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Gothalyptic 08-19-2004 04:11 PM

Need to vent
Ok, Guess, delete this if you so wish, I just need to vent lol.
What is up with the lack of third party software?! I don't know about many of you, but I don't have $120 to throw to dynoplex for their eOffice, don't get me wrong, I love my trial, it does EXACTLY what I need it to do, and works flawlessly, but why pay 120 bucks? Why can't there be a light version, I mean hell, I'll put up with a 10 second splash screen, that's cool. I really wish there was a free or even light version of some sort of spreadsheet and word processing program out there that I can download, use and not have to worry about loosing everything I did in 7 days. WTF, does RIM not want third party software around, or is it just that there's not a high enough demand for third party applications? I droped an email to DynoPlex earlier to see if they'd make a light version, which I think would draw in more revenue for them in the long run, water mark the doc's when they get sent, or use a splash screen saying about registering to remove. I just don't understand why there's not a lot of third party shareware, trial, or even freeware stuff out there. I could find anything anytime for my Palm and even my Pocket PC that would allow me to half-assed do what I needed to for cheap. BLAH.

Ok I feel a bit better lol. So now with that out of the way, am I stuck having to pay the 120 to continue using this, or is there a cheaper/free-er (yes it's a word, as of this moment) program out there for word processing and spreadsheets?

bb_tech 08-19-2004 04:37 PM

RIM totally supports thrid-party apps. They even make the Software Development Kits available on their website. They also offer free support to developers. I guess people just don't want to make thrid-party apps for the BlackBery.

Gothalyptic 08-19-2004 06:25 PM

hmm you gave me idea's, that's not good lol. I might have to take a stab at it, I know Java well, I guess it'll be a matter of learning the code for the mobile part of it. I'll look into that, thanks :)

Tom 08-19-2004 06:48 PM

My assumption is that because of the cost of blackberries and service, I believe that companies think that since the client has enough cash to pay for said hardware and service, they would be willing to pay $120 for software.

Hopefully someone will write something soon that is free, or close to it.

Gothalyptic 08-19-2004 09:40 PM

I'd be more then happy to pay 50 for this nice bundle of software, but 120?! ouch. You're probably right, good strategy though I suppose on dynoplex's end ;)

bb_tech 08-20-2004 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Gothalyptic
hmm you gave me idea's, that's not good lol. I might have to take a stab at it, I know Java well, I guess it'll be a matter of learning the code for the mobile part of it. I'll look into that, thanks :)

Go nuts :)

d123456 08-20-2004 10:25 PM

write a letter to the developers, they probably dont know just how many people there are out there that cant affort their software. hopefully if enough people out there write them, they will figure it out and make a light version!


Tom 08-20-2004 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by d123456
write a letter to the developers, they probably dont know just how many people there are out there that cant affort their software. hopefully if enough people out there write them, they will figure it out and make a light version!


Someone post the support email.

Gothalyptic 08-21-2004 09:13 AM

Just droped them an email myself, great advice. The email I found for support, and the one I used is [email address],

In fact, if anyone is curious for whatever reason, this was my email to them. I am awaiting a reply at this time now:

I just want to start off by saying, I have downloaded the trial version of eOffice, and I LOVE IT! The eCell has come in most handy, eOffice was nice for typing up letters, typing up various other work related things I need to keep with me. Your product thus far during the trial has proved to be useful and has lightened up my briefcase drastically! My ONLY complaint however is the cost, unfortunatly I can't afford such a cost, and haven't found any "light" versions out on the market from you or other folks. This is caused quite a bit of pain. I am active on a few Blackberry forums, and expressed this to them on few occasions, of which they said to contact you guys directly. In what I'm about to say, don't get me wrong at all, I LOVE the software and I do stand firm the price is a fair one for what you get in a tiny package. My problem is being able to readilly afford it. I was wondering if you had any intentions on making a "light" version of the software, perhaps one that can't send to email, can't sync to the computer, basically a stand-alone Blackberry side program, maybe with a splash screen for a few seconds mentioning benifits of registering. At no, or a MUCH lower cost. I do enjoy the software as I've said many times before, it's just a bit over my head to purchase fully. It'd be a wonderful asset to those of us that can't afford it, that are consumer blackberry users and not corporate blackberry users, to be able to use your product for personal needs without droping half a car payment to be able to use for record keeping.

Thank you for your time, I anxiously await a reply.

Jeremy Xxxxxxx
Wireless Consultant
One Wireless World
Capital City Mall
JC Penny Wing

Cell: 717-487-xxxx
Work: 717-909-xxxx

d123456 08-21-2004 06:58 PM

my fingers are crossed for you, i hope they do make a light version, i wouldnt mind buying one myself.


Mark Rejhon 08-22-2004 05:56 PM

Wait a few more months, and the number of Blackberry apps will explode.

Blackberry can run almost any Javaphone apps even those originally designed for Motorola, Nokia, and SonyEricsson phones. As time passes, Java midlet programers will recognize the existence of BlackBerry as a capable device that can run the same software, and add support for extra features of the Blackberry.

You can access these applications now via Over-The-Air downloads but only if you have BES/MDS.

Wasn't there's a "light" word processor in midlet form for cellphones? I thought I saw one...
[Edit: I think they're only text editors and viewers at this time, but this should change eventually.]

christiancrowe 08-22-2004 07:18 PM

Has anyone had much experience with the Dynoplex software? I'd love to get somebody's opinion of it.

I installed the free trial, but didn't spend a long time trying to work with it and it seemed to load very slow.

mo-bile 08-24-2004 05:03 AM

my guess as to why there isn't more third party apps? it's primarily a business device, used by corporate execs, distributed by IT departments. These people don't care, don't want, don't know how to install, third party apps, so the demand unlike palms or pocket pcs is much lower. All they want is their email.

Until it becomes more of a consumer device, and demand increases, I don't think things will change.

Gothalyptic 08-24-2004 02:24 PM

I LOVE eOffice, it loads up slow, but it's a full meg in space, and it has a lot of db's to sort through. Once it's open, it's fairly easy to learn it and navigate it. Also I got email back from them this morning.

Thank you very much for the warm words. We appreciate your interest in our products and are glad that you find them to be a useful productivity tool.

We don't have a light of limited version, but we would like to help you out. An idea that I had was rather simple: correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are looking for eOffice Standard edition of our software. The cost of the package is 149.95. What we can offer is to split this cost into 12 equal installments of 12.50 each. You will start using the software immediately and cover it's cost over a year, of course without any interest or penalties. There is no contract to sign and you will be able to opt out at any time during the year.

Let me know if this will work for you and if you accept I'll set you up tomorrow.

All the best,
Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx
DynoPlex, Inc., Principal

Great software, AND they want you to have so they'll work with you to get it, it would seem :) Needless to say I almost fell off my chair when I read this on the BB, and immediately replied and got set up.

Tom 08-24-2004 02:27 PM

Awesome. Looks like "It doesnt hurt to ask" wins again! :)

christiancrowe 08-24-2004 02:49 PM

That's Awesome! I think I would like to do the same.
How did you get it set up?
Do you have the email address that you wrote the request to?

ScOObydoo 08-25-2004 11:48 PM

I hope that once more attractive devices enter the market (like Charm or Bluetooth enabled devices) AND when the OS allows for real internet access we'll be seeing a lot more applications, I agree that the current assortment is pretty poor, and with the exception of a few applicaions the existing ones are not even very good...

Bravo to Dynoplex for their offer, that does show a good understanding of what customers want.

HCTech 08-26-2004 07:59 PM

Speaking from the standpoint of a developer, we wish we could offer our application out to more folks. The problem is that currently in order to use our application (Streaming stock quotes), it requires a BES/MDS setup which we all know is not consumer/prosumer friendly. Only the Nextel 7510 can support a direct TCP/IP connection to our quote server.

That being said, supposedly when 4.0 comes out, that will be resolved. Perhaps at that time you will see more 3rd party apps as well. 8)

Gothalyptic 08-26-2004 10:00 PM

a previous post here gave the email address that I contacted. Just contact them, asking about a payment plan. It seems their registration is done server side, so if you don't pay, you don't use :)

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