make a huge mistake. you can call it lack of security, omission, or what have you, for me is clearly prioritising client segmentation for the time being and promoting cloud services and consumption of data on mobile carrier, simple as that. I want my data locally stored on my devices and then it should be up to me to handle my devices, this is my security setup since in my company the contacts are not even in the exchange server for that matter but are kep private localy in each person's device for legal matters.

In addition, does not the rest of documents and reports I store locally on the playbook constitute potential security breach issues when I have reports, contracts and partnership details or presentations with sensitive data stored in my device? why is that NOT an issue for you in terms of security? because to me it is, maybe moreso than contacts and calendar. Contacts and calendar have a responsibility and liability towards 3ed party but the rest of info deal with company strategy and sensitive data.....bridge does not resolve this now does it? but it would seem extravagant to ask for these docs to be stored on the phone right? because why would I need a tablet if that is the case?....

also, I have setup my email on the pb, thus some data contacts would be there anyway. I CHOSE to do that so I should be able to also CHOOSE to use bridge, as I could CHOOSE to manually import contacts on the pb and that would only make it harder for me and time consuming but it is not prohibited no is it? Unless it is from the company that issues the tablet to the employee for security reasons, but you see this is another setup of tech usage policy... so again your argument is invalid in my opinion or I would at least call it "selective" since it ignores the BIS professional use of bb phone with a playbook and yes we DO EXIST and yes we DO INVEST in RIM products but nos BES services, so why are we of a lesser fate or importance? that is the point, the current setup clearly sais that I am of less importance as client segment no more no less!

That said as the end user that has determined his security issues, I am telling you that this is just a decision from RIM that has nothing to do with my security, on the contrary, many people just uploaded their sensitive contact and calendar data on the possible public view of Google for the time being and this IS a security issue.....and with legal extensions in some countries in terms of handling personal information.

My work and life experience as well as my particular business and personla needs make your point void in my case, sorry!

hrbuckley 02-25-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry (Post 1769017)
You said it lacked functionality. Went on a little security related rant.

If you are trying to sync your corporate c-list via Google, you have bigger issues. I am having no issues with how my contacts sync (public, friends, fam, etc...), and when I Bridge I can be safe in the fact that my private contact list will not be saved on my tablet. Syncing your contacts through Google is not the prescribed method, it's a work-around, and one that can be used by a person with a BIS phone. Maybe security is not an issue with them.

I would guess it would be different for someone who was using a BIS BB, or didn't have a BB at all.

You are right, if you aren't on a BES, or the BES doesn't prevent you from syncing with Google (or some other service) then either that level of security is not required, or has been neglected. The Bridge has to work with BlackBerry phones that don't (and won't) fully implement Balance. I expect that with Balance and Mobile Fusion syncing of corporate liable data between devices under IT Policy control via corporate servers.

Until that is implemented, and for those who will continue to use the devices they have now the current implementation prevents the Bridge from providing a way around corporate controls when in force, but allows users who aren't under coporate controls to do what they want with there data.

It is far from perfect. But as an interim step between an infrastructure that is arguably business/government centric and all but ignored personal use, to one based on Balance and will allow separate control over corporate and personal data it is a workable compromise.


Don't doubt my credentials...I wasn't posting on a forum whining about a security feature. YOU have to make the choice to go through the steps to import your company contacts onto the tablet. Yeah, it can be done, as with lots of things, if there is a way to do it, someone, somewhere will eventually do it.
Don't know who you're talking to, but I didn't do anything to circumvent corporate policy.

ZombieBerry 02-25-2012 09:48 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
@currentodysseys - You are 100% correct. My experience may not apply to you. Except that, you are the one having an issue with respect to the PB, not I. All my personal contacts are on my PB. I have had no issues porting/syncing my contacts. My company's information remains intact. Not to say the current setup could be tweaked to improve the user experience, but that isn't really why I posted what I did.

I understand that for you, Bridge doesn't ensure anything for you(You mean it doesn't help you at all?), but if, as you post, your BB and PB are always on your person; Why not keep your devices Bridged? Contact information solved. Privacy issues solved!

Why are you asking me to justify your points? How could I know what files and contact information you already have sync'd to your PB, or the status of your information? Others may be using Google to sync corporate info, who knows. Not really my problem. The Bridge functions as designed right now. Will RIM change it in the future? Enough people send them enough complaints, and maybe...

You have a problem in that you only have personal information and yet cannot seem to sync your contacts from your device to your PB via Bridge. My post was in reference to this one line;

"Keeping a corporate directory private maybe a good thing. But unless you're 2 years or less out of school, your business contacts and personal contact are mixed, and hence are the asset of the person."

I enjoyed reading some of your points in your post, and hope you get the chance to sync your Bridged contacts in the future. If you need any help with a workaround, just drop the forum a line.

ZombieBerry 02-25-2012 09:51 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
@hrbuckley - That was in reference to jcaseySF's post #6 in this thread, not the information you provided. I happen to agree.

jcaseySF 02-25-2012 02:10 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Exactly currentodysseys. Your use case is one example of what I was talking about.

Anyone who prescribes the BB Bridge as the only security solution doesn't think the Playbook is a work device. There is no difference in the security profile between a cell phone, laptop or playbook. Except now, when the prescribed method to sync contacts (and calendar) is to link it up to Google cloud. For many reasons, not every company uses BES.

The security partitioning should be left up to the policies of the company, not by RIM. Rim needs to just provide the hooks. The lack of syncing between outlook, bridge, BBDesktop, or importing vcards is a lack of insight and functionality; not a security feature.

NJBlackBerry 02-25-2012 02:21 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
Oh, he's getting bored. So sad..


ZombieBerry 02-26-2012 09:19 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
No, he is actually ranting on His MO hasn't changed. At least it wasn't personal...LoL

smoothadmin 02-26-2012 10:20 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?

Originally Posted by jcaseySF (Post 1769111)
Exactly currentodysseys. Your use case is one example of what I was talking about.

Anyone who prescribes the BB Bridge as the only security solution doesn't think the Playbook is a work device. There is no difference in the security profile between a cell phone, laptop or playbook. Except now, when the prescribed method to sync contacts (and calendar) is to link it up to Google cloud. For many reasons, not every company uses BES.

The security partitioning should be left up to the policies of the company, not by RIM. Rim needs to just provide the hooks. The lack of syncing between outlook, bridge, BBDesktop, or importing vcards is a lack of insight and functionality; not a security feature.

Are you sure you talking about the right company? It sounds like you want RIM to become more like Apple, insecure.

As it stands there is no way to protect Apple users from their personal and corporate data from being stolen off their iPhone's and iPad devices which is why none of the top corporations allow these devices inside their environments because data what makes their world go around. :)

smoothadmin 02-26-2012 10:26 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
You PB is a device, it's not a phone.

What if you lose phone what happens do all those contacts?

There are so many what if's. Start using MS Outlook and doing contact sync's with your device so you don't have to worry about someone hacking into your google or hotmail email accounts. Maybe down the road there will be away for you to sync your contacts from your Outlook to your Playbook.

The request your making isn't an enterprise business solution, RIM has always gone in that direction. Then again maybe RIM isn't you and you should look at something less secure like Apple, just a thought. :)


jcaseySF 02-26-2012 11:08 AM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
We are in agreement. One day, RIM will support syncing playbook contacts and calendar with outlook. Right now they are missing that functionality.

NJBlackBerry 02-26-2012 12:08 PM

Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?
I have that now through Exchange Active Sync. Same as the iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7....

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