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wscarano 05-05-2005 12:07 AM

treo 650 and blackberry
any word on when/if the blackberry capabilities will be available on the treo line? thanks.

dvst8ng 05-05-2005 09:56 AM

what capibilities? push email. if so its here, beginning stages, but its here

NJBlackBerry 05-05-2005 10:18 AM

It is available? Where?

wscarano 05-05-2005 11:14 AM

i did a search.
i don't see discussions on treo devices which have the full blackberry capabilities integrated. rumors i've heard said be on the lookout this july/august.

wscarano 05-05-2005 11:16 AM

when you say it's here what do you mean
can you purchase a treo device from a provider with blackberry capabilities ready to go out of the box? no.

when will that be ready?

udontknowjack 05-05-2005 11:20 AM

No Blackberry connect yet for the Treos. Still in discussion phases with RIM and manufactures. Been talked about for 2 years now but nothing material yet. Now that the NTP lawsuit is settled look for it soon. I expect by end of the year.

wscarano 05-05-2005 11:23 AM

Thank You!!

Tom 05-05-2005 12:00 PM

Actually, BlackBerryConnect on PalmOne Devices is in its final beta testing stages. Palm, at WES, had several devices, including the Treo 650 running the BlackBerry Connect email application.

They said that the software is done its revision stages, and is going through the process of licensing.

Expect it out early 4th quarter, or late 3rd.

NJBlackBerry 05-05-2005 12:21 PM

But if you asked Palm Source when it would be ready, they told you they didn't know, and that you would have to ask PalmOne. And PalmOne wasn't saying anything.

This is the longest gestation since, well, Longhorn :-)

kitmoni 05-07-2005 03:27 PM

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; PalmSource/hspr-H102; Blazer/4.0) 16;320x320)

As is tupical with P1, they built up hype for the 650 by saying a Bb connect package was forthcoming. Much to the dismay of many Treo users, this is not even close to being released. Many passed on the Bb with the assumption that the Bb module would enable connectivity to corporate BES platforms (like me!). So far only Blackberry can deliver on BES connectivity, and P1 won't even answer the question any more (can you say bait and switch?)...

tpblackberry 05-07-2005 05:17 PM

I think Treo has finally recognized the saying, "If you can't beat em', join em'!

ckeck 05-15-2005 02:27 PM

Treo's stink anyhow...too many problems - just stick with the BB

dallasbbry 05-25-2005 10:06 PM

I waited for Blackberry on Treo for too long. I sold it on ebay and bought a 7100t and love it. I'm sure they are losing customers (like me) because of it.

The_Doughboy 06-02-2005 09:39 AM

There was a recent conference from PalmOne (The same one where they announced their name change back to Palm)
At it the question of Blackberry Connect was brought up and the CEO answered that it was in final testing but they percieved little demand for the product based on feedback from their channel partners. So I guess we need to start bugging our carriers for it.

hofo_mofo 06-02-2005 09:42 AM

they have been saying that the Blackberry app is in the final stages of testing for months now...and well its annoying..but you know what though...what blackberry does it does best i will give you that...however if you want the robustness of the treo 650 and the can invest in chattermail (Marc is an amazing guy, and I use it)...or if your company is fortunate enough to use Good link...good is another choice...but i dunno how that is...

kitmoni 06-02-2005 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by The_Doughboy
...CEO answered that it was in final testing but they percieved little demand for the product based on feedback from their channel partners. So I guess we need to start bugging our carriers for it.

Not unless you're talking with the carrier executive who gives that feedback to Palm. This doesn't get filtered up the chain. Palm will not push this unless they hear from users directly. This a big dissapointment in Palm - their apparent interest to remain insulated from their customers' wish lists. Wouldn't work in my industry.

Hey Hofo - good to see you on this forum too (see you on TC as well...). I'm stuck waiting for a Bb solution from Palm, before I'm forced to move to a Bb platform for good. My company won't "try" anything else. They have BES installed and it works (see my other posts re: industrial strength). If Palm wants to play in that sandbox, they're going to have to invest in some sand toys of their own...

hofo_mofo 06-02-2005 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by kitmoni
Not unless you're talking with the carrier executive who gives that feedback to Palm. This doesn't get filtered up the chain. Palm will not push this unless they hear from users directly. This a big dissapointment in Palm - their apparent interest to remain insulated from their customers' wish lists. Wouldn't work in my industry.

Hey Hofo - good to see you on this forum too (see you on TC as well...). I'm stuck waiting for a Bb solution from Palm, before I'm forced to move to a Bb platform for good. My company won't "try" anything else. They have BES installed and it works (see my other posts re: industrial strength). If Palm wants to play in that sandbox, they're going to have to invest in some sand toys of their own...

I dunno whose fault it is? I really dont

But I always look at these screenshots, and I always drool. But I am happy with my choice to go to Chattermail (personal use is the reason why i have a treo 650). But for a person like you, you are SOL until it comes out

mrgfriend 06-03-2005 06:48 PM

Would you want to hobble a Treo 650 by putting Berry software on it? I had the 600 and my company forced a T7100 on me. I went from being able to call people, answer email, view my calendar online, respond to meeting invitations, use my Treo as a cellular modem, access a gazillion free applications to do just about anything a person might want and buy another gazillion applications to do the rest... To being able to type in simple words like "could" and having it come out of SureType looking like alien hieroglyphics(sp?). Lost applications, lost cell modem, lost a great email interface, lost reliability, lost connectivity, lost... So lost...

The good news is, they are moving me to Verizon, sending me a 7250 which I can leave in the box and I can go out and buy myself a Treo 650 and get back to work!!! Oh! The productivitiy of it all! LOL!!

cchatagnier 06-04-2005 01:06 AM

Sorta like Mac vs Windows; Treo vs BB

Originally Posted by mrgfriend
Would you want to hobble a Treo 650 by putting Berry software on it? I had the 600 and my company forced a T7100 on me. I went from being able to call people, answer email, view my calendar online, respond to meeting invitations, use my Treo as a cellular modem, access a gazillion free applications to do just about anything a person might want and buy another gazillion applications to do the rest... To being able to type in simple words like "could" and having it come out of SureType looking like alien hieroglyphics(sp?). Lost applications, lost cell modem, lost a great email interface, lost reliability, lost connectivity, lost... So lost...

The good news is, they are moving me to Verizon, sending me a 7250 which I can leave in the box and I can go out and buy myself a Treo 650 and get back to work!!! Oh! The productivitiy of it all! LOL!!

Could you be a little more specific??? LOL! It's funny, I feel the same way about the Treo as you do about the BB. I was given a Treo 600 (CDMA) to compare w/the GSM BB. I lost push email, push calendar, cradless synchronization, conference calling abilities, long battery life, ability to use a spare battery, and all international data/email abilities.

I guess you're either a Palm person or a BlackBerry person. I've had a BB for over 5 years so I'm a big fan and truth be told, am really not all that impressed with Palm. The Treo is a great device, but for corporate email, specifically push email, the GSM BBs can't be beat. For the thousands of apps out there that can do just about everything, I agree with you about the Palm platform.

Cheers 8-)

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