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jrdul6748 10-05-2006 06:01 PM

"Call Log [-1]"?
Uhhh... I was installing my InvisibleSHIELD, decided to turn off my phone and remove the battery (like the instructions said), and once I turned it back on, I noticed on my Home screen how, whenever I scroll over Call Log, there is now an annoying [-1]. What gives? I happened to do an auto back-up earlier today, tried it out, and still nothing. I called back all of my missed calls that were logged in to make them "not" anymore, and that didn't work. Hmmm... Also, I noticed that my indicator light stays lit green whenever I turn off my phone. What the hell?

P.S. Anyone know of a good and effective way to clean the buttons on the Pearl? I've noticed the crevices that are between each button can accumulate lint/dust/etc. after a period of time.

beazy86 10-06-2006 12:12 PM

yea i have the -1 one also, it annoys the hell outta me

jrdul6748 10-06-2006 03:25 PM

Anyone? BlackBerry Gods? CrackBerry Addicts? Bump!

jrdul6748 10-07-2006 03:03 PM


Akir 10-07-2006 03:11 PM

Try alt+LGLG and then clear the logs

jde263 10-22-2006 10:56 AM

Did anyone figure out a fix for this? I tried cleaing the logs using alt+lglg but had no luck.

phungy 10-22-2006 11:43 AM

Maybe you get a free call?

jde263 10-22-2006 12:12 PM

Update.... Found that if you reinstall the os it will set the count back to zero. To do this you will need to fully install destop manager (I used the rogers version). Note that this issue only presented itself using ZEN. Hope this helps. If anyone else comes across a "quicker" fix let me know... my fix takes over 20 minutes.

secrecyguy 10-22-2006 01:25 PM

Maybe you got some solution from Invisiable Sheild got into the phone.

Next time wait for several minutes before you put the battery back in and turn it back on. That way, it gives it a chance to dry out.

MythmbHurts 10-22-2006 01:35 PM

No NO NO this is just a bug that some themes have. I have saw stuff about this many places on this forum. You might want to try just wiping your BB next time. Just do a back up and then wipe it and them restore alot faster than loading the OS liek you said. ALso try searching about this topic as im sure I have saw many threads about this issue with certain themes

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